We drove out to Mt. Vernon, IN to Hovey Lake yesterday to see if the eagle's nest was occupied. It is easy to see the nest at this time of year even though it is about a quarter of a mile across the lake from where we park. Sorry about the quality of the photos, but at that distance my camera doesn't like to focus too well on auto-focus. Don't know what I would do without a good zoom lens for these distances.
What a great surprise! Both adult eagles were sitting in a tree near the nest! At times like this I really wish I was a better photographer and knew more about how to use my camera, but I'm happy to get anything.
After a while they both flew over to the nest. I believe they should be starting a family soon, so we will have to go back in a few weeks and check on them again. The lake around the nest is frozen right now. I don't know if you can tell in the photo how huge the nest is. I've got part of it cropped off the bottom. It must be at least 6 feet deep. They have been using this nest for a lot of years.
Later one of the eagles flew out to a tree in the middle of the frozen lake. That brought it a bit closer for photos.
In another tree on our side of the lake, we spotted this hawk all fluffed up on a branch.
In the same area some Vultures had landed in the trees and were sunning themselves with wings spread. There were at least 5 more in the nearby trees.
One small area of the lake had a thawed spot and there were a group of what I think were swans sitting in the water....about 20-30. I thought they were Snow Geese at first but then in the photos I could see the longer necks. This lake is on the Indiana side of the Ohio River, but maybe 10 miles or more down river from the place we go on the Kentucky side of the river to look at the Snow Geese, so we thought we might see some geese in this area as well.
At home over the past week when we had snow, I took some photos of the birds at the feeders.
The Blue Jays love to come and get the peanuts I put out. They stuff their bills with as many as they can get in before flying off.
Filled to the very tip....guess it's time to fly!
The Downy sticks with the suet mostly.
A Mockingbird looking for a few seeds.
The female Red-bellied Woodpecker above and the male below.
Oops......an intruder! Starlings can be so pushy, even the woodpeckers give way.
One of my squirrels with his tail blowing in the wind.
The Titmouse will dig a seed out of the bottom of this almost empty feeder even when there are easier seeds to grab on the tray feeder.
The Wren looks a bit grumpy.