24 September 2009

No Time For Flash Cards

No Time For Flash Cards

I found this preschool website (http://www.notimeforflashcards.com/) that I absolutely adore. It has fun craft & book ideas along with ways to teach young children.

Here are the brothers working on a craft together. I didn't take a picture of the final product and I've since thrown it away - duh! Andrew and Josh both love to make crafts, something I'm looking forward to doing more of - now that the weather is cooler.

23 September 2009


This was taken after we'd just walked home from school (well, I walked while the boys were pushed in the jogger). It was a fun day full of apple picking and playing barefoot in the green grass.

Andrew, Xidis, Isaiah & Joshy being goofs.

13 September 2009

All Growed Up

Andrew started Kindergarten this week!

Here is the handsomest, most adorable Kindergartener I've ever seen.
On the first day of school, Josh asked for Andrew the entire three hours. He was so excited when it was finally time to pick brother up.
At parent night, I asked Andrew's teacher where she got her Monarch caterpillars - I was thinking she'd tell me the website to purchase them from - no, she said she searches in fields of Milk Weed to find them! She is the perfect fit for my obsessed-with-all-creeping-things boy.

His teacher also plays the piano and sings to them everyday. She is pretty much Mary Poppins. When Andrew gets home from school, I ask him what things he did and he usually responds, "I don't know" or "I can't remember." But throughout the day, he'll give me little tidbits of information. He is excited to go back to school tomorrow - so I'm taking that as a sign that he's loving it. I get to volunteer in his class every other week, and I'm so excited I can't even stand it!

07 September 2009

Moose Canyon

We were able to drive up to Silver Lake near the Brighton ski resort a few times this Fall. The drive is beautiful, especially when the leaves change. There is a boardwalk that circles the lake, a great place for little munchkins to expend some energy on a Sunday afternoon - and the views are breathtaking. On one of our trips, we were able to see not one, but THREE moose! Andrew now calls Big Cottonwood "Moose Canyon."

Boy Moose

Girl Moose

02 September 2009

Conked Out

It doesn't happen often, but I'm grateful when it does.