Thursday, February 20, 2014

More of the Dogs

Here are the rest of the pictures from the neighbor dogs that appeared in our backyard.


More nasty lip photos. He is all healed up now. For now he has a tiny scar on the outside of his lip. But I'm sure it will go away. It's already hardly noticeable.

Power Outage

Here are more pictures from when we had that power outage. Thanks to a very powerful flash on my camera I was able to snag these cute pictures of the boys making shadow puppets on the walls.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Ahh Motherhood

Last night I cleaned the kitchen and swept the floor. Took the chairs out and in general left it ready to be mopped first thing this morning. I would haven't mopped last night but baby girl was having a rough time and needed to be held. Jeremy had a bad day at work so didn't want to come home to a crying baby girl, and I've been having issues with my right hip since pregnancy (I need a chiropractor STAT!). So I left it for morning. 

The morning was going great and I decided to wait to mop till after breakfast. Finally I got it done, Avery cried the whole time, but the floor got mopped. Then I picked up my now exhausted baby girl and got her to sleep. Five minutes later Lucas comes in and wakes her up. As soon as I got her back to sleep he comes back in and tells me there was an accident and some how the orange juice magically jumped out of the fridge onto the floor and spilled everywhere. 

This was after he spilled a huge glass of milk at dinner last night. 

So I put Avery down and cleaned up the orange juice with rags. Threw them all in the washer and then mopped. Twice. I was even more annoyed at having to do another small load of laundry because I needed to take a bath and now my hot water was being used up. 

So the floor got mopped...three times today. Avery eventually went back to sleep. I eventually got my bath. And no one died. 

I'd say that was pretty successful.

Mobile Uploads

Our doctors office has these awesome animals for patient beds. The boys love them.
I just thought this was so fun. I looked up the phone number to call Jeremy and his name is on the website.
Benjamin's bed of blankets and pillows while watching his favorite show
It started sleeting as I was leaving to get Lucas the other day. By the time I got to his school it was starting to accumulate. Then by the time we got home it was done.
Chomping on fingers. I wonder how long before teeth appear?
Benjamins new game of flipping off the couch in a laundry basket onto a pile of blankets.
Amy made this for Avery's bows when I was still pregnant and I finally hung it up.
I think he looks so cute with his socks all pulled up. He dressed himself. Little teenager.

Finally a new swing! Found a travel sized one on sale for $37. Yay!
The cutest Policeman in Texas

More 3 Month Pictures

Okay mom, that's enough!

Valentine's Day

I saw this adorable idea on Pinterest... tried to replicate it. Failed miserably. But my baby is still cute, so I guess I really still won :)

Lucas' Valentine's 
His Valentine to his teacher. Funny thing is, I found this cute idea on Pinterest and saved it. Then after school when I took him to Walmart for eggs, he asked if he could get her new markers for Valentine's Day because hers were all drying up. How perfect! 
I found THIS in his backpack. Haha. SO cute. From a little girl in his class named Jaiden


Mommy Snuggles


Watching TV