31 October 2007

On The Road Again

Interview Season is here and well on its way...

Here are the Pathology residency programs Randy will be visiting:

University of Nebraska in Omaha
University of New Mexico in Albuquerque
University of Utah
University of Iowa in Iowa City
University of South Dakota in Sioux Falls
Penrose-St. Francis in Colorado Springs
Indiana University in Indianapolis
University of Arizona in Tucson
Univeristy of Kentucky in Lexington

It's pretty exciting, but we'll be happy if we can stay right here for so many reasons. Randy has already been to the first three programs. It's amazing how so very, very different this process has been compared to applying to medical schools. It's low stress, they put the candidates in a nice hotel and feed them! They tell you why their program is right for you instead of asking why you are right for their program.

30 October 2007

We survived Randy being gone for a month. Really, truly, honestly, it wasn't that bad. We kept to our routine, and the time really flew. That is, for us on the home front. For Randy, it was a totally different story (and one I'll explain in another post). The last 24 hours, for me, were the hardest while I waited for Randy to get back. Safely. I think I was in denial about the whole thing that he was actually in INDIA (!!!). It's still very surreal to me. When we picked him up from the airport, I wasn't really prepared for the flood of emotions I would feel when I saw him and was able to hold him. It was the best feeling in the world to be a family again. I don't want him to ever go away for that long again, but it did give me some much needed perspective and it helped me to appreciate Randy for what he brings to our family. It also made me grateful for our marriage and to have someone to share my life with (I know I'm so cliche here, but I really mean it!).

Anyway, we decided to celebrate Randy's homecoming. First, we had an incredible Seafood

King crab legs, shrimp scampi, and halibut. Notice our homage to the Hindu Ganesha God (a souvenir from India)

Then we went to Cornbelly's which was a blast:


I'm determined to make sure my boys look their best with the genes we've passed on to them, this means they wear non-dorky clothes and they have decent haircuts. The golden locks on Josh's head were so adorable, but they were getting a tad long; I decided it was time for a haircut so I can do the spiky-gel thing that I do with Andrew's hair.


And after:

I know Tootsie Pops are a no-no, but it kept him distracted (he wasn't too happy with me). Oh, what a handsome little guy!
Ok, I know I'm a bad mom for saying this, but sometimes I kind of like it when my kids are sick. Josh got some funky stomach virus yesterday, and pretty much he's been vomiting for the last 36 hours-ok that part I could skip-I can't even tell you how many times I've changed outfits, changed Josh's outfits, changed sheets, cleaned up the carpet messes, etc. (I got a clue and finally stopped feeding him). The part I've enjoyed is Josh falling asleep in my arms and wanting to be held. I have an excuse to drop the world and just concentrate on taking care of my baby. And tonight after Andrew went to bed, Josh was laying with me on the the couch-Randy was sitting by us and teasing Josh. Josh was being so cute and smiley and talking to us in his cute babbling way, and then all of a sudden, he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and just conked out and fell asleep in the middle of playing with us. It was pretty funny. And adorable. I hope he gets better soon because I know things can get get scary when they lose that much fluid, but I've really enjoyed taking care of him and being his mom.

11 October 2007

I'm It

I've been tagged by my beautiful, fabulous, mother-of-twins, friend-so here goes....

Jobs I've had:

1. Bank Teller
2. Health Care Asst. (Glorified baby-sitter for a residential treatment center for teenage girls)
3. Youth detention counselor
4. Administrative assistant

Places I've lived:
1. Provo, UT
2. Redlands, CA (where I graduated high school)
3. Exeter, NH
4. Shreveport, LA (where I was born)

Food I love:
1. Cheese Enchiladas from La Puente (and any authentic Mexican food)
2. My latest craving: plain yogurt with fruit and honey with grape nuts trail mix cereal.
3. The greasy, nasty deep dish pizza from Pizza Hut
4. Chocolate brownies with fudge frosting
5. Bagels with avocado, mustard, and melted mozzarella cheese

Websites I visit:
1. Friends & Family Blogs
2. wikipedia.com
3. allrecipes.com
4. shabbyprincess.com
5. I waste too much time on the internet in general. The computer is the new TV.

Places I'd Rather Be:
1. In the arms of my man

Movies I love:
1. Pride & Prejudice (A&E version)
2. Sense & Sensibility
3. Emma
4. You've Got Mail
5. Sleepless in Seattle

Shows I Watch:
1. Scrubs-I just discovered this treasure of a show. Genius. Pure genius.
2. Grey's Anatomy (even though I'm starting lose interest, which I'm really sad about)
3. Medium
I also love Ellen, 24, House, & Divine Design, but I hardly ever get to watch them.

Tag, you're it:
1. Cristiana
2. Jenny M.
3. Corrine
4. Becky C.
5. Carolyn

Work Hard. Play Hard.

Lake Powell
September 2007

We Kayaked.

We Moleculed.

We Sea-Dooed.

We played "Combat Insertion."

We Fished.

We swam. (Lots)

And we spent priceless time with family.

Randy, Josh, Me, Great-Guma Doris, Deborah, Lisa, Andrew, Cassidy, Russ, Maranda, Amaria, Lewis, Creighton, McCall, Logan

This is the way to vacation. We stayed at Russ & Lisa's beautiful house boat at Antelope Point. We played and played and played and we had a blast. Andrew was very adventurous and tried everything at least once. He loved the boat rides the best (me too). Joshers stayed back at the ranch most of the time (thanks to Grandma Lamb & Doris for watching him!).
Thank you Russ and Lisa!!

05 October 2007

9 1/2 months!

Here is what Josh is up to these days:

  • He can crawl! (He just learned last Sunday)
  • Due to his ability to get to where he wants to go, he's a content and sweet little thing.
  • He likes to eat table foods and uses a pincer grasp.
  • He says "ma-ma" and "da-da" (He doesn't know what he's saying, but it still sounds so cute).
  • He weighs 20 lb. 8 oz. (46%) and is 28.8 in. (59%)
Here's some video of him crawling-it's not the best. This is mostly for Rand since he hasn't seen Josh crawl yet:

And here is Andrew being his usual monkey self:

03 October 2007

Plan Bee

If you're thinking about taking your kids to any of the pools in this area, call before you go! We headed out bright and early this morning to go swimming only to find out there's still a ban on all children 3 and under due to a cryptosporidium scare. So what do you do with a heart broken 3-year-old who's been asking to go swimming for a week? We played in the park next to the pool, then we went to Great Harvest to get a loaf of their yummalicious bread and some straight-out-of-the-oven slices to go. We sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful, crisp fall air. We got out of the house and we had fun: mission accomplished.

Why Plan Bee? When we were eating our bread, a bee flew up my pant leg, made it to just below my knee and stung me! Ouch!