Taking time to heal
Watching favorite movies
Dreaming in circles
Friday, November 30, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Still lounging
And a list for aimee over at artsyville... A reverse bucket list... The list of done that, checked it off....it's not an extremely exciting list, no jumping off cliffs or hang-gliding but it works for me....
*Married a man i love...
*had 5 children...
*Bought an old house i love...
*do art regularly....
*work at a job that sometimes at least feels worth it....
*left the job that didn't feel worth it years ago...
*lost 16 pounds recently...
*had an art show, well, two small ones but they count...
*painted a pallet for Hammondsport and got invited back a second year...
*have my art in a gallery....
*opened an etsy shop...
*testified in court for work....
*stopped biting my nails years ago, (ok, so now i twist my hair, big deal)...
*learned to be HAPPY!...( not insanely but comfortably!)
Edit: after reading some lists i thought of so many more things i just had to add...
Rode an elephant
Went on a whale watch
Was within touching distance of the Queen
Was published in a magazine
Friday, November 23, 2012
Hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving!

Black friday shopping...
In sweats online and comfy...
Eatting leftovers...
photo.JPG, a photo by lelloavengers on Flickr.
Also ...
I am the featured artist over at Paint Party Friday if you want to go checkout the interview.....
All i have to show today is a work in progress....
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Fall fearless and fly
This challenge was to create a page about what makes you feel safe and comforted.
Being at home with family is where i feel this, but also in nature,
the calm of the woods,
the peace of a pine grove,
The soothing sound of a creek,
The rustle of tall grass and
The comfort of an old mother oak...
photo.JPG, a photo by lelloavengers on Flickr.
Friday, November 16, 2012
and from my daughter, the ring...well... even if it was just because she cleaned her room and didn't know what else to do with it...
I still wore it and had this quiet moment when i was laying on the couch doing nothing except listenng to her in her room listening to dave matthews band. it was nice.
And whenever my youngest tries to climb on me which is what he does; either my husband or my older son or someone is right there to help and distract my youngest with wrestling to protect me. My husband has cooked great meals, but then he always does that...
It will be available for sale once I order a sample, and now it is entered in their weekly contest. click here to see it as fabric. and Click here to get to the link to vote, I will warn you ...you have to scroll thru all 20 pages before it will let you vote, but hey, you'll do it for me, right?
Thanks a million, if i keep with the fabric thing awhile maybe I will order some and have a giveaway soon. Maybe after next week, for Thanksgiving my house will get even fuller as my oldest will be home from college and she's bringing her new pet too... a kitty named dirty popcorn. I haven't seen the kitty yet, we will have to wait and see how these two new pets get along with out 2 older cats, Tyronne and BobDole. It will be a full house...
Thanks for voting!
I am headed back to the couch...
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Artists playroom
I am feeling better though, and i appreciate all the kind comments, and the help naming my daughters puppy... She may have decided on starburst, but not 100% yet. There will be more puppy photos to show soon, as she is a sweet dog and sooo tiny. ( i keep calling her kitty). See you tomorow for another aedm post.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
New addition
My daughter brought home a new addition to the family from a shelter in Rochester. She's a chihuahua/minpin, who just had surgery too.... She weighs about 3 pounds. my daughter is not settled on a name... She had thought of Joplin but the puppy is to fragile to be named after Janis Joplin. We also thought about Little Foot as she has a long neck... Any suggestions?
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
A get well card to myself
And speaking of words, here's my list for tuesday... It's a list of possible future lists requested by aimee over at artsyville.
-small pleasures
-Favorite desserts
-Just read books
-Favorite places to eat
-All things red
-All things green
-All things blue
-Magical things
-Childhood enchantments
-Favorite ways to make wishes come true
-Types of teas
-Things you say to yourself to make yourself feel better
-Things you say to make yourself do what needs to be done
-Things in your closet
-Things in your purse
-What i see from my window
-interesting words
-yoga poses
-wisdom learned from a grandparent
-wisdom learned from a child
Monday, November 12, 2012
Feeling a bit better
This is what's on my lap as i am propped up on the couch... Well, and the ipad, and i have been googling bird images... Because they seem cheery!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
In the hospital, in the maternity ward but not to have a baby....
I took my sketchbook to the hospital with me and sketched my hand with the IV shortly after the hysterectomy friday. Must have had some good drugs as I am home today and feeling better but not up to sketching again yet.
Maternity ward
Listening to babies cry
Proud patents talking
Hello all at haiku my heart, and sunday sketches and creative everyday!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Aedm 8 and share the joy!
I had planned on finishing more of the mandalas i started or painting some of the tiny sketched planets or more zentangles even but then i read Tracey Fletcher King's blog as i regularly do and i got up and had to sketch a teacup. Couldn't help myself actually. This is my favorite of mine to look at, so pretty but too tiny to use very often though. I have two handmade mugs i use for my tea so i can get a really good sized cup. I don't feel i have found the perfect cup yet, same as the elusive favorite pen that i am sure is out there but i have never found.
This is thursday so not only anothe AEDM day but also favorite things thursday and share the joy thursday.
So my joy list....
1. The almost favorite tea cup
2. The darkness... With the days getting shorter and colder it feels more closed in and safe and cozy. I am the opposite of claustrophobic. ( by the way i know i am spelling things wrong or typing too fast but i don't have time for spell check so please excuse all my errors...)
3. With the shorter days comes holiday packaging. While everyone else moans that there are Christmas decorations in the store before Thanksgiving I am secretly loving the pretty peppermint tea boxes and the candy packages with snowflakes all over them. it makes me feel all happy and i feel the need to go watch childrens fantasy movies. I started the golden compass last night and will get to the lion the witch and the wardrobe soon, and the polar express, and labyrinth and on and on...
4. My son is talking more now that he is being bussed to an autism classroom an hour away. They are doing a great job and he's using more words at home. Until 3 weeks ago he had never even answered a yes or no question. He would just repeat the question. Then 2 weeks ago my husband asked him if he was pretending to be a T-Rex as he was making T-Rex noises, and he said "yes". We were so shocked we hardly realized he'd actually answered. Then a week or so
ago he was repeatedly poking my eye at 4:00
am and as you can imagine i was not happy and i said " what do you want?" in a fairly
annoyed voice... He said " I want a cookie please" clear as day. I was so excited i got up and of course, got him a cookie! Yeah!
5. I am having surgery tomorow ( a hysterectomy... I was feeling like i shouldn't say that on here but i am not sure why not) which means i get two weeks of work, yeah again!
So i won't be by tomorow but after a feel better i will see you all then...
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
That's the name of this puffy tangle, it's fun to do , i have started 3 more "planet" drawings in my sketchbook.... Why? I don't know, just felt like making tiny planets, like i did a few posts ago before rereading The Little Prince again..... I will paint them today maybe and show them tomorow. The first is made out of this same tangle... Socc.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
What i see when i close my eyes
I may sound crazy here but when i close my eyes and rub them i see kaleidascope's of swirling colors. I thought everyone did till i mentioned this one day and the person i was talking to thought i was nuts. Maybe it's an autism thing, not that i am autustic but since my son is , i have read that autistic people see bright colors, and a grown autistic man once said his childhood had been a memmory of bright lights, swirling colors and he thought everyone's was like that. I wonder if my son sees this, i know he hears too much, he can hear things we can't. my daughter recently read many autistic kids hear plants dieing, screaming in fact. That sounded horrible to me but they didn't seem sad about it, it was just what they heard. My son can't tell me this kind of thing yet so i don't know what he hears but he uses head phones to drown out the noise often.
So, how many of you see colors?
Oh, i almost forgoy, this is tuesday, time for list it tuesday, her theme this week is movie lines. My favorite ones are usually obscure , my friends don't seem to watch the same movies i do.... Here's some favorites...i 'll out the movie they are from below...
" on the contrary, it is more stirring to my blood than any imaginings could possibly have been..."
"be careful what you wish for... You will surely get it!"
"When the God's want to punish you they answer your prayers."
And the one i am reminded of each morning as i pack my son's lunch and he outs smarts me fairly regularly by getting the 3 cookies i put in his lunch...."my mental faculties are TWICE what yours are, peabrain!" said by the villian macleash in the kids movie rescuers down under to his pet lizard while trying to keep the eggs in his lunch box away from the lizard. The lizard gets them all everytime, and my son seems to get the cookies whenever he tries too, the second i turn my back, they are gone.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Zendala dare
At the brightowl she has a weekly challenge with a template for a mandala, i drew my own from her template rather than downloading it as i wanted it in my sketchbook. The theme was pies and she asked we use tangles that started with the letters PIE. I used paiz around the outside, and paradox is the one in blue, in-a-pod is the one that looks like pea pods and then echoism is on the outside edges in Red and yellow. This type of mandala i can get done very quickly. Yesterday's is much larger and all drawn out with a compass and takes a bit longer. Different types and different results but both are fun to do. Tomorow i should have another style entirely, less symmetrical, drawn from a "seed". After that maybe i'll be moving on to something else, a rock or nature sketch or maybe even a canvas. It all goes in streaks for me.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
I have done it again, gone and joined another challenge,
art everyday month...
even though I know i didn't make it everyday in blogtoberfest, i managed quite a few,
and the thing about joining "art everyday" is that i DO do art everyday,
but the posting art is what is hard...
so many other really wonderful bloggers are in it i clicked on it too....
Just had to....
Couldn't help myself...
So i won't worry about being perfect or elaborate or anything, i'll just post something i Have done each day....
And i guarantee i will miss a day or two....
Just saying....
Friday, November 2, 2012
How did I get to be almost 49 and never have seen these before?
I googled them and they may be from a Sycamore tree but I can't be sure... does anyone know?
We were lucky with the storm here, even though we prepared and had bottled water and candles, we never lost power, just got cold wet rain and high rivers and a few trees down in the area but no real damage here. We are far enough away from NYC that it missed us basically.
I took these photos in my favorite cemetery before the storm when we still had glorious SUN!