Carly's 1! I can't believe it... she should still be that newborn that I feel like we just barely brought home. Time flies! Thursday was her birthday, but with everybody's schedules we finally got around to a little celebration. Today was the primary program, so the grandparents came to see Luke and we invited them over after sacrament for lunch and cake.
She got some cute outfits, p.j.'s, two babies, and a stroller. She was pretty happy for being nap deprived. Grandma Sharla also got some p.j.'s for Luke and Abigail, I think they were excited to be included in the gift receiving. Ab told me that the babies are Carly's but she get to use them, because Carly doesn't want them.
Carly's got 11 teeth, I've never seen a baby teeth so quickly. I could honestly give her a steak. Today, Carly said a new word... wukey. We were sitting in sacrament and I had Carly standing on my lap facing the stand, that's when she spotted Luke. She was hollering and pointing, "wukey, wuke!" She wouldn't stop, she was kinda being disruptive, so I said, "shhhhh" and she covered her mouth with her hand and burst into tears. I took her out for a bit and when we came back she just kept going, "wukey, wukey"