Sunday, October 30, 2011

Trunk-or-Treat (Nashville)

(Before anyone comments about the lack of pictures of Lucas... let me just be clear. I didn't see him all night... he was too busy having fun with his friends)

My little Kangaroo

Crazy cat lady and Derek Dooley

Lucas' adorable mummy. He was SO proud of this!

Lucas is the Superman seen here

Benjamin with his ghost

What a beautiful little boy

He totally stole this water from Amy

Checking out the loot. They were each able to keep five pieces

He did not want to wash his mummy off. I knew it would rub off in his sleep, so I took one last picture to preserve the memory for him :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

His Hero

Today, for a brief moment, I was my son's hero.

His DVD was stuck behind the dresser. I was on the computer, he came to get me. When I got up to follow him, he ran back into his room with a bounce in his step.

You should have seen his eyes light up.

Ahh, motherhood. In the simplest of moments such as those, I realize it's all worth it.

It is ALL worth it

Friday, October 28, 2011

Late Night Drive

I love this kids fashion sense. This is what he wore for a drive to put the boys to sleep one night.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Treasured Piece of Jewelry (25)

My little brother, Dana, bought this for me almost ten years ago. He bought it as a gift because I used to watch him and the two younger brothers every day after they got out of school. He told me that it was his way of saying thank you for how much I loved them and took care of them. What a sweetheart!

Trunk -or-Treat (Gallatin)

Wednesday night we headed up to Gallatin to attend Amy's wards trunk-or-treat. Lucas loves to dress up so much, that it's always a mystery what he will choose to be. Since there is a 'no masks' rule, he didn't want to wear anything that was supposed to have a mask with it, so he opted for a pig. This was one of my thrift shop finds. I think I paid $0.50 for it. Turns out it was our friends. Ha.

My roaring pig and happy lion

Of course my children would pick the superhero candy to pass out

Benjamin picked up on the whole free candy gig at the one we went to on Tuesday. He was a pro and at the trunks where there were no people, he helped himself to several handfuls.


It took about 30 minutes to go all the way around, and when we were finished, we took the kids to the grass and let them dump it all out. Because isn't that the best part of Halloween, checking out the loot!

Amy and I

He opened like five suckers, and only licked them a few times

My happy oinker excited about all he scored

The night wouldn't be complete without a picture with my boys


On our way home we were passed up by a police officer. Then we rounded the corner to find that traffic going both directions was at a complete stand still. There were police, fire trucks and ambulances everywhere. One can only imagine the horror they will see when they pass something like this. As the officer began directing us around one at a time, a quick peek to my left reveal a motorcycle wrecked so bad it was practically in a ball. The drive was being strapped down to a gurney. It was so sad. The first thing that I could think to say, was to tell Lucas that THAT is why I say NO motorcycles.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I had plans to take the boys to Cheekwood yesterday for a trick-or-treating event they had going on. I've been wanting to go for several years, but have just never done it. Lucas has been BEGGING to go see the train display, and so this was the perfect time to go. We invited Amy so that Lucas would have a playmate. To make it even better, I was able to get a family membership for $33, a $135 value. SCORE! When we first arrived, we snapped a few pictures of the kiddos.

TMNT, Spiderman, Strawberry & Lion

Boys will be boys

This is the cutest picture of Benjamin EVER

I love how Benjamin is putting his hands on his cheeks. He is so sweet

Up close of my cute little punkin


After checking out the inside and doing a quick craft, it was finally time to see the trains. I'll be honest, the display wasn't as big as I thought it was going to be. However my boys were both in a trance. They loved it, and for them it was the perfect size. They loved seeing Thomas, and a ladybug and all the little buildings and such. There was even a tunnel of sorts where they could have a look inside.


Finally 10:30 rolled around and it was time for the fun to begin. We were probably the third or fourth people in line. So we started out pretty quickly. They had about a dozen or so people to trick or treat from. They loved it, and I think by the end, Benjamin was finally catching on to what was going on. I think he was a big fan.

We ended our day there with a Halloween story time. Notice how Lucas just made himself right at home. Love that kid.

Fish & Ice Cream

Monday we headed back to the park with Ali. Alayna and Lukas also met us there. We had a picnic lunch, played on the playground then headed over to feed the ducks. After, Alayna and Lukas headed home and Ali and I chatted as my boys ran around like crazy people. There was a man there catching fish. We had seen him once before about a year ago. He catches them, throws them on the ground for the kids to throw back in. My kids were of course over the moon about it. And I was too because I had my camera this time. I have some videos too, I'll have to see if I can get them to upload later.

Benjamin is so brave

Lucas' turn

It looks dead, but it's not

Watching in awe after they threw it back in

That night after dinner I let the kiddos have ice cream sundaes. They had those miniature ice cream cups. I got out some whipped cream and Halloween sprinkles. They had a blast. But then wouldn't go to sleep. Ugh.

Front Row Seats

One of the benefits of living where we do... we have a LOT of emergency crews responding to 'situations' here. This particular day, some crazy person ripped a fire alarm off the wall. So there's another negative for you. Crazy neighbors.

This fire truck was right outside our patio. The boys were in heaven

I took these pictures of Benjamin while waiting to find out what happened

Lucas brought on beanbags to enjoy the show would be a good time to throw in that Benjamin learned how to ride his bike!

Watching a Favorite TV Show (24)

My hottie watching football

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Shoes in the Entry (23)

I just cleaned our carpets, so we're taking our shoes off at the door now. To make things easier on all of us, I've put a bin out there to drop the shoes in, and I just empty when full.