
joy has come!

Amaliah was born premature at 30 weeks, but she's a little trooper. She's feisty and very strong, and has been doing very well. Her early coming is one of the main reasons for the lack of activity in the blog. My lupus started flaring up again in the last weeks and I wasn't feeling so well.  My body started showing signs of preeclampsia and the doctors decided it was time for Amaliah Joy to arrive to avoid any risks. She's a week old now and we are so proud of her progress and growth. She is currently under neonatal intensive care, and I have decided to stick around the hospital so I can be close to her. I have started a little blog to document her progress and send updates to friends and family. You are welcome to stop by anytime if you would like to know how she's doing. Here is the link.

I am hoping I can get used to a new routine and be able to start designing some new printables, but for the moment being, all my focus and time is given to her. Thank you for sticking around even though I haven't been giving away freebie printables lately! I promise I will make it up to you once I feel ready to start again! :)


Little Love Notes

Hi there! I've missed designing for this blog! I decided it was time for a new printable, the first one of the year actually, yikes! So I've made some cutsie little love cards:

Hope you like the new printable!
Download, print, and give to the special people in your life.

You can download this new printable over here.


boy or girl?...

IT'S A GIRL! and we are so thrilled and excited! I can't hide my joy!

You might have noticed that I've already started pinning stuff for the little baby girl...
There's a lot of planning yet ahead and I can hardly wait to start decorating her room ♥.

I am now 23 weeks pregnant and I can't believe how fast time has passed. It's great to be able to feel her moving in there now and I just pray she'll be ok and healthy.

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Little baby girl, we love you so much already
and can't wait to meet you!
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