Saturday, January 22, 2005


Jeremy bought me a cat! I'm not working right now, and so he didn't want me to be lonely. He went and picked her out, but decided it might not be a good idea to show up with a pet (smart...we haven't even been married one month) Anyway, he came home and got me and we went back together. This little kitty is such a little snob, but so cute I couldn't resist her. She's very danty, you can tell she thinks she's the princess.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The Rings

Here are a few pictures of my beautiful rings! When we were first looking at rings, I would email Jeremy pictures of rings I liked from work. I eventually narrowed it down to about 3 rings for him and let him chose the one he liked the best. I would have been happy with any of them. While I like the idea of chosing a ring for myself, I equally liked the idea of having an element of surprise in it too. So this way I was able to get the best of both worlds. We were fortunate enough to inheirate a beautiful wedding band. That saved us a lot of money. I probably wouldn't have been able to have what I wanted. This isn't what I had in mind, but now that I have it I can't imagine any other band. It's perfect! I love they way the look together and I love that I get to wear an antique on my finger. I especially love that my dad is the one who gave it to me, even if he doesn't know who it belonged to!