Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Bits and pieces.

I've been on a healthy eating plan for 2 weeks now, its going okay. I hunted down the top in Mollie Makes video and bought it, but couldnt fit in it :( so I decided enough was enough and now I'm hoping to get fitter and be able to fit in my clothes again. Damn steroids really take their toll but luckily since I've been eating better and exercising my asthma hasn't been as bad (touch wood touch wood touch wood).
Here are a few things I've been making over the past few months when I've had a spare few minutes.
A last minute reversible tote bag for L's friend for her birthday. I found this lovely strawberry material in Boyes and I did mean to go and get some more. I hope it hasnt all gone :/
That's it so far. I finally made a monkee from Monkee makes blog, but I will show those pictures next time and in a minute I'll post the link to the sweet video of Mollie Makes so anyone who hasnt seen it can see what they are missing ;) xx