Monday, December 31, 2007

Malam Ini Ada Konsert Ella

Bukan ella fitzgerald tau..

Have to leave early today. The would be a new year concert outside.

A view from my floor's window. The vibration from the rehearsal is loud enough to distract you from concentrating with the works.

Konsert Hadhari. Konsert berdekatan ngan tabung haji.. amik berkat org baru balik haji lah katakan..

I think this year would be the last year the KLCC concert would take place here. This is because by next year, these two insanely-priced-exclusive apartments would be completed and occupied, I doubt they'll (the snob kacang putih residents) fancy the noise nor seing bunches of malays down the balcony....

Le 2 million dollar apartment.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Solat Jumaat

Decided to had lunch before the prayer. went to chili's.

along came these two Malay muslim

fine lah if they decided to get drunk, I couldnt care less... but around 1, suddenly this guy said..

"jom pegi, nanti terlepas khutbah" (lets go, we dont want to miss the sermont)

tersedak seketika.. (dumbfounded for a while)..

seatu benda yg buat aku hangin bila org melayu ni minum (beer), mabuk tak ingat mengalahkan bukan islam. lepas tu minum kat tempat2 terbuka mcm klcc park tu ha waktu azan sedap berkumandang. org bukan islam pun malu nak minum mcm tu. for non muslim, drinking is a social event.. but for these malaun2 tak sedar diri yg lepas minum botol bergelimpangan tu, minum tu nak menunjukkan kekelasan, up-to-date dan tah hape2 lagi tah.. cam hampeh

PIG!!! Slow down

Antara ayat2 yg boleh digunakan dlam situasi begini dan org tak boleh marah balik:

1 - Berhenti... babiiiiii!
2 - babiiii.. hati hati..
3 - si kane di depan! hi hik... si kane = si khin = si khinzir
4 - anak babi!

babi babi bergelimpangan:


dan Habibabi

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Memoirs of Aidiladha

Didnt go back to my hometown during raya... heheheh.. I did spent some time with my aunty at Cheras though.

While at her place, I watched TV all the time while she was at the kitchen. Getting bored with the circus performance shown over rtm2, I switched the channel to MTV. Much to her dismayed, she berleter "Raya raya ni dengar lagu2 kapir tu buat aper?" (during these holy period, I shouldnt be listening to inappropriate songs)

*Sigh*, so I switched to ART (channel 111). Much to my horror, this music video was playing.

Allah Ala Hobak

Dont get fooled by the title... The video clips had got nothing to do with Islam whatsoever.

While at the back, unbeknownst to her abt the saucy so unislamic clip, she quipped "Ha, mcm ni lah bagus, dengar lagu nasyid" (This is what i meant, listening to gospel)

If only she knew..... she'll have froth at her mouth!

Talking about memoirs, I found this translated book at the Borders

What a funny translation. Kenang Kenangan Seorang Geisha....

Actually this song was playing when she quipped that, the first song above was before that:

Monday, December 24, 2007


Im wishing all my Christian friends. Merry Christmas (wah hari raya haji pun tak ucap nieh...)

Anyway, im at my friend's place. having /preparing Christmas feast..

And a happy new year to all ... =)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Offer You CAN Resist

Who would like to owe a handsomely-binded 2008 multiusage organiser? I have one at my disposal to give away....

I swear it doesnt looks cheap like typical company provided one. (Its smells one though :p)

Libran dont need organiser.. Their life is so disorganised, no amount of organiser could straightent that up.

First come(first comment) basis.

and ohhh, you have to be in KL, no way im sending this thru poslaju or whatnot.

Wish come true:

Sungguh keji budak perempuan kecil itu..

Thursday, December 13, 2007

What Make The News Today

Davis must be afraid of his gf. He's roller-pin phobic.

Didnt work in Malaysia. If you're in KL, the dogs speak Cantonese, everywhere else, its Hokkien. No Mandarin please, they hate mainland language, resulted in ugly face-off.. So brush up you language skills!

I know someone who stole Christmas ornaments from the office! Shame on you MM!

Vancancies Available

Expect the following occupational hazard though:

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

People's Republic of China

Had lunch at the Food Republic @ the Pavillion just now.

There's Music Republic and Food Republic...

The place is huge. And the food price is slightly higer than the KLCC Signature's. But there's more variety on it.

The minus point here is the workers there. Dont know from where. Cant speak bahasa nor english properly. So, you cant ordered something out of the menu. Like for my laksa, he couldnt understand when I said no pineapple...

Anyway, I just drop by the infamous JCo donuts. The queue was insanely long for a working days. However, since everyone said its darn good, i just queued up lah!

The auntie in front of me also said, last Sunday she was here, but couldnt buy because the q was too long. So today she came again.

But when its her turn to order, she only ordered two. So, the guy behind the counter said "Auntie, its not worth it to q up for so long, and only bought two, why dont you buy 1/2 dozen, I give you different2 flavor one"

The gullible untie said yes.

And this is what I bought. I'm also gullible. The thing is I hate fancy donuts.. but bought it, dont know why...

And the more gullible guys behind me bought 2 dozens, because they want to taste everything. And there's only 2 of them.

Tastewise? hmm i dont know.. same with dunkin i think (i havent have dunkin for almost 10 years).

Nothing could beat RM1.80 sugar donut from Sun Moulin, Isetan.

The price:
Single ----- $ 2.30
1/2 dozen -- $11.00
1 dozen ---- $19.80
2 dozen ---- $36.00

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Pengakuan Hindraf berbau perkauman

PUTRAJAYA 10 Dis. – Naib Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek menyifatkan kenyataan terbuka Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) bahawa musuhnya adalah UMNO dan bukannya orang Melayu sebagai berbau perkauman.

Beliau berkata, ini kerana ahli UMNO adalah orang Melayu dan kenyataan sedemikian menggambarkan mereka adalah anti-Melayu.

‘‘Dengan menyatakan UMNO adalah musuh Hindraf, ia sudah menjadi satu bentuk isu perkauman kerana ahli UMNO adalah orang Melayu.

‘‘Begitu juga jika mereka kata, mereka bermusuh dengan MCA, boleh ditakrifkan sebagai anti-Cina kerana MCA bermakna Malaysian Chinese Association,” katanya.

utusan online

Hmmm.. Zainuddin Mydin, Nor Mohamed Yakcop, Kadir Sheikh Fadzil... The lsit goes on and on..

di tebing sungai yamuna, krishna dan radha menyanyikan lagu cinta

Random entries.

Sighted at GK3 Convention just now. Wah, pergi konvensyion pun drag nih...

@ Tupai2. Corner for pokcik2 gomen yg nak berbini dua, atau 3 atau 4.

Kedai makan paling lucu namanya. Looks like pentas drama sajo. Reminded me of Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu.

Tuan2 dan puan2, kenapa senyuman itu penting ketika bergambar yea! Inilah sebabnyer...

What's with the title? Well, I got an email from Yamunarani. My friend said, its a weird name. Never heard before. I told her its the river name - connected to Ganges.

Remember high school geography (my fav subject)? Indus, Ganges, Godavari, Mahanadi, Narmada, Tapti?

Monday, December 10, 2007

Someday We'll Find It, The Rainbow Connection

I dont usually blog about charity work I did for fearing of vanity (kwang kwang), but this event has got a lot of happenings to be shared that I am risking being vain here.

The event meant was the "Wishes Come True". It's roughly the same with the previous one- Adopt A Child programme; sans ridiculous wishes, well got some, but luckily there's a cap on amount you should spent.

On da way there.. Cantik cekak, boleh pinjam?

My daughter (like yo yo jer daughter, beli 3 barang dah boleh consider daughter) came from the Rainbow house. There are 6 of them in a family. There's Jacklyn (12), Joshua(11), Jeremiah(10), Jonathan(9), Janet(8) and Bel Bel (Jasbele - 6) Singh. A productive parents I should say. Nonetheless, they're all very adorable especially bel bel. And that comes from a guy who doesnt like children to begin with.

Just like 90% of the kids that nite, they are not orphan. Just underprivileged, well except for Gvrpvri Foundation kids. The Gvrpvri's have they our luxury bus, and some wore branded items which, even myself couldnt afford it.

Sekadar gambar hiasan.

From the picture on the board, Janet looked chubby, therefore when I first saw her, I was surprised (not to mention I bought the wrong size).

At first, it was a little bit awkward for me, to let my guards down (to show compassion) let alone towards the children. To the point she even got close to the other's kid 'parent'.

Dont rely on the committee though. They just dumped you with those children and expected you to be kind to them.

Only after im comfortable enough I did open up bit by bit. And boy, what a chatterbox she is!

And the best part is, she called me 'kor-kor' (means brother... not father or pakcik). Kor-kor this, kor-kor that, even introduced me to her siblings "This is my Kor Kor, he's so nice!"

Badut pemalas. Instead of irritating others, they just took a nap.

After some dinner and exercise (bhagra dance), we bid farewell....

Unsure when will I see them again.

Nurrul with one of her kids.

Some observation made during that nite:
1. The malay kids were introvert (in a negative way). They wont mingle around, they dont speak, when you asked them question, they acted like 'tuli' (dumb).
2. The juviniles (12 yrs and above) were tarts and ingrate. Luckily didnt sponsored any. Ask CT, she had one. heh heh.
3. Some were outcast. They looked trauma and gave a hard time to the 'parent'. Cant blame them, they had rough childhood.
4. Some sponsors just bought the presents and never showed up. As if its not bad enough for the kids to be abandoned by their own biological parents, they were abonded again that nite, watching in tears as others were having a blast with their sponsors.
5. None of the management group sponsored. The one who did claimed business expense. Cheap!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Alam Ria Cuti Sekolah

Cuti sekolah telah tiba, maka berbondong bondong lah rombongan dari guar perahu, gua musang dan pelbagai gua lagi di malaysia ini ke Kuala Lumpur.

Selain dari upacara rombongan dan kenduri kahwin, upacara pebret semasa cuti sekolah adalah :

So, kepada mokcik2 yg nak menyembelih anaknyer, ikutlah kaedah dia atas yer, murah dan mudah.

Dan kepada adek2 yg ingin menjadi akak2 pabila dewasa, bila parang dah dekat anu, silalah mengesot kehadapan... sekelip mata menjadi perawan. Mak ayah tak terkata...

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

There's a simpler way, dang it!

Eye-dee-ten-tee moment:

Why la I used the hard way to enable my logger:
# Backup 7 days log
mv $_DAY6 $_DAY7
mv $_DAY5 $_DAY6
mv $_DAY4 $_DAY5
mv $_DAY3 $_DAY4
mv $_DAY2 $_DAY3
mv $_DAY1 $_DAY2
mv $_DAY0 $_DAY1
touch $_DAY0

# restart syslog daemon
ps -ef grep /usr/sbin/syslogd -D | cut -c 1-14 > $_SYSLOGF

while read uname pname
if [ ${uname} = "root" ]
kill ${pname} 2> /dev/null
done < $_SYSLOGF
/usr/sbin/syslogd -D

When there's simpler solution:
# Backup 7 days log
cat $_DAY0 > $_LOGTEMP
mv $_DAY6 $_DAY7
mv $_DAY5 $_DAY6
mv $_DAY4 $_DAY5
mv $_DAY3 $_DAY4
mv $_DAY2 $_DAY3
mv $_DAY1 $_DAY2
cat $_DAY0 > $_DAY1
echo"" > $_DAY0


Monday, December 03, 2007

Rip Off Republic

I've been perpetually being ripped off by the Maybebank

The latest:
Being charged RM2.25 for withdrawing money over the counter.

Breakdown of charges:
RM1.75 for withdrawal more than 2K (got percentage, the more you withdraw, the higher you have to pay)
RM0.50 because my account is in Georgetown. IBT = interbranch transaction.

Month/Yearly rip off that I have to put up with:
1. RM0.50 for every transaction (free 4 transaction per month).
Beat the system by withdrawing in bulk and deposit into different bank which doesnt charge you for withdrawing your OWN money.

2. RM1.00 for every MEPS transactions.
On top of that 50cent. Being cheap, I would rather walk 1 km to save RM1.

3. RM2.00 for every MEPS-IBG transactions.
What you have to pay for being lazy bum. Using maybank2u to send money.

4. RM1.00 for Standing Instruction / Debit Advice
Again for being lazy bum for not making a monthly trip to the creditor.

5. RM8.00 annually for 'maintaining' the Bankcard.
Do you know the cost of producing a card was only RM24 (2002 figure, I bet now is lower). By 4th year, they bank usually break even. But still charge RM8 yearly. Untung buta..

What I dont get it is that Savings / Checking Account is a liability for the bank. WHy on earth it has priority banking then? The guy with RM1 million in savings is a bigger liablity than me what... Why treats them like VIP?

Tu belum kira lagi cacian dan hinaan yg dilemparkan oleh perempuan perampuan melayu meroyan kat kaunter tuh, jika TT duit ke obersea amaunnya less than RM2000.

Dont let me get started on how they treat an asset (e.g. late payee credit card holder). Make Ah long looks like mahatma gandhi in comparison. I dont have a credit card, nor housing loan, nor Hire Purchase.. Obviously not an asset...

No wonder got hefty net profit of RM3.25 bil last year.

What would they think of next?

Make it (physically) impossible to withdraw obviously....

Lagu zaman mak encik berdating....

Zal, jgn nak berkaraoke!

Friday, November 30, 2007

How come they got the fireworks now?

And not during that once-in-a-lifetime-fifty-years-independence day?

The RM2 million fireworks being assembled.

Men at work.. Quoting infamous ministers quote "If you dont like seing your tax money went up in smoke, dont pay tax la? stupid malaysian!"

I guess batik exhibition is more important than hari kemerdekaan.

Menutup aurat; Hadhari Style... Selak cik yah, selak!

Everything Changes But You

Famil's new toy:

Ahhh.. I'm so looking forward to do laundy now.. (",)

Product Info En Deutch

Friday Prayer Saves My Day

06:45 am.
Ringgggggg. The alarm clock rang. Urghh still early. Go Back to sleep.

08:30 am.
The ray was burning my face. Woke up. Where am I going afterward? Shopping for the gift? Two more hours before shopping mall open. Back to sleep.

10:45 am.
Day dreaming abt the chat I had with Rizana over friday prayer on Tuesday. Suddenly, it hit me! I hadnt been to one this week!

OMIGOD!!!! Today is friday... and I was late for work.

I dont know why, but I kept on thinking today was Saturday....

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hazardous Materials Data Sheet




Accepted as 55kg, but known to vary from 35kg to 225kg.

1. Body Surface normally covered with film of powder and paint.
2. Boils at absolutely nothing - freezes for no apparent reason.
3. Found in various grades ranging from virgin material to common ore.

1. Reacts well to gold, platinum and all precious stones.
2. Explodes spontaneously without reason or warning.
3. The most powerful money reducing agent known to man.

1. Highly ornamental, especially in sports cars.
2. Can greatly aid relaxation.
3. Can be a very effective cleaning agent.

1. Turns green when places alongside a superior specimen.
2. Possesion of more than one is possible but speciments must never make eye contact.

Silver Lining

After the meltdown (luckily only one eyewitness), everything seem to work now..

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dark Clouds I summoned you to go far-far Away!

--- Ranting time... just bear with me ---
Part I
Stop asking me to prioritise my works and later complaining that my time management sucks!

Stop coming over for an update which you will forget 5 minutes later. And the futility is compounded when I gave you the situation you just tell me to sort it out by myself!

I need help and directions goddammit!

You said ... "I didnt know that, you should talk to him!" Dude! He's under you... its your responsibility to know every decisions he acted upon.

Since when a low level scum which is commonly known as the TL has any authority to delegate without your endorsement?

And what on earth are you trying to insinuate when you blurted "I hope you wont fail me like J did".

I still have much respect for you, so, please dont turn into a nasty bitch.. We already have plenty around here.

Part II
"You look lovely in that costume and your dance was mesmerising! You reminded me of Aishwarya Rai" From that one drunk angmoh to that one common ore formerly known as Level9 diva (until that one PMSing-24x7 diva took over her title).

Puhleeaasse... The closest you could be compared to Aishwarya Rai is the BAtang Serai (lemon grass stick) itself.. On a second thought, batang serai is more curvaceous than you could ever be.

What's with the vengeance? That's what you get for talking loudly at my back. Saying that I got no right to boss around that eternal-pms biotch.

1 - Those medicines are expired.
2 - I just said "These medicines are expired"

No need to throw tantrum and yap behind me.. you fucking bitch!

Part III
Just found out my best friend got into a deep depression. My favorites bloggers are gone (for a while), etc etc...

All I want to do now is to lay down on the bed, under the comfy and never to be awakened!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Panting with Pantene; Bahana Barang Tiruan

I was having lunch with colleagues somewhere that I'd never been. On the way to the restaurant there's a lot of makeshift stall selling things like fishes, watches and toiletries..

One of this aunty was selling dirt cheap shampoo which at first I thought was 'PANTENE'.. Upon close inspection it turned out to be 'PANTING!'

Wah lau weh... the bottles, the fonts and the colors look similar to the real one..

This is the real one...

It got me thinking, with all the unknown chemicals (it could even be a laundry leftovers), what would happened if you use it.

Sigh, for the sake of saving mere dollars, people would do silly thing like buying fake items!


Perhaps, instead of doing this:

You'll probably be doing this..

Pant.. pant...