Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Teka Teki Poyo

Teka teki in iboleh digunakan khusus untuk mengenakan adik beradik anda (semasa berkumpul di hari raya). (Untuk jawapan, sila highlight bahagian berkenaan)

Soalan: Apa dia, ayam di luar, ikan di dalam?
Jawapan: Ikan Sardin Cap Ayam.

Soalan: Kalau semua orang jadi cikgu, cikgu jadi apa?
Jawapan: Jadi ramai lah!

Soalan: Kereta apa yg orang tak pernah panggil kereta?
Jawapan: Teksi.

Soalan: Gajah lalu, titi patah, pas tu kambing lalu, apa yg patah?
Jawapan: Patah balik ler...

Soalan: Dalam banyak-banyak cecair, cecair apa yg menjadi pepejal jika dipanaskan?
Jawapan: Telur.

Soalan: Lampu apa yang kalau dipecahkan keluar orangnya?
Jawapan: Lampu jiran tetangga kita. Cobalah pecahkan, nanti akan keluar orangnya .

Soalan: Kalau manusia panjat pokok nampak bukit, kura-kura panjat pokok nampak apa?
Jawapan: Nampak pembohongannya, Sebab kura-kura mana boleh panjat pokok.

Soalan: Makan pisang, buang kulit, tapi kalau makan kulit, buang apa?
Jawapan: Buang tebiat..

Soalan: Ada seorang wanita yang sarat mengandung dan nak bersalin, lalu suami dia bawa isteri tu ke hospital. Dia melalui ladang kopi dan lombong bijih timah. Lepas anak dia lahir, dinamakan Fatimah. Kenapa ?
Jawapan: Sebab anak dia perempuan, takkan nak letak nama Ali pulak.

Soalan: Pak Ali ada sebuah ladang, tetapi dia nak tanam 2 jenis pokok iaitu getah dengan koko. Untuk memenuhi cita-citanya dia pun tanamlah pokok getah separuh dan pokok koko separuh, Soalannya pokok apa tumbuh dulu?
Jawapan: Dua-dua tak tumbuh, sebab dia tanam separuh je.

Poyo tak? Muahahah.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Say Cheesy

I've seen countless cheesy poses before but never come across something as mind boggling as this one..

What is he supposed to convey?

Monday Blues

Today's event..

Colleague: Howdy !
Me : ....
Colleague: What's with the long face? Are you okay?
Me : Depends.. Physically, I'm okay, though it's hard to be sure. Mentally and emotionally, I'm all drained.
Colleague: Care to share?
Me : Nevermindlah.. it's one of those days, where everything went wrong.
Colleague: Well, what do you feel rite now?
Me : Anguish, furious, repulsive, petrified..
Colleague: Looks like you need a hug..
Me : Yeah... *Both stood stills*

*darn it, both male, so, cannot hug*

X Factor

"X" is impossible 4 GOD. "X" is above GOD. IF we eat "X" we will die. "X" is more important than LOVE. "X" is a seven letter word. What is "X"??

Can anyone solve this?

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Euww Factor

Could you see them ???... Nothing no ?? (darn you 1.28megapix mobile phone-camera!).. Well, my treasured readers.. it was the most gross + horrendous view I have encountered. Again, you guys are lucky my phone was not 'techy' enough to get THE VIEW...

Girl, if you're going to take public transport, at least have a basic personal hygiene (take a bath daily for pete's sake.. water is almost free in Malaysia). On top of that she had BO too.. She was so gross, it warranted me to call her Rosie Grossie.

She was so gross, if Discovery Channel discovers her; it has enough materials to cover for weeks (for the Freak of Nature series)...

What is the gruesome discovery again? *drum rolls* lice! Head lice... and the eggs. God have mercy!!!..

Feasting before Fasting

Ramadhan is just around the corner. Time to stock up. I usually shed 4-5kg by the end of it. and the battle for weight gain would follow for a year before I could attain my current weight. Nope, I dont have high metabolism. Just plain lazy to eat. During Ramadhan, I usually eat during Iftar, and that's it. For sahur, plain water will do.

My gobbling session started from Thursday's dinner. Plus, my dinner/swimmin' buddy is heading to Budapest for his PHD (Budapest????). The farewell dinner was held at Bongsen, KLCC -Vietnamese restaurant. I had Lemongrass Lamb with Rice (tasted like satay) and he had Vietnamese Mee (looked/smelt like laksa, tasted like Penang prawn mee).

Then, on Friday, my colleagues and I headed for 'Ikan Bakar Bellamy'. There was a crowd at this particluar stall, logically, it should be the IT stall.. How wrong! The waitress was rude, the food was overpriced, and the cashier...hmm, maybe he got COLD-SMELLY FISH a nite before (from his wife). That's why he turned out sour.

On Saturday, I was hibernating, therefore, I skipped breakfast and lunch. By 6 p.m. my stomache was growling and too loud for me to ignore. Hence, I dragged myself to The Mall. There's nothing there to satisfy my glucose pangs except for McD. Well, I avoided McD for 2 years (Super Size Me syndrome), but the fatty patty looked tempting. Therefore, I just went for it. Within minutes, my stomache growled again.. this time, for different reason. Not that the food was contaminated or anything, it's just that my stomache needed to readjust for processed-meat meal.

To cleanse yesterdays' junk, I skip meals today. Up till now (7.30pm) I had only Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte, three plums and a slice of honey dew. For the remaining weeks, I have to be a vegetarian... again. I was a lacto-ovo-vegetarian earlier this year. Bus since a muslim vegetarian was almost unheard of, finding meals were impossible. Eventually, after 2 months, I reverted back to the barbaric way to sustain my body/life.

Off the topic, I was windowing when I spotted this awesome jacket at Zara. Tried it on, fits perfectly! But then again, the weather here is not suitable for jacket. With heavy heart, I took it off and unexpectedly saw something peculiar on the mirror. Omigosh! It's the security camera!! Well, even though it was outside, but the cmaera was pointing at the mirrow, and lo-and-behold, everything for the 'public' views shall you go commando to try the pant. (Not that I mind anyway).. Tried to snap the culprit, but with my camera phone, all I got was a tiny dot.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Growing Pains (Siblings 102)

Older brother or sister harrasing you? Try this simple trick for instant result.
1. Big klutz approaches you
HIM :: Hey, bug eyes !
2. Cry if you've already been hit
YOU :: Mommm, Kevin is hitting me again..
3. Run

Devastating replies to their question "What time is it" **

  • About now.
  • Too late to turn back now.
  • About that time.
  • Somewhere between yesterday and tomorrow.
  • Same time it was 24 hours ago.
  • Time to buy a new watch.

Snappy comebacks to rude, vicious insults. **

  • I know you are but what am I?
  • Talking to the mirror?
  • Same to you and more of it.
  • Im rubber and youre glue - whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.

** These could also be used to your parents. Result varies...

Secret Diary Tips:
Hide your secret diary well. No mom in the history of universe has refrained from reading her kid's diary if she got her hands on it.
Leave a decoy secret diary in an obvious hiding place to throw intruder off the track.

Important Disclaimer:
When reading this blog with your parent(s) / siblings in the vicinity, it is wise for you to hide any sign of amusement.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Growing Pains (Parenting 101)

This is a continuation of the Grawing Pains series.

Parents. Most have two. Some have one. Some have none...and some have two mums or dads. Some think they don't need any. Some think they need plenty. Whatever it is, their mere existence solely to instill fear or guilt to us, the innocence kids!

Mon cherie mamo, as you might already know, was a sole disciplinarian. Her infamous method was 'carrot and stick' or should I say 'stick and more sticks'. As the one who acted like a monkey (and sometimes looked like one) around the house, I had tasted almost all of her 'remedies' (be it rotan, hos getah, paip besi, batang ubi, penyapu lidi, wayar dan kabel, or bare hands!!).

But because most of the times she failed to catch this slithery-little-houdini, she would employ guilts or fairy tales tactics. and I managed to compile some of her antics (and the one in parentheses was my silent reprisal):
  1. You're not big enough yet!
  2. You did that on purpose! (What do you think? Duhhh..)
  3. This hurts me more that it does you! (Rightttttt.. I bet you're snickering inside.)
  4. Someday you'll thank me for this. (Not even when hells freeze over...)
  5. Act your age.
  6. Boys don't do that. (They did! They just call them 'action figures' instead of dolls)
  7. You've got no one to blame but yourself.
  8. How could you do that after all we've done for you?
  9. Why cant you be more like your sister! (I was being like THE REAL HER)
  10. Most kids would be happy to have what you have. (20 cent for daily allowance? I betcha!)
  11. When I was your age, I always obeyed my parents. (and look what have you turned into)
  12. I dont know what we're going to do with you.
  13. Dont make me come in there.
  14. Where did we fail? (Hmm, let me show you the lists.. )
  15. We're not made of money. (and yet you're the Avon lady best customer)

And on rare occasion when daddy was home:

  1. You scraped your chin again? Here's another dollar...

Note:: My dad was an army and he was posted in Borneo (Sabah). Therefore, he's rarely home.

For a new parent(s) out there, feel free to employ/recycle any of the FACTS above. But I wont be liable for future psychiatric therapy bills or any ill-feeling your child might have over you..

Kids, or teens. If your parents are using (or will use) any of the LIES above. Need not worry. Pretend you're concern and remorseful over it. You'll turn out okay eventually. The best thing is you could blog about them (when you are already successful that is).

Fame Is My Name

and other cheesy ways to introduce myself:

Stranger : You look familiar.
Me : Because my name is Famil...iar.
Stranger : *Eyes Rolling*

Stranger: How do you spell your name?
Me : Just like the Family.. without the 'y' (why) .That's why im single.. WHY do I need a FAMILY? Got what I mean? *grin*
Stranger : *Eyes Rolling*

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Raining Cats And Dogs

Therapy is off because of the rain.

How is it so? Well, my mum's theory is that when it rains its cold. When its cold you'll get hungry. When you are hungry, you craves. When you craves you shop with your stomache, not your brain. Overspend... kapish?

Maka sayugia kamek menggagahkan diri bersenam. Melangkah ke fitness centre di ofis kamek, Macam-macam ada. Ada gelanggang squash, meja ping-pong, billiard, dancing room and gym.

Whoaaa sik ada sidak sia! gembira gilak. Bersenam sendirian, lamak lamak lejuk juak rupanya. Bersenam pun sik serius, plente! 5 minit jogging, 5 minit berbasikal, 5 minit angkat berat... Nasib baik ada MTV.. Akhirnya lebih bergambar dari bersenam!

Enjoy the pics.. Neat huh..

Raining outside.. cant jog.. cant shop.
The main entrance
Jogathon thingy..
Yippe, calories-zapper here I come
Noooo.. tell it isn't so. 30 Cal only?But...*sigh*
Spoilt with so many choices
*Gasp* Still heavy..
TG4 MTV. The only source of entertainment, since there's no one around.

Shopping could be so rewarding

Who would have tot ???.. those retail therapies I have had over a year actually paid off... in cash!! Isetan Club (what a name for a dept store, I-satan?, well, logically, only satan - or its kin could shop like hell, no?) rewarded me with rebate vouchers yesterday.

I was elated when I got the vouchers, but my excitement was short-lived. You see, I had already planned to use the rebate for groceries. With smaller denom ($10, or $20) and capping at $30 per trip, it could last me about 3-4 trips. But, no thanks to the PMSing biatch over the redeem counter, I got my vouchers in higher denominations (in RM50s).

Rats!! Groceries are out of the picture already since no refund would be given for goods cheaper than $50. I need to buy something valued more than $50 or I will end up loosing money. (Cheapskate huh? its free money to begin with). Anyway, eventually I will end up with things I don't want, or don't need, or both. Worse still, I will splurge on things I have too many already (undies, shirts, pants)..

Oh well, I still have till Dec 31 to figure it out.. Now, however, I have to go for another therapy session to put behind yesterday's incident..ahhh, thinking about shopping makes me happy already.. ;p

Monday, August 21, 2006

School Holiday is Back!!

I had just met yaya and Mae a moment ago at Coffee Bean, KLCC (forgot to take any picture). Gosh! There were people everywhere... and children, the horror!!! I had forgotten that today the school holiday started. It's going to be another week before the tranquility could be restored.

I tried to get a couple of "crowd" pictures using my mobile to no avail. These two pictures were supposed to portray the unruly crowds but what could you expect with mobile camera!
The not so crowded crowd !! Blame the camera!
Again, the 'crowded' queues at the KFC. I could have sworn it was crowded. Well, it seemed like crowded to me.. :p

Anyway, just to make my blog seems lengthy; I've added a couple of KLCC views pics (since the subject here is KLCC.. heh heh)

<-- The bridge linking the two towers

Me at the 40th Floor -->

All roads lead to the towers.
Me N Nikkitah @ KLCC

I Am Not A Patriot

I do not classify myself as a patriot to my country. I'm cheap. I won't buy a Malaysian flag. Instead, I'll wait till the toll plaza's start handing them out for free. I can save cash that way for the extra petrol costs my government has imposed on me.

I also don't put flags up on my car. I don't want to leave the flag out in the rain, that might damage it. I won't fly my flag up for an entire month, because that will make it dirty. I also won't let it touch the ground, unlike some of the flags the local council here in Shah Alam has allowed to fall.I will also not let the flag get torn by simply leaving it out on my car. I have too much respect for it.

I will not name my pet cat 'Merdeka', because all it does is eat, sleep, and play around. If I would name a creature 'Merdeka', it would be for a buffalo used in the paddy fields, not afraid to get dirty, work hard, for a minimal cost, and never complain. Since, apparently, that is what our government wants us to be.

I am not a patriot because I don't bake 'Merdeka' day cookies, or create 'Merdeka' day rendang and pulut, or bake a 'Jalur Gemilang' cake. Besides, people in Johor need the excess sugar used in these anyways.

I am not a patriot because I haven't registered my phone with my vendor, which I'm supposed to do, so that they can track me down in case I say something bad about my government, or about a national icon who is about to get married, or about another national icon who recently called off his wedding.

I am not a patriot because I didn't march up to KLCC to protest whatis happening in Lebanon, and did not get my memorandum delivered toMs. Rice, and because I did not say that her presence here was notwelcome.

I am not a patriot because my birthday is not on August 31st, nor wasit in 1957, nor was I even born yet at that time, nor do I know anylocal war heroes who fought the communists. So that means I'll neverget media coverage, eventhough I have deep respect to those who livedand suffered for my freedoms, such as the KMM, which once published anewspaper to allow the views of the Malay people to be heard.Nowadays, I think those very people are turning in their graves afterhearing people trying to take that away from us.

I am not a patriot because I like going out at night to listen toindependent rock bands that sing in English. Because I spend my nightsout till 5 am sometimes, sitting at a mamak stall with friends andfamily discussing our lives, and problems. I also buy pirated DVDs anddownload music, because I think TM is doing a better job than ourmusic and film industry in promoting their product. The only Malaysianalbum I ever bought was by Siti Nurhaliza. And the only otherMalaysian mainstream artist I have respect for is Jac Victor.

I am not a patriot because I will not go to a Merdeka Day parade,where people double park, or charge RM5 for a parking spot, when I canwatch it on national TV, with the best camera angles taken byprofessionals with high class equipment to give me the best seat intown. It also avoids me from tripping over a kid, or losing a son ordaughter in the crowd, or accidentally pushing down another person andhave that person cursing and shouting about it.

Finally, I am not considered a patriot because I speak out in thisblog whenever I see my leaders doing something I never thoughtrational thinking adults could ever do, such as calling each othernames in Parliament, "closing one eye", arguing over a bridge,teargassing an ex-leader, spreading rumours of a certain someonegetting married to a certain celebrity and even publishing a flierwith 40 reasons why a person cannot be PM.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am not a patriot. Are you?

By Ahmad Hafidz Baharom Alam Shah
Republish with written permission from the author

Friday, August 18, 2006

Growing Pains (Siblings 101)

Siblings, the name alone is enough to make one's queasy. Some have none; some have plenty, and most have a little too many of them.

I have 5 of them. The house was filled by screaming, crying, smacking. As a single disciplinarian, MUM infamous punishments were caning (with anything she could grab on) and timeouts (inside the bathroom)... the TV! TV was such a magical invention ever invented! It allows several people who hate each other's guts to sit peacefully together in the same room for years on end without murdering each other.

My brother, aka the El-Disgusto or/and the Trickster, is 6 years my senior. I only had to endure his cruelty for less than 3 years, since, like my dad, he was away all the time. He stayed with gramp, when I was born in Borneo. So I had 4-unspoiled-toddler years to grow in peace. When we were together though, he never fails to show who the boss was. I was spared most of his angst because practically I had 2 layers of protections (other sisters, and the MUM). Then, off he went for boarding school.

Some of his wicked tricks and lies:

  • You say someone broke into your 'tabung' and stole all the money? Gee, that's too bad (and under the same breath)...Hey check out my new glo in the dark watch.
  • Have I ever lied to you before?
  • Sure you can come along. We're going on a secret mission and you're my extra SPECIAL agent *wink, wink*.
  • Look Nani!! El Nino (while throwing a bucket of water towards my sis doll house)

My second sister, aka the Little Mother, is 4 years my senior. She was also not there to 'mess' around during my toddler years, but when we 'reunited' the experiences were mostly pleasant (e.g. tsk tsk -- I just washed your face. How'd you get it all smudgy so fast?).

Then came the tor-Mentor, Ms. Tattletale, 2 years my senior. And boy, she was there when I was born! Since mom had a penchant to move in childless neighborhoods, she was the only friend I had till elementary.. NOT. She went to the same school. Some of her legendary fairy tale that others had to put up with:

  • Thank you mother. I only hope my example will be heeded by the others.
  • Mom, mom, Famil just called you a bad word that rhymes with "itch"!
  • Mommy!! abang and his friend are playing doctor and smoking cigarettes and telling dirty jokes and looking at nudist magazines and they wont share!!
  • Cry Famil, Cry Famil, Cry Famil (with her roving pack of malicious 11-yr-old girls)

Just when I tot I was the last one, along came my little sis. 6 years my junior. She was the reason I lost all my privileges as the last spoilt brat. Her impressive 5 years reign was ended when we had a baby brother to be the next little napoleon, but by then, I was a teenager with a different issues, to care (the gap is 11 years).

That was then, and now, we actually look forward seeing each others at kampung on special occasions and those reminiscences were brought back to life...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

My Little Library

I lourveeee (love) reading good books! If im buried into one, I usually forgo my sleep just to get to the end. Most people have their own method of reading.. Mine are:

  1. By cheating. That is to read the ending first. I hate suspense.. Heh heh..
  2. By skipping. Mostly for the lenghtly-flowery-wordy words (like Kathy Reichs -- Cross Bones)
  3. By alternating. Specifically for Dan Brown's novel. I had to read alternate chapters (1-3-5-7...) to get the flow of one character. E.g. I read Langdon's character first.. when he met Silas at the Sir Teabing's castle, I returned to read Silas characters.

Have you ever read a book, it affected you (+vely or -vely)? I had, and I got sick (literally) for days from reading 'The Child Called IT'. If I read those mushy-mushy Reader's Digest story, I will ended up with teary eyes. And after read a funny comic, my mood was never fail to elate.

Thats why I seldomly buy novels/best seller/thriller... Most of the books I owe in my mini library are 'the fact' and comic types. National Geog is on my top list, followed by Readers Digest books (not the mag).

I used to subscribe to the mag, but the sizes are tiny and look awkward on my shelve (with lots of unused spaces). Therefore I donated them all and cancelled my subscription (vain huh!). AS for the books itself, I got conned by the RD folk. Supposedly, I might already won one million dollar. All I had to do was to buy one or two books from their collection. Well, after like 10 books and broker than before with the moolah was nowhere to be seen, I got wise. But I must admit.. those books are not that bad...

As for the comics, I ADORE JOHN MCPHERSON's 'CLOSE TO HOME', SCOTT ADAM's 'DILBERT' and GARY LARSON's 'THE FAR SIDE GALLERY'.. and oh yeah.. LAT's and KEE's.. Moreover, I Like LIFE IN HELL (Matt Groening), but its hard to get a copy here.

My growing collections.

Fiction Books that I recommend:

  1. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
  2. The Child Called IT
  3. The Color Purple
  4. To Kill A Mockingbird

Non Fiction Books that I recommend:1)

  1. Never Wrestle with A Pig
  2. Sarong Party Girls series (1-3)
  3. Business @ the Speed of Light
  4. COMICS (are they non fiction?? hmm)

How about Dan Brown's, you might argue? My personal view - you read one, you read them all. Be it 'The Da Vinci Code', 'Angel and Demon', 'Deceptive Point', or 'Digital Fortress', its the same story-line. The main character was being deceived by the one they trusted most.

So, any real good books to recommend?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Gosh, what did I do wrong? I was minding my own business, tried to be as good as I could, you know, after the "incident" I vaguely described below >*wink wink*. Out of nowhere my good old pal came running and panting and asked me to look out over the window, and Sweet mother of lord! There's people picketing down there.... over me!!!

I'm so dumbfounded. Any advice??

Click the pic for bigger version...

Sarcasm is just one more service I offer !!

I'm soo damn pissed!! If assholes could fly, this place would be an airport! Sigh... Well, this day was a total waste of cologne.

Sorry guys, I'm sane enough not to disclose any juicy part.. It's just one of those days when my sarcasm take over my angelic side.. and below are some of things I'd said when I was in this mood.. which of course, made me feel remorse later on.. NOT!!..
  1. "Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after."
  2. "Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?"
  3. "Don't worry. I forgot your name too."
  4. "You started out with nothing. Still have most of it left, no?"
  5. "Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed."
  6. "You work 45 hours a week to be this poor? awww..."
  7. "You are depriving some village of an idiot."
  8. And the best *drumroll*!!! --"Sorry dude, a hard-on doesn't count as personal growth."
Hmm.. not even 10. Im not bad at all :)~.
Hope to get my jolly mood by the next blog. Off I go for retail theraphies...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The HAZE is back

Lucu banget seh kartoon di atas (karya Zunar.) It's the same every year. and same excuses.. "its the Indonesian peat fire"..

Monday, August 14, 2006

Magni Nominis Umbra

This was my skool (form 1 till form 6). It was (and still, I think) a boy school in Taiping. The name itself spooks the shit out of Georgianas (which has no padang to run away from us). Rugby was a de facto sport, discipline was non-exist, and one out of three pupil was potential psychopath/criminal.

The school motto, 'Magni Nominis Umbra' stands for Under the Protection of the Great One...

I was daydreaming yesterday and just happen to grab my old yearbook (1993) and suddenly those bittersweet memories rushed into my mind. I felt compelled to share some of the hillarious/fond/hallmark memories. So here some of them:
  • Miss Ong. The hottest teacher in the skool. Well, last year she passed away because of the cancer. (hope your soul will rest in peace).
  • Form 2 -- afternoon session. After final exam, it rained a LOT, and most of the times it flooded. So, being rowdy teenagers as we were, most of the times was spend unwisely. I usually played UNO with classmates above the tables (yeah, we were expected to remain in the class during the flood.. sans the teacher). Most played inside the sewage&vermin-coated-water (bleaghh), some read books (the nerds.. they're everywhere), some slept and some.. did nothing.. But once, we got this smart aleck, ripped the door and made a raft out of if. Seemed that the 'Kemahiran Hidup' knowledge was well utilised.
  • And the skool was short of tables and chairs. Therefore, every body was stealing from the other classes whenever they were out for Kemahiran Hidup, PE or others. Could you believe that we had to padlock our table and chair? And noo, it was still not safe. Some of the cheapo padlock got broke easily.. and the result.. study on the floor dude!
  • Annual-Lake Garden -freaking early in the morning-compulsory-10km-marathon. Being skinny ass like me didnt help much in collecting much point for my house ('King' -- yellow). Only twice did I managed to sprint within the legal time.
  • I always wondered why Parr house (the ugly brown) always got the horizontal challenged pupils? And everyone dreaded to be assigned to Parr. and the Head (blue) never failed to get the athletic-type one. (fyi -the other less glamour houses are Watson, Kier, Raffles)
  • The Edwardians were always paired with TMGS (Treacher Methodist Girl School -- or --Tok Mamak Gadai Spender, like we loved to call them). While the Georgians (St George) with those Convent (Kota) chicks.
  • Well, while im not that athletics during my teen, I was quite active with many clubs. Was a librarian (and a library high commitee member), secretary for gymnastic club, secretary for bm and pidato club, st john ambulance cadet div 36, councelling club and many more.
  • I remembered when I was in form 5, I won the public speaking event, not because I was good in delivery technique, but I was the only one who spoke for more than 5 minutes. heh heh...
  • The disciplinary teacher came into your class unannounced. Everyone had to stand up. He chose the tallest and the biggest. Took them away, everyone was scared-shit, anxiously waited for them to come back.. they did came back with a grin... and voila, they were our new prefects! Hmmmm...

Simply put, afternoon session was HELL.. Its a miracle we survived.

And shall any of my previous teacher stumbled upon this page. I would like to express highest gratitude for making me a decent human being.. I was always a teacher's pet. If only, you guys knew the real me back then :p

the admin block

the pardner.. TMGS (all girl school) my elder sister went here
the nemesis.. St George (boy school), some of my good friends went here (but that didn't stop me from making fun of the school)
and of course, the Convent (all girl school), my younger sister went here.. wilder than Methodist girls..

Dinner's Dilemma

Well, last Sunday was an uneventful day. I watched Kill Bill (part 1 & 2).. again (and again, and again x 14 times) and stayed on bed from dawn till dusk!

Eventually I got hungry.. called 1-300-88-2525, and they said its gonna take 45 min ... minimum... for the delivery. Forget it !!

Then what? How about dinner outside.. you mean, I have to change shirt and pant, wear cologne, for like what? 2 hours top? what a waste.

Well, before you know it, i decided to cook.. Yeah Cook Dinner.. and no, not the maggie mee kind of dinner, it's gonna be the hardcore one.

After browsing through the items on the fridge, the only dish I could prepared was Nasi Lemak... and cupcakes (for dessert)..

So, begun the mission.. after 2 felt-like-eternity hours (and the kitchen.. god, have mercy!!), the result was not that bad.. palatable for my standard .. muahahha..

the Chicken
the semi-hangit chicken

the nasi with the eggs

the condiments, yummy!

aaah, the cupcake!

Yup, pinky swear I cooked all the above (no instant/packet dinner)...

and the best.... after dinner activity ;p

Friday, August 11, 2006

Selamat Ulang Tahun

Bamboo Stick is turning 20ish++ today. Well, the actual date is tomorrow (12 Aug), but whose counting...

Therefore, happy birthday to you... You do like that present huh.. At first I tot, this t-shirt would be better :p

--- From all of us ---

--- Jolly Good Time ---

--- Image from yesteryear ---

--- Two chickadees ---

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Are you the lucky ones this month?

Basa basi gw and him
kenapa seh?
gw menang Grand Prize worth of RM100 petrol voucher..
bagus lho..
tapi seh, boil pun kaga ada.. gimana yeah
bagi ama bonyok loe?
mendingan jual aja lebih enak lho..
bego amat!! kalo udah tahu kok masih ditanya...
hi hi..bercanda lho
gelinting sana.!!..

Dura's Engagement's Surprise Party

Sa'ik banget nieh..ngemeng ngemeng, meten kuliah gw udah 'engaged' nieh. Dura, cewek imut, udah bertunang tanggal 23 juni.

--- Dura, gw and Mae ---

Makanya, Jumaat kemaren (4 augustus), gue ama Mae decided to throw a surpirse party. Yup, a month too late, but we were busy :)~. And here's some of the photo I managed to capture.

--- Dura and her beau ---

--- The party? ---

--- The odd one out :p ---