Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Childhood drawings

I was going through my church bag yesterday and found this.  Jessica's nativity, Christmas 2009.

One side has Joseph, Mary, baby Jesus in the manger with a donkey and pig looking on and the star shining from above. But the dumb scanner keeps cutting out the star and Joseph.  I'm giving up for now after 5 attempts and will hopefully update this later.

The other side has a shepherd watching his two sheep. 

Sometimes her primary pictures are my favorite art work.  Maybe the teachers are better at encouraging the kids to use all the space

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Super Bowl

The kids watched some of the game, but had more fun playing their own.  
The girls were almost drowning in Matt's jerseys. 

Jess notes to mom

Isaac tried a new iPhone game during a football carpool and had us download it.  Jess got hooked.  She took the fastest shower ever so she could play a little more until bedtime.  When it was time to read scriptures, I took my phone away.  She had the biggest pout ever.  Matt took a picture. I'll see if I can get it from his phone and add it later.  (He's at football with Isaac right now.)

The next morning when I went in their room Jess sheepishly gave me three notes she had written the night before and had stuck under her door.  They said
"Sty out"
"Knock on it"
"I am mad at you mom"

Oh, what literary skills.  I'm pretty sure Makenna helped her with "knock" but, overall, not bad for a kindergartner. 

PE Hike

We hiked Lone Mountain a couple of weeks ago.  We lucked out with the weather.  It rained for a week solid before, then dried out for a few days, then started up again the day after.  It was a challenging hike, but possible for Jess with a little help.  What a view of the city from the top!

Makenna and a couple buddies taking a water break.  
You can see the trail continuing up right above their heads.  

Isaac and Jess are almost at the top.  My battery died right after this shot. :-(

Valentine Weekend

Brian and Hillary came for the long weekend.  They had a lot of running around to do with house hunting and job seeking, which was good because we had book groups, library classes, football practices and 15 mile runs to do, but we saw each other for some fun times too. They met up with us at SkyMania Friday afternoon for some jumping.  There is Makenna.  Her record was 16 toe touches in a row.

Our two soccer/homeschool family friends were there too.  They each have two kids: boys Isaac's age and girls Jessica's age.  Makenna kind of drifts between the two groups.  We often bring an extra friend for her when we meet up with them, but this time she had two parents and an uncle and almost aunt with whom to play.  An almost aunt who is queen of trampolines.  Yes, we photographic proof. Right side up and 180 degree turn.

The best part, for Matt and I, of their visit was going out for a long date night.  It was Valentine's weekend which made reservations a little tricky.  Cirque du Soleil has a great deal for locals till the end of the month where you buy one ticket at normal price and get the 2nd for $25.  We wanted to go to "O", but that show was sold out all week.  We went to their Beatles Love show instead.  That's the 3rd cirque show I've seen (Matt missed Mystere because of work.) and they are all so different.  This one was crazy fun.  I don't even want to attempt to describe it.  There was often too much to see with people on the ground, in the air and all the levels in between.  The theater itself was interesting.  It was like a big "Globe" theater with the stage in the middle and the audience all around.  Two parts in particular stood out to me because of the kids recent activities, but Cirque took them to a whole different dimension.  Rollerblading and trampolines, in ways I didn't know were possible.  We had a lovely slow dinner before the show and then didn't get home till late.  Then everyone really slept in the next morning.  I think it's the first time since being married that I thought, good thing we don't have 9:00 church.  We are usually rather early risers, but Sunday morning we were starting breakfast at 9.

After church we chopped fruit and brought out the chocolate fountain.  For a boy that has proclaimed fruit to be his mortal enemy for most of his life, Brian put away a whole lot of strawberries.  Maybe the "chocolate coating makes it go down easier."  We had hot, fresh refrigerator rolls too.  If the fountain only cleaned easier, I'd say we found a new Sunday tradition.  Of course, we'd probably all gain 10 pounds too. 

Note to Brian and Hillary: Jessica is worried that you forgot to pack some of your cards, so she is making some new ones for you when you come back. 

Monday after they left we had a Valentines party at the park with several other homeschool families.  It was a gorgeous day.  The kids played a few games, exchanged valentines, had treats and played in the beautiful weather for a couple hours.  I had an "I love living in Vegas" moment when we got home and the kids were going through their cards and treats.  The chocolate ones all had to go in the fridge because they were squishy, melty.  Ahhhh, February.  As they went through the cards (hillarious listening to them read them out loud to each other.  If there is a lovey one, the girls giggle and Isaac groans) Matt and I went on an afternoon run together in shorts and t-shirts.  That was a treat.  Normally I go in the morning at sunrise and it's still nippy.  Wearing shorts felt great! 

The girls are passing the cup with straws, no hands.  Isaac is wondering if he can go play football yet. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Family Update

I haven't written for a bit.  The weather has been uncommonly wet.  I know I should be grateful.  We definitely live in a desert and any rain is a blessing, but it makes long runs and football practice a lot less enjoyable.  Isaac actually had a few practices canceled because of weather.  It pretty much rained all week two weeks ago.  We were supposedly getting 1/2 a years' allotment of precipitation in that one week.  I keep meaning to look it up and see if we did, but I haven't yet.  We probably did. We got tons of rain.  The kids stood at the back windows watching little rivers and ponds form in the back yard.  Then it didn't stop after that week.  We would have a few days of sun, then more rain, and more rain.  It rained all last night.  Very odd. 

Jessica: She is loving school and soaking up knowledge like a sponge.  Matt and I often catch each other's eye at family scripture reading surprised at the words she doesn't need help with anymore.  Her new thing is writing notes.  This morning we all had notes.  Isaac's said she wanted to play Mario Brothers with him today and have a happy morning.  Matt's: "Dear dad I love you a lot and what do you want for becthes (breakfast) to day?" I had a long note about getting hugs and kisses with an accompanying picture.  Makenna and she must have had a little tiff this morning because we saw Makenna's note taped to the outside of their bedroom door. "Stop here I am mad at you." Jess is impatient for soccer to start, but loves breaking in her new rollerblades, when it isn't raining..  She bought them with her birthday money.  She has lots of new bruises .

Makenna: She was so excited to go to our ward's baptism preview a couple weeks ago.  Last Saturday, she went to her good friend's baptism and watched with new interest.  Her birthday is next month.  I am making a baptism dress for her.  She has been offering to read to me a lot more so I will hurry up on her dress.  I sew while she reads out loud.  She picked out the pattern and colors a month ago.  We sent the fabric (expensive sheets from Grandma Huntzinger's connections) to my mom to pleat, and now I am working on the smocking.  That is my current time consuming task, but she is making it easier by exclaiming over how fast it's going (it's not really) and how beautiful it is, and how she hopes her daughter can wear it some day.  That's how to motivate me!  Makenna has decided to start dance again instead of soccer.  I need to look into where to do it.  I think she needs more of a challenge than the Y can provide. 

Isaac: Last night he finished the last requirement for his Arrow of Light!  That's the end of cub scouts.  I'm not sure he'll even have a ceremony because this is the Blue and Gold month, but he doesn't really care.  He doesn't want to skip football practice either.  They had 4 practices last week and the same this week. The first game isn't until later in March.  It's more expensive than city league soccer, but I guess we're getting our money's worth in time. It's a lot of work and drastically cuts into his social free time, but he loves it.  One interesting school thing.  He has been doing a chemistry unit in science, but going much more in depth than I ever expected for 5th grade.  He has been learning about the periodic table, atomic weight, and balancing chemical equations along with the fun experiments.  He wants to do something from the unit for the history and science fair we are doing next month.

Karen: I went on a quick trip to St George for the Painters Half Marathon a couple weekends ago.  I went with 3 other friends.  We were worried about the weather, and so were the race officials.  They emailed everyone the day before deciding to postpone the start by one hour, but it turned out to be a beautiful day.  I cut 14 minutes off my time from two years ago.  That's not saying I'm awesome now, just that I used to be a lot slower.  That run was also the kick off for marathon training.  My newish neighbor and friend Wendy is signed up to race in June.  That will be her 16th marathon.  I'm doing my #3 in May.  But for both of us, it's the first time we are training with someone and it is so much more fun than slogging out the miles alone.  We're planning on 15 this Saturday. Running has become my hobby and stress relief.  School, Enrichment and Padwerx comprise my other duties and eat up a big chunk of my time, but I think it's more fun to write about the running.

Matt: After working 100's of hours over a short amount of time, Matt is home again.  Padwerx still has two guys at City Center and Matt is still often on the phone helping remotely, but he's not going in for the next couple weeks.  They want the top suites cleared out of tech so they can have rich people stay there for the Super Bowl last weekend and the upcoming Chinese New Year which is apparently a big draw.  Matt was hoping to get to some projects around the house, but first had to tackle a proposal for a long term work contract.  Wow.  There is so much more to running a business than I ever thought of before.  If we get this job, my little bookkeeping gig is going to get exponentially more involved.  I don't know half of the inner workings of Padwerx, but what I do see makes me so proud of my husband, his vision and what he has been able to accomplish.  He'll be heading back to City Center for the last week of February and we'll see after that.