Thursday, January 19, 2012

That Hurt

Last night as I was cleaning the house, my knee started really hurting. A different hurt than the arthritis that I have. Oh you didn't know I had arthritis..yeah, I probably haven't mentioned it here. But indeed this 27 year old girl has arthritis in both knees. Lame. Anyway, this was a new pain, for my knee. A pain that sadly was familiar to me. I pulled up my pant leg and my suspicions were confirmed. A vein burst in my right knee. Last night it was really swollen, and you could really the actually burst vein, But today you can see the bruise from all the blood pooling.
Hopefully it will start looking better soon. At least it doesn't hurt anymore!

One Word: Why?


Why do I do this to myself?

Why do I slack when it comes to laundry?

It's only Thursday

I current have

Two loads on the couch

Two loads waiting to be washed

One load in the dryer

One load in the washer




Lights at Opry

There isn't really much to say on this post. We took the boys to the Opryland Hotel to see the Christmas lights. It's always so beautiful this time of year. They loved it all!

We saw some movie characters while there too.

More lights outside, with a small bonfire. The boys enjoyed warming their hands for a minute. Then Benjamin got a little to curious...

My new favorite pictures of all my boys!

When we finally headed back inside, we warmed up again by the huge fireplace. The boys really enjoyed this, and I really enjoyed sitting in a comfortable plush chair. My back was really giving me problems.

It is so gorgeous inside the hotel.
Me with my little guys
They have a boat tour that goes around one of the atriums. Jeremy and I have always been curious about it, and the last few times we've gone the boys have begged to go. We had a little bit of Christmas money, and so we decided that now was our chance to find out what it was all about. It's kinda pricey. It think it was $20 for the four of us and Benjamin was free. The tour itself wasn't all that impressive. The kids loved it, and again, I enjoyed sitting for a few minutes. I think it may have lasted about fifteen minutes total. Fun to do it once, but I don't think we'll be doing it again anytime soon...maybe ever.

Anniversary Dinner

I can't believe that Jeremy and I have been married for SEVEN years! It seems like just yesterday. It's been such a wonderful seven years, and I can't wait for the rest of eternity with him. Since he took me to a Titans game the week before our anniversary, I wanted to do something nice for him. So I gave him a gift card to Cracker Barrel. That is where he took me on our first official date. Rumor has it, he needed to make sure I liked southern food (wink wink). I wanted to go back to where it all began. It was kind of last minute, so we just took the boys with us.

Yes, we let them go like this :)
I love how Benjamin made himself at home, feet on the table. (Notice his shoes are on the wrong feet. Ha.)
Benjamin has to do everything Lucas does.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lane Motor Museum

I don't really have much to say about this place. I had a Groupon that was expiring. It was a family four pack, and after purchasing it I realized that both kids were free. So we invited Jeremy's dad and brother to go along with us. I think everyone had a good time. I know the boys did.

Here are plenty of pictures. Enjoy.

A Few Weeks Back

A few weeks back we were able to have the boys friend spend the night. His baby sister was coming home from the NICU and his parents had the opportunity to spend the night at the hospital with here before she was released. My kids were beyond thrilled about this. He is seriously the most well behaved child ever in the whole world. He's just happy and all around good. It was such a joy to have him with us. We had lunch at McDonalds with some friends, ran a few errands, had dinner, played and then headed to bed. The next morning we were going to meet up with Laura and her crew at the Monkey Treehouse, but we were happy to hear that baby sister would be released early. So sadly he didn't go with us. I still took the boys though. I was too busy talking to take many pictures and only ended up with two. But I suppose it's better than nothing.

Three little monkeys at Walmart
He was so cute. When he was tired, he crawled onto the couch and went to sleep.
This picture isn't very good, but Loni kept wanting water from the fountain, but couldn't quite do it on her own. So Benjamin stood there holding it on while she drank. This went on for a good thirty minutes. They were both soaked.
Again, horrible picture. Look closely at the tower with triangles. It's right about Lucas' left hand. He had built the "batman building" with blocks and was SO proud of it. I was really impressed and tried to snap a quick picture before it fell. He saw the flash and down it came. Oh well.
Just for a reference, this is what the batman building looks like. It's downtown Nashville and Lucas LOVES it.