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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

AdikTriplets: Gender Reveal @ 17 weeks

Memula rase nak create entry hari raya.. tapi... takpelah.. raya kan sebulan haha.. bleh la postpone skit.. ;P

Arini meh kite bocor rahsia skit.. ;P Sebabnye bile dah masuk second trimester ni... family and friends mule dah asking about gender. Sumeee excited nak tau.. Actually kitorg pon excited sgt nak tau but tak delah mengharap nak boys ke girls or mix. Sume boys pon ok, sume girls pon ok. But if you really ask me, I would prefer to have at least 1 boy. Hahah sume pelik nape still hoping for boys since dah ade pon 2 hero.. I pon tatau kenape.. ;P Maybe sebab dah biase handle boys kot? And kalau tanye Bie pulak, dia confident dapat girls... ;)

So mase blom tau lagi gender babies... I paling suke suh orang teka... And rata-rata sume cakap mesti mix. Antara 2 boys and 1 girl or 2 girls and 1 boy. Hehe maybe sebab lain skit kot pregnant kali ni... I tell you, kali ni I sgt rajin pakai skirt. Skirt lah yang paling comfort. Padahal before ni, pregnant or not, jgn harap la Mommy nak look feminin pakai skirt kan... ;P And pandai lak tu makan masam.. Twisties pon bleh flavour tomato, ice cream pon perisa lime. Kalau nak tau, before this mana la I tahan mkn masam... Makan orange sunkist pon berkerut abis... Bie sampai tekejut bile wifey dia ni call suh beli asam... Hah asam?? asam mkn tu ke? bukan ayang tak mkn asam ke? sejak bile lak mkn asam ni??? hahaha... bleh bayang muke Bie peliks.. lawak kot...Tapi craving for masam ni kejap je.. seminggu lebih je pastu back to normal balik.. Tak suke dah makan asam. ahaha..

Biasenye bile masuk second trimester, every check-up Mommy akan cakap with babies...

Baby-baby Mommy yang baik, sape nak baju cantiks, kene tunjuk kat Mommy baby boy ke girl..Baru la senang Mommy shopping... Kalau tak tunjuk Mommy beli baju plain je lah eh..

Alhamdulillah dari Zaim, Aariz and now AdikTriplets, dah bleh tau gender at 17 week. Bagus babies.. dgr cakap Mommy! ;P

Btw, nak tau gender AdikTriplets? Jeng jeng jeng..

Yeay! So, it's not secret anymore...
We are having BGG Triplets! 
   1 Boy&2 Girls
Syukur Ya Allah...

Btw, lil update during the scan.. Am doing well and so do them. AdikTriplets are still measuring quite the same size... It was so relief to hear that the babies are all healthy.. No wonder they are very happy to kick me day and nite.. ;P No serious abnormalities found. Their hearts are pumping like it should. Backbones are well performed. Hand, fingers, and legs look normal... But we cant count the fingers as it is impossible to count 30 fingers during ultrasound kan.. ;P I hope this will continues until they are born. And I really hope my belly can expand to the max for their comfort. Mudah-mudahan AdikTriplets terus sihat membesar dalam perut Mommy... 

And here is the huge Mommy at 17 weeks! ;P

  Hehe time ni ligat cuti-cuti Sabah.. ;P

Monday, August 5, 2013

AdikTriplets: First Trimester

Whoaa.. I just realized that the last entry before my latest entry just now was in May.
Memanglee macam biskot betul update blog ni.. Heheh But don't worry, since there is no assignment on my plate today, I guess it's the right time to jot down some memories here.. ;)

Sebab tak tau nak citer ape, so today I would like to share pahit manis my first trimester of my triplets pregnancy...

This time, a lil bit different with my last two, maybe because I carry more than one babies... Up to 9 week of this pregnancy, I was totally fine. It just that I felt terribly tired, especially in the evenings when I returned from work. Balik keje, say hello and have a simple chat with the boys, then mesti naik atas dan mandi. At that time, memang penat, that I only had a picture of my pillow and my bed in my head. I normally took a nap for at least 30 minutes then only I came down to join my beloved boys. Yeap, tak sampai hati nak biarkan my boys tanpa kasih sayang.. heheh.. After cook simple meal and ate our dinner, if I have extra energy I normally help Zaim with his homework and do simple reading with Aariz... Tapi kalau penat sgt, terus tido jelah... until it was bedtime for the boys. Barulah Mommy teman diorg tido. Rindu nak wrestling with them but my battery sgt weak, paling terer pon bleh ketawa jelah tengok diorg main ngan Babah. 

I also became so picky when it comes about food. Adooiii tengok food sume tak lalu. Pening nak memikir ape nak makan everyday. End up makan mesti simple macam nasi goreng, ikan bilis, ayam goreng or masak kicap. Takpon makan nasi dengan serunding je. Kesian betul. Tak macam mase pregnant dulu, sume food nak makan. Everyday mesti hunting for food. Selagi bleh telan hahaha.. Now lain skit lah.. Tak berapa nak best friend with food. In fact, I lost weight about 2kg... Miracle kot heheh selalunye kalau pregnant berat I tak segan-segan nak naik and sungguh malu-malu nak turun... But still I feel great as I don’t have any craving and I really love to eat fruits... Wajib makan fruits everyday... Good kan? 

The only thing I suffered this time was a bad heartburn at night. I know heartburn is normal symptom but I never expect this to come at this very early stage. But now dah okay since I know how to prevent the heartburn to come. I had totally said goodbye to my beloved coffee and teh tarik. Also I will eat small portion of my meal. Now the heartburn has started to forget me, hehe Alhamdulillah.

And after I reached 9th week, I started to throw up. Yucks! I hate it sooo much.. who doesnt kan? Sakit betul hati and tekak bile muntah... Hati sakit sebab penat je makan.. Sekali abis centu jee.. ;( Baru laaa faham cemane orang mabuk time pregnant... Lembik dibuatnye... Time ni kan, jgn laa nak jejak kaki nearby foodcourt or jgnlaa terbau ape2 org tgh masak. Mmg laa pening mabuk sume terus dtg.. Silap-silap kat situ jugak bluweekkk.. Ngeeee tapi so far pandai lagi control sempat lari masuk toilet... Hihihi.. Tq to my colleagues yang selalu tapau kan food for me and also ikut tapau demi nak teman I makan...

Alhamdulillah I dah okay on my 13th week, makan pon tak cerewet. Bleh la nk mkn itu ini.. But with one condition lah... kene tapau makan kat umah... Still taleh nak tahan bau kat kedai makan. Pening pon dh kurang.. Dah bleh nak spend time main-main with kiddos. Cumenye still lagi tak berapa suke jalan-jalan kat luar lama-lama.. Lagi suke duk terperap kat rumah. Hahaha I tell you, I dah tak shopping kot skg... Kalau tidak, wajib after lunch ronda-ronda KLCC.. And weekend pon byk lepak kt umah je.. Walopun ade brg nk beli pon bleh jugak postpone sebab malas nk kua umah... Tapi groceries and pasar terpaksa gagahkan jugak la kan.. Nanti kebulur pulak anak-anak ku dirumah.. ;)

Oh to note, I had first checkup with Prof. Hashim from UKMSC - 13weeks. I like his character, selamber and funny tau. Sgt easy going and friendly. Btw, he is my first male gynea. I tried to find female gynea but no one dare to take my case. So no choice terpakse amik male gynea. Nasibla memang tau nak ceaser. Tadela segan sgt... In sha Allah will try to share about hospital hunting, next entry.

My opinion about Prof Hashim, dia banyak experience dalam handling triplets sebab dia specialized in Infertility. I like the way he explain about Triplets, including all the risks and challenges... Eventho it did scared me, at least I have an idea what possibility I may face throughout this pregnancy. And paling best sekali, appointment mmg punctual, tak de byk buang masa menunggu. Untung nasib, semua settle within 1 hours or kalau paling lama pun 2 hours. Check-up pulak tade la rushing, memang enjoy espcially ade 3 babies nak kene telek kan... ;)

And started this week, I will need to have Proluton jab every week at my bum... I remembered one of my early conversation with Prof. Hashim about triplets. Prof Hashim said

Prof Hashim: Triplet ni memang risky, but in sha Allah with proper care and doa, everything will be alright. Cumeeeee... hehe kene tahan bontot lah..
Me and Hubby: Hah? Tahan cemaneeee? -seriously tak paham hahaha- 
Prof Hashim: Hahaha every week you kene amik Proluton jab, starting this week sampai lah bersalin nanti. This is hormon jab so that your rahim can relax and expand as your babies grow.

Haha itula cerite nye... Sakit wooo.. Dah le kene gune jarum paling besauuuuu... But Mommy relalah.. walopon selalu je termenitis air mata Mommy saat kene cucuk tu.. Actually sakit tu skit jelah kot.. Tapi more to takot jarum sebenarnye....

Btw this is me on my 13th week of triplet pregnancy... ;)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Ramadhan Update

Today is day 22 of Ramadhan, but I only managed to fast for 2 days and most probably the number will not increase till end of Ramadhan… =(  Actually all doctors that I met, Prof Hashim, Dr. Hazim and Dr. Zaynurah would have preferred if I do not fast at all this year. But I was given an option too, in case I still want to fast, I should fast on alternate days. ( Eh in case you wondering apesal ramai sgt doctor merawat saya, nanti kite citer tang ni eh..)

Btw, the first day went well, complete with terawih at surau. Memang happy! So semangat to continue for day 2. Lupe dah patut buat alternate day. Nak jadi cerite.. after buka, sakit kepala yang amat! Dah la keje tengah banyak and am the only one developer for that project. Cuti memang tak possible. I spent the whole night lying on my bed. Alhamdulillah, still bleh work the next day tapi work from home jelah atas katil. Langsung tak boleh bangun. Bangun je terus rase kepala berdenyut-denyut, dizzy and all. And it took 4 days for me to recover. =( Kebetulan ade check up at Klinik Kesihatan that week… I was surprised to know that I lost 2kg and my HGB drop from 12.8 to 10. My lips were all cracked, chapped and bleed.. Wajib sungguh kene marah with nurse and doctor… =S Nasib tak kene tahan ward… Insaf tanak degil dah.. Ngeeeee… Maka bermula hari itu, saya ponteng puasa…=S

As for Zaim, he successfully fast for 12 days pastu demam panas pulak… Alhamdulillah, he recovered after 4 days on antibiotic. But Mommy tak bagi lah dia continue puasa walaupon dia dah sihat… Nanti nak raya demam lagi, susah pulak kan.. Afterall he’s only 6 and he did better than me this year hahaah… Next year kite try lagi ye Zaim.. ;S

And this year, Aariz has been introduced to concept of fasting. He is now able to understand lil bit about Ramadhan.

Mommy: Aariz, puasa tak arini?
Aariz: Puasa! ;)
Mommy: Puasa tu ape?
Aariz: Puasa tu, tak bleh makan. Kalau tak puasa, boleh makan.
Mommy: Tu.. Aariz makan nasi tu.. tak puasa la tu.. ;P
Aariz: Puasaaaala Mommmmyyyy… tapi Aariz kecik lagi.. boleh makan.. hehehe… Mommy puasa tak boleh makan sebab Mommy dah besar… Haihhh Mommy…. Mommy… (geleng-geleng pale)
Mommy: LOL

Okay okay.. you win lah Aariz.. ;P

At nite pulak, we both seboleh-boleh bawak boys pergi terawih except mase Zaim demam. My boys kadang-kadang behave solat especially Zaim. Maybe sebab dia dah biase. Dulu kecik-kecik main jugak lah.. Tapi Aariz kadang-kadang baik, kadang-kadang kacau Zaim solat.. Kadang-kadang jugak, abis main lari-lari.. Kadang-kadang nangis ajak balik… Ade time terpakse Babah solat sorang-sorang kat luar surau sebab tanak Aariz kacau jemaah lain. But takpelah, lama-lama nanti dia faham lah. Lagipun tadela bising sampai Mommy dengar kat area Muslimat. Kire okay la kan.. Kene sabar skit lah.. Lucky surau at our house area ni kid friendly jugaklah. Ade jugak jemaah lain yang akan sama-sama solat with Babah kat saf belakang. Bising skit-skit tu, memang diorg tak kisah. Cume kalau bising sgt, selain Babah, nanti adela pakcik-pakcik yang tolong tegurkan suruh diam. Tapi ade surau yang tak bagi langsung kids dtg surau sebab main-main =( So sad kan… Pernah datang sekali kene marah then terus Babah bawak balik diorg. Memang kami tak dtg dah la surau tu.

Kesan dari hari-hari pergi terawih, Zaim pulak tak biase kalau tak pergi sehari. Dia yang request nak pergi surau lepas baik dari demam. And ade satu time tu, kitorg plan bawak boys tengok movie at nite, so terawih kat rumah je.. Dah kene bebel ngan Zaim sebab tak pergi surau. So btau dia, sebenarnye bleh je nak terawih kat mana-mana pon.. ;)

Eh panjang pulak cerita. hihi...stop sini dululah eh.. ;)

Nway, selamat berpuasa, beribadah and mencari Lailatulqadar. ;)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Twins or Triplets?

 Today Aariz nak bagi quiz kat sume.. ;)
How many babies inside my Mommy's tummy?
Is it two?
Think Think Think...
 Hihi acah je.. tayah teka.. Mommy memang nak announce arini pon.. ;) Lagipon this is the last week of my first trimester, meh la kite bocor rahsia skit pasal babies.. Are you ready??? ;P
7 week @ Pusrawi
As instructed, we went to see our gynea to confirm the number of babies...
Found only 2 sacs with 2 heartbearts..
Can we start to call them AdikTwins now?
Not so fast... ;P
9 week @ Klinik Family Dr. Wan Kamariah
Kebetulan, I was not well at that time.. Teruk betul batuk and sore throat. So we decided to see Dr. Wan again, asalnye nak mintak ubat and also to inform that my gynea confirmed babies are twins, not triplets. Dengan harapan yang tinggi so Dr. Wan sudi nak perform monthly check up for me... Dr. Wan memang best kot... Sporting yang amat! So dengan gumbiraa kitorg btau dia.. Dr. Wan kate oklay, since twins dia accept lah jugak.. Hihi.. Sayang Dr. Wan. Dr. Wan kate kalau triplets memang dia tak boleh check...Kene pergi hospital jugak.. Sebab consider high-risk kan...
In this session Doctor just bagi info how to take extra care of me, and also she decided not to give me any medicine to cure my cough and sore throat. Doctor suh try natural healing, like take honey and lemon, drink lotsa plain water etc. And towards end of the session, tetibe Bie merengek pulak dah nak jugak Dr. Wan scan baby. Padahal baru je last 2 weeks scan kat Pusrawi kan...Dah asik merengek nak tengok, Dr. pon ikutkan jelah..
Jeng Jeng Jeng

Doctor: Eh.. bape orang ni???
Hahaha this time sgt clear kan!

Doctor pon membebel.. kan aritu saya dah cakap, nampak macam 3.. Hahaha! Time ni Mommy and Babah pon terkedu sambil tersengih-sengih..Sebab memang nampak jelas dan nyata...
3 babies!!!!
And terus laaa Dr. Wan tulis surat referal letter... Triplets are consider high-risk pregnancy. She suggest we go to goverment instead of private for delivery. As precaution in case the babies born premature.
11 week @ Klinik Kesihatan Gombak Setia
Whoaa.. sebab kene pergi goverment, harus la bukak buku merah.. Hati berdebar-debar pergi chec up kat Klinik Kesihatan...First time kot pergi ni.. Berdebar bukan ape, selalu dgr cerita nurse garang-garang kan...Mommy ni kan bukan boleh orang tinggi suara skit..Bannjir pulak Gombak nanti.. ;P
Tapi kan.. Alhamdulillah. It turn out, this was the best check up ever! Ya ampun peramah nye semua nurse kat sini..Lagi-lagi tau am having triplets. I spent around 3 hours, but tadela bosan menunggu.. Ade je kene buat itu ini.. Kene interview sejarah bersalin, kene amik darah, test urine, nasihat cemane nak jaga kandungan...etc etc etc.. Caring sungguh lah nurse2 kat sini.. Doctor pon same juga.. Baik sungguh..
Alhamdulillah, tak de nightmare dealing with gov clinic. Mommy sgt happy! ;)
So now you know, the answer is...
Yeay! Now we can call them AdikTriplets! ;)
Doakan semua dipermudahkan utk kami sekeluarga ya...
and I know u miss me.. ;)
Actually my tummy dah start showing..
Tapi kire ngelat lagi lah ni sebab pakai baju hitam..
Cover baik punye.. ;P
Tatatititutu... ;)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Zaim's First Football Training Session

Penangan cerita Bola Kampung..
My boys tak berhenti-henti nyanyi lagu ni...

O ola oo ola kampung
O ola oo ola kampung
O ola oo ola kampung
O ola oo ola kampung

Bersama gelak ketawa
main bola dalam pasukan
Meraih gelaran juara
pelajaran usah kita lupakan

Then Zaim pon mula la request nak main bola with boys macam dalam bola kampung... Aduss manela kan nak carik kawan-kawan sebaya dia main bola sama-sama... Budak-budak besar adelah kan.. Nak tanak kenela pujuk dia sabar sampai umur 7 tahun, masuk sekolah rendah nanti baru ade team main bola...

Alhamdulillah tak lama lepas tu my sister inform yang dia baru je enroll kan my nephew Akademi Bola Sepak Kelab Nuri Bank Rakyat. This club open for kids from 6 to 13 yo. So Mommy pon excited lah inform Zaim.. Kemain suke dia.. Mommy bukan ape, hahaha memang nak sgt pon enroll kan Zaim sports ni.. Tengok badan dia skg kusssss smngt.. Berat dah 25kg.  Makan punyela kuat.. Risau pulak obes ke kan... ;P

 So we took him to buy his first pair of football boots and he fell in love with this one ;)
Zaim memang cerewet bab kasut... Selagi tak suke memang tanak beli...
Kalau belikan pon tanak pakai.. So betterlah beli yang mana dia suke...

Okay Mommy! I'm ready now! ;)
Oh-ohhhh.. Ade orang merajuk tak dapat football boots...
Aariz cant accept the fact he is too small for football training...

Sampai ke padang pon masam lagi.. Hati sungguh bengkak.. ;P

Mommy: Smile Aariz.. Kenape masam sgt ni..? Smile laa..
Zaim: Mommy.. Aariz marah lah sebab Mommy tak beli kan dia kasut bola.. Mommy kenela beli Aariz kasut bola macam Zaim..
Mommy: Okay.. okay next year Mommy belikan la.. Bile Aariz dah besar skit.. Okay?
Hehe.. tengok tu.. pakatan anak-anak.. terus happy muke Aariz.. ;)

And the training pon start... Zaim last sekali.. Hahah and he is the youngest!
Huhuh risau Mommy tengok Zaim jogging 5 rounds kot...
Mommy ingat mesti dia give up and join Mommy sit on the bench hahah..
But surprisingly he's not! Maintain jogging with the group smpi abis...
With his 8-yo cousin, Aqil.. Yeap.. same size but different age.. Hehehe..
Go-Zaim-Go! Heheh support from his family... ;)
Warm up session
Aariz pon sibuk jogging warm up sorang-sorang..
Pastu dia boring..
Aariz: Can I join Abang?
Mommy: Yes, but jangan kacau Abang ok?
Elok je sampai kat tempat Zaim, Zaim tak bagi Aariz datang..
Zaim: Aariz, no no! Aariz kecik lagi.. Aariz tak boleh datang sini..
Aariz duduk dengan Mommy kat sane ok?
Apelagi.. cebik sedu sedan le hero tecik sorg ni...
Aariz: Mommy.. Zaim kan.. dia tak bagi Aariz main..
Huhuh sungguh-sungguh mengadu...
Terus merajuk.. Tade mood sudahh...

Coach tengah ajar teknik passing bola etc. etc. etc.
Main bola bla bla bla
Hahaha Mommy pon tatau la ape dia.. ;P
Zaim bermesra-mesra with his coach during break..
Eksen time ni nak minum air mineral coach bagi..
Tanak minum air yang Mommy bawak.. =S
Babah teman Aariz main bola demi mengubat hati yang duka lara.. ;)
Yeay! Dah abis trainingggg.. 2 hours 30 minutes..
Proud of you Zaim! ;)




Thursday, April 11, 2013

New addition(s) to the family

At first, I wanted to wait until my second trimester before I share this good news but looks like am not good in keeping a secret, especially my own secret.. Hihih... Now you know why I keep updating my blog recently. This is the news that I wanted to share and keep here for my memories.. ;)

Alhamdulillah, Allahuakbar! ;) I found out that I am pregnant on 24 March 2013 after one day late... Actually, ade few factors jugaklah yang buat I tetibe nak buat buat pregnancy test. Remember our Terengganu trip, on the way back to KL, I felt so tired! Exhausted sangattttt-sangattt... Tetibe rase insaf nak makan la vitamin sume... Maybe sebab dah 3 series ni kan... Tapi baru teringat, my cousin pesan make sure tak pregnant before consume some of the vitamin. So tu yang kelam kabut buat pregnancy test. Asalnye sebab nak makan vitamin, sekali tengok.. double line! Alhamdulillah... Simpan la semula vitamin tu, kite ganti dengan vitamin for pregnancy heheh..

So, after meeting the boys' teachers, we went to see our doctor for the first check up. We were so excited to see our baby's heartbeat as am already 6w... and there you go... Doctor pon start scan...

Doctor: Kembar ni... ;)
Me and Hubby: Speechless... it was unbelievable yet undeniable since we saw it clearly too...
Doctor: 1.. 2.. 3...
Me and Hubby: Hah? Speechless again...
Doctor: Hahahah sorry eh.. selambe je doctor ni announce kembar... 3 plak tu.. Heheh Terkejut Mommy and Babah... Tapi betul lah kembar ni... Tapi doctor kene check lalu bawah boleh? Nampak clear skit...
Me: Erkk.. haa.. boleh boleh...

You know scan thru your vaginal... ewwwww ngeri skit ok.. tapi takpelah for my little babies... Mommy rela ;)

Thru this scan we can only identified clearly 2 sacs with 2 heartbeats. We tried to find another one but couldn't find it. But at certain angle it really looks like I have 3 sacs. So we need to see my gynea at Pusrawi next week to confirm.

Alhamdulillah, syukur Ya Allah.
InsyaAllah makbul doa Zaim, nak dapat adik twins or maybe lebih skit, dapat triplets ;)
Doa yang tak pernah putus sepanjang Ramadhan setiap kali Zaim solat terawih di Masjid.

Twins or triplets, Mommy and Babah terima dengan hati yang sangat terbuka, gembira and syukur... Mudah-mudahan semuanya dipermudahkan and selamat. Doakan la eh... Amin.

Parents-Teacher's Day - First term

Ok this one is also backdated. Hehe bilelah nak tulis LIVE ni kan... asik duk publish draft je.. In case you wondering why suddenly i become so rajin to update my blog.. The answer is because I am happy and tetiba kesedaran utk simpan the memories here sgt tebal. And also sebab this time keje sume sudah settle. Project tunggu mase nak go-live je... ;)

So, we just had our first term parents-teacher session at boys' school. We decided to meet Aariz's teacher first, since you know... Aariz kan panjang skit episod drama mase mule-mule school aritu. Nangis saje.. So we thought that we might need extra time to discuss with his teacher. But we were totally wrong! Aariz only cried for the first week, and after the management decided to move back to their school, Aariz is one happy student. He is very close to his teacher. He always come to kiss his teacher and tickle his teacher.. "kuci kuci teacher..." hahaha mengade kan! He is very fast learner and reader! One of excellent student in the class. Within 3 months, he already reading Book 5- Readers series and finish all suku kata syllabus. He able to read all words both English and Bahasa. He is able to read newspaper on his own, i mean the simple one lah... In fact, he was choosen to be class representative during the event 'Celebration of Learning' where all parents are all invited to see what their kids have been learning and how the teachers teach them everyday. Siapa sangka kan, the ONLY boy, yeap I repeat the ONLY boy yang menangis meraung for 4 hours straight dalam class now become so independent in class... syukur Ya Allah ;) Teacher btau lagi, he really pay full attention during multimedia session and does not need teacher to explain in detail. He can understand science and math very well. But of course there is thing to improve, he is not perfect kid ;P He need to master his motor skill. He quite weak with motor skill so I need to encourage him to do more pencil-activity. Time for Teacher Mommy! ;P

Celebration of Learning  - En. Edison

 wink wink Mommy! ;)

 Now dah berani join activity depan class.. dulu-dulu tu duduk le sorg2 melekat kat kerusii kannn

 Group activity pon okay.. active! ;)

Ok jangan tatau... siap ade Indonesian girlfriend lagi tau... ;P
Felicia is his best friend... Kebetulan Felicia ni daughter my colleague...

 And my grown-up boy, Zaim is doing pretty good too. I received a very positive feedback from his teacher. His teacher are curious if Zaim really do his homework by himself or he get helps from me since all answers are always correct. So teacher decided to give him more class work instead home work. And it proof that he really understand the syllabus. He's such a clever boy but there is one thing... He is VERY TALKACTIVE in the class. Sampai teacher sometimes terpakse separate dia duk sorang-sorang, sebab always disctract other student from listening. Yang lagi geram tu, teacher inform bile duk sorang-sorang pon, dia still mainnnnnnn... Aduhaiii.. So teacher geram jugak la kan, panggil dia buat question kat depan, bagi big numbers math yang susah, tapi bleh pulak jawab... Zaim.. Zaim.. Pening teacher kamu... Bile teacher talk to him personally, dia faham, 'Always listen when teacher is teaching'. tapiii bisingggg jugak kenape.. Hahah.. maybe is genetic... hahaha Tapi kan, ade good point, teacher bagitau, Zaim walopun bising, tapi he is still a good example for the rest of the class.. Sebabnye, bile lambat masuk kelas, Zaim akan cakap, Sorry teacher, i am late.. traffic jam tadi.. or Sorry teacher, Zaim lambat, Mommy bangun lambat hahaha amikkkk sume dia report... Jujur sungguh kamu anakku. So Teacher cakap walopun sometimes dia noisy, biasela kids kan, tapi dia still a polite and matured boy. And Mommy proud bile Teacher ckp, his classmates pon skg dah ikut cara Zaim say sorry and all. ;)

Celebration of Learning - En. Wright

Zaim as usual memang highly participate in the class...

 Tapi time ni Zaim demam... Seminggu tak school... Nasib still active mase event ni...

 He still able to answer question correctly. ;)

Afterall, Mommy bangga with anak-anak Mommy. ;) Yang mana kene improve kite improve sama-sama. Bertuah jugak dapat teachers yang betul-betul kenal anak kite and bagi feedback yang sngt jujur. ;)