Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

We celebrated Turkey day with my Mom's family this year at the P.C. fire station. It turned out really nice with lots of room for the kids to run around.

Luke, Tanner, and Jake

Carly soaking in all the festivities.

Mom, Dad, and Blake

Jess and Matt with cute baby Adam

Mom and Dad

So happy after a delicious dinner!

chowing down on candy, I think all he ate was 6 rolls and 20 reeses peanut butter cups.

What's Thanksgiving without card games?

Of course we had to get out and see Grandma and Grandpa Dawson... so the kids ended up in their P.J.'s, with popcorn, and a movie. We had such a fun day, and we're SO thankful for our family!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

first set of pigtails

Abigail's hair is getting so fun to do!  I love pigtails!

Friday, November 21, 2008


This little girl is starting give more and more smiles

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Popcorn P.J. Party

Another fun night for the kids.
 Grandma Sharla made popcorn for the kids while they watched Kung Fu Panda.

Monday, November 10, 2008

P.J. Party

Sunday night and all the kiddos were in the jammies.  Such cute cousins!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Carly's Day

Carly was a little beauty in her blessing dress. I had ordered her a different dress, then at the last minute I decided it didn't look right. Luckily I had my blessing dress right there ready to be worn.
If only we could get a family picture with everyone happy!

Fisher, Luke, and Abigail playing hungry hippos.

The Grandpas

The Grandmas

The proud parents

4 wonderful generations

4 more wonderful generations

The boys.
There was a lot of matching going on... none of it was planned, but it was cute.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Fun

We started the day off like any other Friday, going to lunch and shopping. At the mall my Grandma bought us a treat at See's, Abigial got a chocolate sucker. What I don't understand is why she took her shoes and socks off to slather the sucker all over her feet!
After a bath for both the chocolate covered kids, I got the kids dressed up.

A kitty cat and Dracula

We went to a trunk or treat with Courtney's family and Grandma and Grandpa Dawson. Here's Dawson, Abigail, Fisher, and Luke.

Not lovin' the scary lights and music

All the kids enjoying their treats.

Grandma and Grandpa with the kids. Luke kept calling Grandma, "Doctor" and he loved listening to his heart (stomach).

Next we went to my parent's for cheese soup. Here's all the Jenkins cousins, Abigail, Carly, Adam, Beau, and Luke. Abby was so sweet to share her candy with Carly.

Uncle Blake and Carly.

My Dracula.
 Thank goodness that Grandma Barb is so crafty and helped sewed these cute costumes!