Okilodokee! Iz it justee me, or iz it HOT in here?
Personabully, I yam gettin' ready fur da BIG NY EVE Party, & I yam hearin' from some new frendz dat dey will be comin' by & bringin' dere frendz & I could not be happier!!!
Howevfur, da momee iz still sufferin' from bad back-itis & she haz not been helpin' me to vizit frendz, old OR new...so we iz gonna has to have a itty-bitty talk.
Me: "Momee? Come here'z a minuit will ya?"
Momee: "Uh- oh, hi everyone! Hi Tweet. What did you need me for sweetie?"
Me: "Momee! Dis iz furry nice dat you soundz so grashus & all, but I gots lots of frendz out dere in da bloggo-spear & dey iz all waitin' fur me to vizit dem. Do you tink you could justee suck it up a bit, & helps me out?"
Momee: "OK Doctor T, I don't want to disappoint your friends, and even though it's hard for me to sit for very long right now, I promise I will help you out later today, and we'll go visit all of your friends, allright?"
Me: "Okeedokee momee. I yam gonna hold you to it. & ifs you triez to weezil out on dis promise, I yam gonna reports you to da cat police squad, da ones dat made dere appearence in dadeez cat calendar (more on dis story later) & you will be excomyounee-catered from da bloggo-spear!"
Momee: "Well Tweet, we don't want that to happen. I don't want all of your friends barfing and throwing hairballs at once. In fact (shudders visibly), I can't even imagine such a scene!"
Me: "hahahahhha! Why momee, what evfur made you tink of such a ting!
(I yam gonna whisper now to my palz: Would we evfur DREAM of doing dis? Obveeusly, she iz not listening to my invitashunz fur such activitieez on da NY Eve partee. Well, let da momee tink what she will, cats WILL have der day!)