Monday, October 31, 2016


Halloween always starts with us taking a picture in our neighbor's graveyard.

 We had a Witch, Vampire Princess, Gypsy, Batman, and a Hobo.

 Jake and Hailey

 After trick or treating, we went to my parent's for dinner

Abigail has always been afraid of masks, like petrified...  especially this mask.  This year, Ben made her hold it until she quit shaking and crying.  It worked.  It was amazing, and she was able to even put it on and scare her grandpas.

Hailey is such a little ham.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October randoms

Abi and I were out shopping and she saw this mask, she wanted me to send a picture to Luke.

 crazy hair day!
buns, mohawk, and carmel apple.

 There is always something fun at the Ortho office.

 Hailey had a field trip to the Hogle zoo.  She has the cutest friend who was in our group, Staylee.  They are the sweetest friends.

 They looked at the map probably every ten feet or so.  It was adorable.

 Luke had his sixth grade carnival.  He and his friend, Jacob, did a fish pond a nachos.

 Abi was the best sister and took Ike around the whole carnival while I helped with the nachos.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

pumpkin pizza party

We had a pizza party at Grandma Barb's and then went to the Weston's pumkin patch with our cousins. The kids love this tradition so much!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Las Vegas

Ben's work conference fell over our anniversay this year, so I joined him on his trip to Vegas.  It's extra fun since Brent and Shelley are there too!

getting ready to fly out

 Brent and Shelley took us to Red Rock National Preserve, it was beautiful!

 We went to see the Blue Man Group.  Probably one of the best shows I've ever seen.  It was hilarious.  I told Brent to take a picture of us four and he did this instead.

 I made him retake it.

 seriously so fun, I would even take my kids.

 I love that no matter where we are, there's always a church to attend.

 We ate dinner at the Aria

 We took a ride on the High Roller

 Such a fun trip with Ben, but it's so nice leaving Vegas.  I get so sick of the loud music and smell of smoke.  I couldn't wait to get back to the kiddos.

 On top of all the free sunglasses, sparkly bracelets, and pens Ben got from his work conference... He won an Ipad mini and a 100$ gift card.  He is super lucky, it's crazy how much stuff he wins.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Carly's baptism

Carly's baptism day was so special.  She was so happy all morning, while getting ready.  She could barely contain her excitement.  We had lots of family there to support her and Beau on their big day.  They were so reverent during the talks and the whole day.  I'm so proud of them both.