Brent and Shelley got engaged earlier this month! We just love Shelley and can't wait until it's official (May 19th). Abigail is especially excited to have a new Aunt. She keeps asking when she can call her Aunt Shelley. I told her anytime, but she wants to wait until the wedding.
Shelley's parents are from North Carolina, and they were in town for a couple of weeks, so my Mom put together a dinner so we could all meet.

The lovely couple

On the left side of the table we have Lauren, Shelley's sister, Shelley, Her Dad, Kent, and her Mom, Sandra. Hopefully if you're looking at my blog you already know the people on the right.

These two hit it off right away. This is Emma, Shelley's niece, and her and Carly are the same age. The kept hugging and holding hands. They kept falling over and getting hurt because they were hugging and trying to walk at the same time.

These two are big trouble makers, but still adorable.

hanging out, probably playing where's my water.

Sweet, not-so-little Kael. This guy is growing up too fast, and there's no more grandbabies on the way. I don't know what we'll do without babies to play with.

The kids all did well to entertain themselves so the adults could visit. It was so much fun getting to know Shelley's family.