Whenever one of us ladies have a birthday, we all get together and go to dinner. This was for Shannon's birthday which is the second of the year in April. Shelley's is in March, but we'll have to do hers later since they're so far away :( It's funny because we each have one a month until Lisa's birthday ends it in August. The best part is that Blake just got engaged to April and her birthday is in February....so it's perfect, they're still all in a row and next year we get to start our birthday dinners in February. I am so lucky that all my brothers picked out such great wives. My mom and Jess are pretty great too :)
Hailey drew a picture of me and her as adorable little bugs
The kids had their spring pictures at school
We went shopping with Grandma Sharla and stopped for some lunch
I found the girls doing this... so random.
This boy is getting so big! He's so much fun.
The older kids still follow him around all day, we just can't get enough of him.
Isaac had his cousin, Noah, over to play. Which they did most of the time. The other part was spent yelling at each other and pointing. I think they were tattling on each other.