A friend of mine gave this figurine to me for my birthday. Every time I walk past it, my heartstrings are pulled a bit. The way this woman is holding her baby reminds me of the way I hold Connor - trying to protect my sweet baby from the world and the chaos and trying to hold on to these precious fleeting days. Connor is our joy baby. We think he's pretty much perfect. His only flaw is that he's growing way too fast!
- He just recently found his thumb! I am a huge fan of thumb/finger sucking!
- He still wakes up once or twice in the night. My other babies figured out the sleep-through-the-night thing long before 5 months, but I really don't mind. We get comfy-cozy on the recliner in his room and I end up falling asleep while feeding him. We both enjoy our late night interludes.
- He loves his brothers and they love him. He finds great entertainment in watching them, and they enjoy smothering him. He loves to listen to his daddy talk to him.
- I think he rolled over once. I put him on his back on Josh's bed and then walked away, when I came back, he was on his tummy. At his 4 month check-up, his pediatrician asked if he was rolling yet and I told him, honestly, this baby doesn't get many opportunities - he is being held or being gently swung in his swing - spoiled baby! Tummy time? What's that?
- He falls asleep on his own in his crib at night and can stay there the whole night through, but I haven't been brave enough to switch him from the swing for his daytime naps. He's a great napper, though - he takes 2 long and one short naps.
- He loves silly songs and when we repeat phrases to him. He'll laugh and laugh. His favorite silly song is "I'm Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee." His favorite phrase is "You're soooo sweettt!" He also loves peek-a-boo.
- He doesn't know what to do with his arms when he sleeps, so we still swaddle him. He breaks out of it now so he can get access to his thumb. When I start to wrap him up, he protests because he knows what's happening next, but I given him his binky and he falls asleep almost instantly. He's still very portable - and when you're the third child, this is a MUST! He takes good naps in his car seat when we're out and about.
- He loves to get naked because he has better access to his yummy feet - the best toys a baby can have, they never get lost!