Isaac was sick the whole first half of February with a nasty cold. It was hard to get a smile out of him. Abigail said that it looked like he had precious moment eyes when he was sick, cute but sad.
We try to keep the babies in the living room during Sunday dinner. Nash and Noah have now figured out how to climb over. Ike's still working on it :)
I just thought he looked so grown up in his new big kid car seat and shoes.
He just wanted out.
I got Hailey ready for her preschool valentine party and she thought she looked so cute and asked for a picture.
Hailey and I helped out at Carly's school Valentine's party.
Luke had a basketball game early Valentine's day. Larry and Sharla showed up before his game and heart attacked us with treats. The kids were so excited about the surprises on our door step. Then we went to Luke's game and to Village Inn for breakfast afterwards.
That afternoon Grandma and Grandpa Jenkins brought mini pizzas over for the kids to make and a heart one for me and Ben. The kids are lucky to have their grandparents.
Luke will read to anyone, anytime I ask him to. Hailey loves being read to, and she likes that Luke lets her pick any book... Abigail usually bribes her to pick certain ones :)
We had our fabulous Blue and Gold Banquet. They went all out on the Lego theme and even brought bins and bins of Legos for the kids to play with. It was a hit.
Seriously, what would I do with out him?
Hailey loves to bake.
Luke finished his basketball season.
This year he loved the game more than the promise of treats afterwards :)
Abigail and Carly looked so cute for their dance pictures