Wednesday, 30 May 2012

A brief update with lots of pictures

ooh Blogger has all changed :/ how long has this been going on for?? Probably yonks. I dont like change... I dont want to be in a pie, I dont like gravy...
My girl child has been doing her exams, and I've been busy working, my son has been finishing uni so its just been madness all around, not that that is an excuse for my lack of blogging however I've had pigger flu for the second time which wiped me out completely for a fortnight but I'm back on the mend now and feeling a lot better and maybe now the sun is shining a bit, I might get more creative with my camera and my words and get blogging again.. who knows.
Anyway here is the news.
I found a wooden doll kit on etsy and fell in love with it so I treated myself to one, I got it before I was ill and desperately wanted to get on with her but had to wait :(  because I had no energy at all. When I was better I set about painting her whilst watching a very nice long Catherine Cookson on the tellybox (I think it was Tilly Trotter). I'm really pleased with the results and I love her sooo much. If you want to have a go at making one then you can find the kit at  this link (Sophie Tilley Designs)

 Here are some buns the girl made to surprise me when I got in after work, and a good job she made of them too. Shes a star.

Because I missed Easter completely on my blog here is my attempt at making chocolate Easter eggs and the Girls waiting for Easter Sunday. 
 And for my Mum for Mothers day I made a little circus elephant from a pattern from Gingermelon Dolls  (fiddly but really cute when finished) and some cupcakes.

That is all for now :) Hope everyone is well and happy xxxx

Friday, 3 February 2012

Kids and elephant.

Not really kids, my son is now twenty and my daughter has just turned sixteen! To say my son is laid back is an understatement, he is so laid back he's horizontal. He finishes his three year stint at university this year. On the other side of the scale is my daughter who isnt at all laid back and heading towards exams and college so is all anxiety, stress and shredded nerves (mostly my nerves) Things are a bit weird at the minute. I have a good job and a nice house and I'm still single but I cant say I'm fulfilled or totally happy. I think some changes will have to be made this year and daunting as that is, either I make the changes or they will be forced upon me. Heavy stuff... However I did do a bit of sewing (dont faint) for my daughters sixteenth birthday I made her a elephant. When she was a small dot she had (still has) a velour elephant which she could never be parted with, in fact we had to buy two just in case because she was inconsoluble without her 'Fonty' so to celebrate managing to keep Fonty for 16 years I decided to make her a new elephant. I used the Tilda pattern and as my usual way I made the elephant out of towelling because I love towelling so much. Here is the final result.
I quite like her and luckily my daughter adored her. It has snowed here very slightly in the last couple of days and I'm full of cold. Is it finally winter??? Hope you are all well and happy xxx

Friday, 23 December 2011

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays.

Hope you all have a lovely Christmas and new year.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

blythe love

I know its been ages, why is it if you stop blogging it is so difficult to start again. I guess its the thought of trying to build up friends again because you've left them so long while you went out into the big wide world and did dull things.
I'll just post anyway... I treated myself to a blythe doll, I've been wanting one for years but have never been able to afford one. Anyway seens as my 'going back to work' bonus finishes now, I decided to buy a blythe so I had something to say 'yay well done for managing to keep your job for a year'
I got her from an ebay seller who actually didnt really sell all she was with the picture she took of her. I was apprehensive waiting for her to arrive but when she did she was perfect. In her box with her outfit and everything. I got a real bargain and I <3 Ebay sellers who are more concerned about finding their dolls good homes than how much money they can get for them.
This is the picture that the seller put on...And this is how my girl looks now shes here.I love her. It took me ages to think of a name but then I decided on Anouk after watching 'The slap' and seeing a girl on there called it.
My kids say she is like my new child and she maybe is as mine are getting ready to fly the nest, I feel I need something to cute to look at on a cold evening and make clothes for. I cant knit though, so all knitted items I've got from ebay or etsy.
This is a selection of dresses I made for her.And this is her new outfit (skull hat and jumper) and her friend (right), who belongs to a girl I work with. We had a blythe day at work, it was great fun and I felt about ten again.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Mollie Makes: For people who love the crafty life

Bits and pieces.

My job seems to take up so much time, even though its only a couple of days a week, I spend the rest of my time tidying up after my very untidy teens. I am just in the middle of redecorating my sons room, which took a whole day just to clear out the many many boxes of random things he's collected over his twenty years. (Yes hes twenty now, I feel old).
I've been on a healthy eating plan for 2 weeks now, its going okay. I hunted down the top in Mollie Makes video and bought it, but couldnt fit in it :( so I decided enough was enough and now I'm hoping to get fitter and be able to fit in my clothes again. Damn steroids really take their toll but luckily since I've been eating better and exercising my asthma hasn't been as bad (touch wood touch wood touch wood).
Here are a few things I've been making over the past few months when I've had a spare few minutes.
Rings are from a pattern from Mollie Makes, I'm assuming everyone has come across a copy of this marvellous magazine. Its my favourite mag at the moment and I genuinely get excited when it drops through the letter box onto my doormat. .
A last minute reversible tote bag for L's friend for her birthday. I found this lovely strawberry material in Boyes and I did mean to go and get some more. I hope it hasnt all gone :/
That's it so far. I finally made a monkee from Monkee makes blog, but I will show those pictures next time and in a minute I'll post the link to the sweet video of Mollie Makes so anyone who hasnt seen it can see what they are missing ;) xx

Monday, 30 May 2011

are you recieving me over.

Cor I'm the worst blogger in the world. I dont know why I have stopped or am so bad at posting. I think finding out that strange people were coming to look at my blog put me off a bit and I think once you stop posting it becomes easier not to post. I have thought about just deleting the blog and forgetting I had one but I still cant bring myself to do so I'll just carry on being a sporadic poster and hope someone reads it sometimes ;)
I made a peg doll for my friend for his mums birthday. He turned out okay, I was pleased and my friend and his parents were really pleased with him. My friend wrote a novel and my son made a small mini version for him to hold.I am in the middle of making a goth rag doll for my friends daughter for her 16th birthday, I'll post pictures when I've finished.

Finally I found this really marvellous song. I love it.