Friday, 30 October 2015

The Haircut....

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are all well.

I had a very productive appointment (nearly 3 hours) with my physiotherapist...I am now armed with a tonne of information and reasons for my neck and arm pain.....after laser, heat treatment, deep massage, manipulation and some new exercises, we are hopeful that I will get some relief soon....although at the moment I feel as though I've done ten rounds in a boxing ring.....and more to come next week!!!

This week I have been banned from almost all activities including knitting, sewing, cardmaking and reading.....anything which involves looking down....I have to sit upright, directly in front of the television with my spine in perfect alignment....not easy. I look like one of those very genteel women straight out of a Jane Austen's not easy.....Boy they must have been uncomfortable....but I'm doing it.

Anyway I thought I would share some photos of one of my furry boys.....

( The Very GrumpyWestie)

What do you mean I need a haircut?


I think I'm rather handsome. 

Yes...I agree a bit whiffy maybe....

But...Mum...Look I'm so cute!!!

Ok...You win...

Don't you know it's getting cold out there.

What do you mean I'm a bit tubby!!!

So I'm just going to sit here on your best chair and sulk...

But I am in the best position to survey my estate....and wait for the postman!!!.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by.

I really do appreciate your visits and lovely, encouraging comments.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Knit A Row, Purl A Row....

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are all well.

Yesterday I had a hot stone massage and dare I say I think things are beginning to improve....very, very slowly.....

I've had a really horrendous headache for the last two weeks again...I'm never free from a headache to be truthful. Although this could just be that my headache has lifted a bit...Ahh!!!... the relief.  And the pain and pins and needles in my neck and right arm are a little less we will see. 

Physio on Monday....I have a thousand questions to ask regarding my MRI results too!!!

Anyway I am still trying to do a bit of crafting although I am sticking to very small, manageable projects.....the bigger ones are staying in my head for now....

I have bought some shorter knitting needles which allow me to do a row or two of knitting before I have to put my project down....Don't forget that I can't tackle anything to adventurous yet as I have only really started knitting this Nan tried to teach me but I was rubbish. 

I purchased two balls of gorgeous Sirdar Crofter DK Fair Isle effect wool (I have used this a few times and the effect is beautiful)....I chose 'Hebrides' and I am attempting to make a scarf for Mr T....

Just knit a row and purl a row...

Progress is slow but....

This is how its turning out....

I am quite pleased with the result although he may get to wear this next winter at this rate....if he's lucky!

Thank you for taking the time to stop by.

I really do appreciate your visits and lovely, encouraging comments.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Pear & Ginger Jam...

Good afternoon everyone.

I hope you are all well.

A few weeks ago my parents gave me some of the pears from their pear tree and I was at a loss to know what to do with them.....until I was sat looking through an old preserving book that sits on the book shelf gathering dust....

I liked the look of the Pear & Ginger Jam recipe. It was simple and I love jam....

So the jam was made.....with extra ginger!!!

Pear & Ginger Jam....

(Can I class this as another finish)....I always love the idea of making jam but don't ever make the time to actually make it....

As you can see there isn't much left.....I will definitely be trying this again next year though.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by.

I really do appreciate your visits and lovely, encouraging comments.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

A Finish ~ At Long Last!

Good afternoon everyone.

I hope you are all well.

I have now had the results of my MRI scan. I won't go in to the why and wherefore of the results but needless to say.....there is nothing nasty 'Thank Goodness' but something I am going to have to live with and learn to overcome. I am still in a lot of pain and I am told that I will just have to be patient as it will take some time to I now have new medication, lots of physio, hot stone massages and some acupuncture.....we are throwing the lot at it.

Anyway I have finally managed a crafty was a bit of a struggle but I got there in the end.

The bookmark I started weeks ago is now complete.

I am quite pleased with how it looks....and I am sticking with some smaller projects for the moment.

I have a few other bookmarks in my stash and I'm sure my daughter will appreciate one or two as she is reading English Literature at university and is always having to mark pages when she's studying a piece of work.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by.

I really do appreciate your visits and lovely, encouraging comments.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Photo Scavenger Hunt ~ September 2015

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are all well.

So the MRI scan is done, just waiting for the results now....about two weeks apparently......

I thought I would join in again with the Photo Scavenger Hunt over at Made With Love. I enjoyed taking part last month and although my photos aren't great and a little fuzzy at times due to the right arm and neck does give me something else to focus on and I'm loving everyone's different interpretations that the prompts inspire......

So here are my photographs for September.

Woven ~ The ivy that had crept up the trunk of this tree had been cut at the base leaving a network of dead branches.

Repeating ~ The electricity pylons crossing the Lincolnshire countryside.

Greedy ~ The squirrel who collected this little lot.....gathering stores for the winter.

Flowers ~ Autumn Colour.

Curly ~ My was as straight as a die until I reached 40. It gets curlier the older I get. My hairdresser thinks it has something to do with the 'Change' I have decided to embrace 'The Curls'....

Adventures ~ A Sunday morning walk in Hubbard's Hills.....always an adventure.

Line ~  The birds on the telegraph line on a misty morning in the Lincolnshire Wolds.

Mesmerising ~ I was mesmerised by this fabulous sand sculpture at Lincoln Castle commemorating the signing of The Magna Carta 800 years ago. 

Triangle ~ This sign stands by the road, at a crossing on our sea front. I have often had to stop the car and let a line of geese cross the road to get to the lake....I have never managed to get a photo of their trips to the fast food shops on the other side of the road!.

Dreamy ~ I failed with this one I'm afraid. This is an old photograph of Bertie and Pickle who were the best of friends....I wonder what they were dreaming about?.

Day ~ Misty morning at Hubbard's Hills.

Whatever You Want ~ One of the 25 Lincoln Baron's who graced the city of Lincoln this summer. 

 Thank you to Greenthumb over at Made With Love for hosting the Scavenger Hunt.

I hope you have enjoyed my pictures....I will do my best to join in with the October hunt.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by.

I really do appreciate your visits and lovely, encouraging comments.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Keeping It Simple...

Good morning everyone.

I hope you are all well.

Well I think things are slowly beginning to improve regarding my health issue....and my scan is booked for tomorrow ~ Thank Goodness....Things are still not great but I think there is a slight improvement with the neck and right arm......fingers crossed!!!....if I could cross them that is!!!

With that in mind and being totally bored stiff being off work and suffering from a severe case of cabin fever I decided to stop tackling any great crafting projects....because I just can't do them and I end up getting terribly frustrated with my right arm.....I've even decided that as it appears to have a mind of it's own it should have a name of it's own as it feels totally alien to the rest of me right now....maybe Audrey or Sybil.....

Anyway I thought I could manage a cross stitched bookmark on 14 count Aida....I usually work on a 32 count linen so this is totally not my thing although I can see the holes without my glasses.....which is a bonus I suppose.

So this has taken me well over three weeks but I am nearly finished.....

I have only managed a few stitches at a time but here we are...

I've been propped up on pillows, patterns put on stacked up books so as not to bend my neck too much and work placed on cushions.....but it's almost finished and I'm thrilled that I got this far.....

So what next....definitely not a big project but I'm sure I'll find something to do.....

And as for the rugby result last night.....I'm so disappointed for our boys but it is what it is and that's that....I still enjoyed the game though and will continue to watch......try stopping me.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by.

I really do appreciate your visits and lovely, encouraging comments.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

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