Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween 2015

I wish Halloween could be on a Saturday every year.  It was a great time.  Brent, Shelley, and Wally were in town, so we had a cook-out and my parent's house for lunch.  Then we went home and got our costumes on.  Larry and Sharla came over to our house and walked around the neighborhood with us and some friends.  Then we all went out to my parent's for dinner.  A day where I don't have to cook two out of three  meals is a good day :)

 I love squishing his cheeks so much.  He barely tolerates it.

 My Dad wanted a picture of all the men.
 pictures at the graveyard before trick or treating

 the kids with our wonderful neighbors
 Ike didn't feel very good.  He only walked to one house with the kids.  Then he just sat in the stroller while Grandpa pushed him around.  He didn't even want to eat his one candy bar.

 Luke saw the stick figure idea online and he wouldn't consider anything else.  It turned out great, he loved his costume.  A few people commented that it was the perfect costume because he was so skinny.  By the end of the night he was annoyed.  He told me he didn't think he was that skinny.  

 Ike and Jake

Eating soup with the whole gang. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Halloween Carnival October 2015

The school always puts on a fun carnival for Halloween.  I didn't see Luke most of the time, I guess he's old enough to be without me... sniff..  The girls played a few games, and ate some candy.  We also got in a photo op.  Since Ben wasn't able to come, I coerced the kids with promises of pizza if we were in and out in 45 minutes. They agreed and it was perfect.

Left to Right:  Stick figure, Princess Kitty, Baby, Puppy, and a Vampire Princess.

Man, these kids are so much fun!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Halloween Parties October 2015

Hailey and Carly had their Halloween parties on the same day.  I took Ike to Hailey's in the morning and realized what a bad choice it was.  During Hailey's party, I was in charge of a game right by the door.  Ike ran out of the room a few times and hung out with Luke's class next door. One time he didn't come back, so I went looking for him.  He had ran out of the school, following Luke's class.  Luke's teacher grabbed him and held him before he got very far. I would have also gotten to him in time before he hit the parking lot, but it's good to know there are awesome people at my kid's school.  The kindergartners didn't seem to mind that I was chasing after Ike half the time and kept playing their spider toss.

 He loved sitting in the spider toss.  He didn't even mind when the spiders hit him in the face.

 Most of Hailey's besties are boys.  I'm not sure if I should be worried that she likes boys at such a young age?  Abigail and Carly didn't have any boy besties like Hailey, so I don't have any experience with this :)

I ran to drop Ike off at my Mom's house in-between Hailey and Carly's parties.  
 In Carly's class, Jamie and I did some face painting.  Luckily for me, the kids were really easy to please, and they were all happy with their faces.

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Zoo October 2015

I was able to go to the Hogle Zoo with Carly's first grade.  I got the best group of girls  They were fun to hang out with and wanted me to take a million pictures of them.  I thought it was cold and I couldn't wait for it to be time to leave, but the girls kept taking off their sweaters, so I guess it was just me.  

 The girls were standing here by the tank when a scuba diver appeared out of nowhere and knocked on the glass in front of them.  They freaked out for 20 minutes straight.  They couldn't believe how scared they were.