Monday, September 28, 2015

Abigail's field trip September 2015

The first stop of Abigail's field trip was Hill Airforce Base.  The kids made rockets, shot them off, and went on a scavenger hunt.  It's one of my favorite field trip destinations.

 The second half of the field trip was at the Treehouse Museum.  This is probably my least favorite field trip... but I endure, because it's all about the kids and not me :)  Abigail got to play the part of the troll.  

 After the play, we went to the Art Garden to make wands.  I have sat through wand making many times.  I was resting my chin on my hands when one of the girls in our group snapped her fingers at me and said, "Hey, Abigail's mom, you were totally sleeping".   

It was awesome to hang out with my girl and her cute friends the whole day :)

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Ward Party September 2015

We're lucky enough to live in a fabulous ward, and we love living in Harrisville.  Our ward party was a smashing success, mainly because of the train and the face paint.  My kids talked about it for weeks.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Carly is 7!

I love this sweet girl so much.  She is kind, loving, affectionate, smart, compassionate, sassy, opinionated, stubborn, and obsessed with organizing.  
She likes things to be nice and tidy at all times...  She loves to show me her book shelf when she's done organizing it.
 When her and I have differences in opinion, she takes deep breaths and says, "Mom, I'm trying to be calm, but I'm getting mad."
She is a homebody, or a 'be with Mom at all times body'.  She barely tolerates going to tumbling each week.  

Breakfast- Fruit and yogurt parfaits
Lunch- Nutella and Jam sandwich
Dinner- Quiche and Potstickers with rice
Outside activity-Playing with my Skip it
Book of Mormon story- Nephi building a ship
Primary song- Follow the Prophet
Subject- Art
TV show- Studio C
Book- Amelia Bedelia
Toy- Cabbage patch, Grace doll, and Beanie boos (which she calls big eyed snuffle bottoms)
Thing to do with Mom- Help cook
Thing to do with Dad- Read books
color- Yellow, pink, and purple

She chose parfaits for her birthday breakfast

After school, we got frosties and took them to the park in North Ogden.  One of her favorite parks.

"Mom, do a smiley picture"
 "Now pretend I don't know you're taking a picture"
 "Now I'm going to laugh"
 "Ok, now I'm going to do my evil laugh"

We had a little party for Carly that night.  She was so happy with all her new things.
 She's been dying to get Grace
 Carly doesn't like cake, so she chose homemade cheesecake.

Again with the evil laugh.

I'm sure glad we have our Carlykins

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Labor Day weekend 2015

We had our Larry Dawson reunion over Labor Day weekend this year.  Larry's aunt has a lot of land in Peoa, so that's where we camped.  They have a ranch, a mink farm, and a restaurant. It was beautiful.  We were camped in a meadow next to the river and the mountains.  
I was mostly excited to have the whole family together.  We haven't been able to go on a family trip for a few years. It was awesome to be together again.
 The first day was pretty windy, and our tent pole snapped. We fixed it with a little tape and it held up till we were done. It got a little chilly during the nights, but having a 1 year old squished into my bag with me helped.  The kids floated the river, visited the mink farm, fished, ate candy, watched an outdoor movie with popcorn, ate at the Frosty king, and explored.  I loved watching the cousins play together.  

 napping in the tent.

 Ike and Grandma watched the kids float by on the giant rock.

 Sharla brought a trampoline for the baby boys to play on.  

 Sometimes we zipped them in and left them for a minute or two

 sitting by the fire

 When I said it was a little chilly, I actually meant freezing.  Luckily Larry and Sharla brought millions of blankets, or we would have been in trouble.

 Devin and Ike are pretty close in age and they both LOVE playing with grandpa.  
He is so patient with the kids.

 The girls colored on rocks.  They spent a big chunk of the afternoon with this activity.

 A dirty, sunburnt face means he was having too much fun.  

 The kids made and animal trap, sadly, they didn't catch anything.

 sharing some swedish fish

 Freddie made this Cornhole game and us adults played a lot.  When we got home from our trip, Ben made a set for us because we loved it so much.

 The girls made a rock for each grandkid.

 walking to the river

 Snuggles and candy with Grandma

I didn't get a picture or Luke's fish, but it was a good size and he was proud.

 I'm pretty sure that Sharla's motto is that you can never have too much candy :) Which is a good motto to have.  The plastic tote was completely full and the cooler beneath it as full of chocolate candy.  Ike knew where the candy was and he wouldn't stay out of it, so finally I put another cooler on top.  He just stood there crying.  It was adorable :)  I don't think the Luke ate anything besides candy, popcorn, and chips the entire trip. He was actually sick by the time we got home.  But he said it was worth it.

All the Dawson grandkids minus Devin.  He had to go home a night early.  These kids are so much fun, I love all of them!  My kids are lucky to have these cousins.  

Thanks Larry and Sharla for planning such a wonderful trip!