Thursday, October 30, 2008

Right about Now

I'm feeling really bad for any parent of more than one child. These past few days have been so exhausting. With Lucas not feeling well I haven't been getting much sleep, especially since it's been on the couch...not the most comfortable place when you're used to a really comfortable bed.

I have done ten loads of laundry in two days, and I still have two more waiting. (I normally do 3 or 4 loads a week with only three of us).

The beds aren't made because the sheets are in the dryer, and until late last night the couch cushions didn't have covers on them because they too had to be washed.

It's not even so much all the physical work that's involved. Emotionally I'm drained. My poor little boy is in such constant need of attention that every thing I do, I do either holding him, (I'm blogging with him sitting on my lap) or sitting on the counter right next to me. Don't get me wrong, I love being with him and spending all my time with him, but it's hard when you can't even go to the bathroom without a total melt down. It's just draining. My sweet husband has been doing his best to help us out, but he's sick with allergies to and he only has so much energy. That and he's gone all day at work. By the time he gets home it's dinner time and bed time.

Here are a few pictures of my house. I know that in a few years this will be funny to look at. But for right now all I can think about is how much more still needs to be done.

The Living Room

Lucas' Room

Our Room
More Laundry

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Feeding the Ducks

I know I've posted dozens of pictures of Lucas feeding the ducks over the past several months. But here are some more. This may be the last chance we get this season, as it's beginning to get very cold.
Lucas letting the duck eat out of his hand.

Love the do! She looks like she did her hair for church :)

What's up with Us

Sorry I haven't been posting much. The battery in my camera is dead and I've been too lazy to get the charger out. Have no fear I finally did it. Now if I'll just put the battery in :)

Last night was a fun night for Lucas and I. About 2:30 this morning he woke up puking. Poor guy is so congested from his allergies that he couldn't get all the mucus up, and therefore he had to puke it up. I went to bed about 12:30 because I was working on a talk for church. After he threw up the first time the worried mom in me couldn't go back to sleep. I was grateful for that though because he had thrown up six times by 9am. (I did sleep from 5-9). I took him to the doctors this morning to make sure it wasn't anything serious or contagious. She said he should be fine now and gave him some anti-nausea medication.

He's sleeping now, and of course I'm not tired. It will be just my luck that I'll go to lay down and he'll wake up five minutes later. Oh the joys of motherhood.

Actually as I sat on the couch this morning about 3:30, I contemplated calling my dad. The only thing holding me back was that it was only 2:30 am in Utah, and most likely he was sleeping. It brought back memories of when I was little and my older brother Billy woke up in the middle of the night and puked all over the hallway. I can still remember the sound of my dads voice and he helped him to the bathroom to finish and then cleaned everything up. He was so calm and full of pity for his poor little boy. As yucky as it was, and despite having to change my clothes a half a dozen times, this will be one of those moments that I'll probably remember for the rest of my life. It's very difficult to feel so helpless. You just want to take away all their hurt and suffering, but you can't.

I hope his doctor is right. I hope that the worst is behind us.

VERY Important...Please Read

Since I don't ever forward emails these days, I figured this would be the best way to reach all friends.

SIDS/ Fans A New Study
A few weeks ago I heard a segment on the radio about how using a fan in your babies room can reduce the risk of SIDS. I wasn't sure I heard the statistics right, so I never posted. But a quick Google search and it was confirmed.

NEW STUDY: October 2008 - Researchers at Kaiser Permanente Division of Research found that infants who slept in a bedroom with a fan ventilating the air had a 72% lower risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome compared to infants who slept in a bedroom without a fan.

From what I gather it's because the child is less likely to overheat and also because it keeps the air fresh, less chance of carbon dioxide polluting the air in your babies room.

Halloween Candy Recalled
Canada is recalling some chocolate coins made in China.They contain Melamine, the substance that turned up in pet food and Chinese baby formula, and that is blamed for several baby deaths and hundreds of pet deaths.Melamine can cause kidneys to fail and shut down.The good news: the US FDA says these coins are not sold in the USA.But you may still want to keep an eye out for Sherwood Brand Pirate's Milk Chocolate Coins that say "Made in China".... just in case any have made it to American stores.Some consumer groups say you should avoid any candy that says "Made in China" as well. Most candy sold in the US is American-made, but you will find some imported from Europe and Mexico....and occasionally some from China.

The Kiss

My mom emailed this story to me. You're supposed to read the story before looking at the picture, but that's a little hard to do with a blog. It's touching either way and thought that you would enjoy it as much as I did! Thanks for sharing mom.

The Kiss
She is pregnant;
he had just saved her from a fire in her house, rescuing her by carrying her out of the house into her front yard, while he continued to fight the fire.
When he finally got done putting the fire out, he sat down to catch his breath and rest.
A photographer from the Charlotte , North Carolina newspaper, noticed her in the distance looking at the fireman.
He saw her walking straight toward the fireman and wondered what she was going to do.
As he raised his camera, she came up to the tired man who had saved her life and the lives of her babies and kissed him just as the photographer snapped this photograph.
Scroll down for photograph.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sad News

Early Sunday morning (another, second in two weeks)one of Jeremy's co-workers was killed by a drunk driver. The first was out of state, but this one was here in Nashville on Briley Parkway. You can read the story here.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Trunk -or- Treat

At our ward Halloween party, it was cold, but fun. Lucas' favorite part was the 'Clothespin drop' game. Basically you drop clothespins into glass Mason jars. Only the were using glow sticks instead. He earned enough tickets from that game alone to get a mummy rubber duck for the bath. (As if we needed anything else for the bath) Asher Rose was so kind to let Lucas just hang out and play over and over and over...... and over. Thanks Asher!
He also loved the Hay ride. I think we stayed on for about four rounds before he finally wanted off.

We made our way to the popcorn stand. Lucas loves popcorn, so do I! I think he would have been content to stay there watching popcorn pop for the rest of the night.

At the end of the night the "Trunk or Treating" began. After we made our rounds and had an over flowing bucket, I took Lucas to hang out with his daddy in the trunk while I went to help clean up and find my crock pot. I think it was a much needed resting period.

He got enough candy at the trunk or treat to last us until next year. And to think, we still have three more events before our actual trick or treating.

Here is a picture of the girls. Chantelle won one of the best dressed awards!
Jenna (I guess she decided to go as a hippie ???) Alexandra (Mom of the year ..haha) and Chantelle (Witch.... after she left, she went to pick up her brother in law at the airport dressed like that. Nice)

Friday, October 24, 2008


I LOVE these pictures of Lucas and Lucky. I love when they are being sweet with each other. Lucas hasn't recently started trying to saying Lucky instead of just calling him the cat. For those of you who are new to reading my blog, let me explain "Luckus".

Jeremy and I have had Lucky since August of 2005. When Lucas joined our family in May of 2007, naturally I had a difficult time saying my own sons name...what mother doesn't (haha). I would often call him Lucky, and mid-word would correct myself and it would come out Luckus. So we've name the duo Luckus and whenever we see them together that's what we call them. It's a lot easier than trying to say Lucas and Lucky or Lucky and Lucas. So there you have it.

Political Waters

Not really, but it appears that way.

I'm a NERD

Lucas got this gummy eyeball while trick or treating at the zoo last week. I thought it would be fun to act like a kid and pretend it was a third eyeball. Jeremy informed me that I'm no good at looking scared. Whatever. So here we are being nerds.

Husband Tag


1. Where did you meet? Utah

2. How long did you date before you got married? Just under four months

3. How long have you been married? Almost four years

4. What is your favorite feature of his? His arms (he has this really unusual scar on his arm, I don't know why I like it so much) and his smile :)

5. What is your favorite quality of his? He's incredibly intelligent. When he puts his mind to it he can do anything

6. Does he have a nick name for you? No

7. What is his favorite color? Blue

8. What is his favorite food? Steak and potatoes

9. What is his favorite sport? Football

10. When was your first kiss? The night of our first date. I believe we were sitting on my couch watching Conan O'Brian

11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Go for drives, go for walks and hold hands

12. Do you have children? One little boy

13. Does he have a hidden talent? He's an artist

14. How old is he? 27

15. Who said I love you first? He did. He carved it in the snow

16. What is his favorite type of music? Alt. Rock

17. What do you admire most about him? His desire to always do what's best for his family. He always puts us first

18. Do you think he will read this? In a month or so he might

I tag: Meredith, Carin, Laura, Amy, Megan, Brooke

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What's the Baby's Name

This video is from when I was about 8 months pregnant. I was babysit my friend Laura's kids. Her twins used to call baby Lucas "baby Bob", it was the code for him. They had code names too. Anyway, this video is hilarious. You'll see why. I still laugh just thinking about it and have been meaning to post it for about a year and a half now. Talk about procrastination.

Monday, October 20, 2008


I got this one from Carly. It's a thinker...

I search: The scriptures when I'm finding life difficult
I wonder: If I'm a good enough mother
I regret: Not spending enough time serving my grandma in her final months
I love: My family. ALL of them. I've learned so much from each person
I care: What people think of me. Stupid I know, but I always have a need to feel validated
I always: Say "I love you" when hanging up the phone to my loved ones.
I worry: That I'll never have another baby.
I am not: As shy as I used to be
I remember: the way it felt when Lucas kicked me for the first time
I believe: that my family is eternal
I sing: HORRIBLE (Once I was singing in the car and my brother who was 3 at the time told me to shut up.... yup that bad!)
I dance: With Lucas when we want to be silly.
I don’t always:
I argue: When I think I'm right. (Between you and me...I'm usually wrong)
I write: This blog to preserve precious memories for my family
I win: when I play solitaire on the computer
I lose: at staring contests. I always start laughing after about four seconds
I wish: My family were closer
I listen: To talk radio
I don't understand: most things. Life is complicated
I can usually be found: at home
I am scared: of something happening to a love one
I need: to feel loved
I forget: everything unless I write it down
I am happy: to be a wife and mother

I tag: anyone who wants to think about things for a moment…

Wedding Tag

Jessica and I decided that it would be fun to do a wedding picture tag. Any picture from the day will do as long as YOU & your spouse are both in the picture.

I tag... Jessica, Laura, Jenna, Amy, Chantelle, Trisha, The Bells, Mega, Suzanne, Carin, Heidi A, Heidi M, Jocelyn, Natalie, Brooke, Maria, Tiffany, Whitney, Lacey, Amy R, Carly, Lacey, Susan H and Troy

Sorry ladies. But this will be fun. You can write about your favorite memories if you want.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ghouls at Grassmere

Tonight we took Lucas to the Halloween event at the Nashville Zoo. It wasn't as great as I had expected it to be, and Lucas really could have cared less...but I think that overall we had fun.

After waiting in line for almost 45 minutes in the freezing wind, we met up with Angela and Amy and Ethan, who were all let in free by one of Angela's friends. They were "Target volunteers".

We were given a map with 20 locations on it. If you get all 20 stamped then at the end you get a prize. So we started our way around collecting our goodies and stamps. Lucas enjoyed the Nerds, candy sticks, whistle and little light up flash light. We didn't know what else we got until we came home and dumped out his "(m)Elmo" bucket. For only being a little guy he sure made out like a bandit. Not to mention this was only party number one. We still have the church event next Saturday and then two events on Halloween.

Kangaroo and baby Joey

Pointing to something interesting


Amy, Ethan, Angela, Jeremy, Lucas & Alexandra

Me and my boy

Excited about the pumpkins on our way to the car

Exhausted and wiped out on the way home

Friday, October 17, 2008

Pool Party

Lucas has been so great all week. He's a good kid 99% of the time, it's the 1% that makes me feel like I'll go insane or that I'm the worst mom in the whole world. Since Jeremy wasn't going to be home till pretty late (he was attending the youth temple trip), Lucas and I took advantage of our time and ran a few errands. First stop was getting gas for $2.90 a gallon...WOOHOO!!!!

The next stop was Walmart to get cat food. While there I let Lucas pick out a new dinosaur which was so cute because I picked out two that he didn't have an asked him which one he wanted. He grabbed the one, threw the other one back and began playing with his new prize. It was almost as if he couldn't believe I even suggested the other one. He was also eating up all the attention his monkey suit brought him. People who complimenting him left and right, and he just smiled at every one as if he didn't need the reminding but thanks for boosting his ego.

On our way out from the cat food aisle we passed by all the bath goodies. We once had bath crayons...Yuck... I do NOT recommend getting those. They're VERY messy. This time we decided we'd go with the bath color tablets. We made our way out of there before I gave into to any more 'treats' that Lucas doesn't need.

When we got home we tried out the goods. Very cool. First we put in a blue one. Lucas practically drove face first into the water. He begged for another one so we dropped in yellow, which obviously turned the water a light green. Here are just a few of my favorite pictures from his hour long swim in the ocean bath tub.

Sock Monkey Part 2

In case you thought I was kidding that Lucas won't take the costume off....

In reality he doesn't wear it 24/7. I pry it off him before bed so he doesn't wake up sweating to death or so that he doesn't end up strangling himself in the hood. However...first thing in the morning when I take his pjs off to change his diaper he takes off looking for that monkey costume, brings it to me, sits down in front of me and puts his feet up in the air so that I can assist him better. Funny kid.

Here are a few more adventures in the monkey suit.

On the deck... reading a Pass Along Card

Enjoying the view

Playing games a Chuck E. Cheese

Driving a fire truck at Chuck E. Cheese

Rubber Gloves

Yesterday I went back to the oral surgeon's office...for the third time to have my mouth checked. This was just a follow up from my last round of antibiotics. Everything looked good...FINALLY!

To keep Lucas entertained, I grabbed some gloves. I was going to make balloons out of them, but figured I'd try just putting them on him instead. I'm so glad I did, because he thought it was SO funny. He wore them the rest of the day and was so excited to show his daddy his new found funny hands.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sock Monkey

Jeremy bought Lucas a sock monkey costume last week, and yesterday he discovered it. He's going to be a Kangaroo for Halloween, but for now he's enjoying being a monkey. For the last two days he's been wearing it practically non-stop. This morning when he woke up he wanted it on and didn't want to take it off to go run errands. So off to the grocery store we went. Into Kroger and Publix, me and my monkey baby. After we went to Dunkin Donuts for a donut hole.


Enjoy a donut

Enjoying the donut shop

Sleeping on the way home. It's hard work being that cute!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


In Lucas language this means "don't"

Some recent things I've heard

While tickling him today "NON'T"

While changing his diaper "non't"

While drinking a Dr. Pepper in front of him and not sharing... "non't"

You get the idea.

Proof He's NOT A Mute

If Lucas knows I'm filming him he won't speak. Why is that? So after taking a few pictures of him cheesing for the camera I switched over to video mode and was able to get a few words. It's my proof that he really does speak. Whenever we're in public he's so quiet. And whenever he's on the phone to family the only noise he makes is to push buttons.

Here are the words/sounds you'll hear (in order)

(duck sound)
Bye Bye

Poor Fella

These pictures don't show it too well, but here is Lucas' banged up face from his fall at the pumpkin patch yesterday.