I felt like crying at the end of school this year... I loved the teachers that my kids had and the kids loved them too. I'm a little sad to be moving on. On the brighter side, I am so glad they're home with me for the summer.
Carly had her kindergarten graduation.
Carly and Mrs. Jennings. My three oldest were lucky enough to have her, but she's moving to a new school... so I'm a little sad Hailey and Ike won't get her.
Carly has tons of girlfriends from church in her grade. They're all such cute friends.
End of school pictures. I love comparing them to the first of the year.
After the last day of school, a bunch of boys started showing up a the house. Luke had invited them over for a party without really talking to me. He even assigned a couple of them to bring ice cream sandwiches. So then the girls went and rounded up a few friends too. We ended up with lots kids and ice cream. It cracked me up that Luke organized this all on his own.