Three Cute Cherries

Friday, September 30, 2011

i'm in SandraAzwan's!!!

CUTIE MUTIE ~FaatiNNasreeN~ at 9/30/2011 08:31:00 PM 0 .::cuTe responds from cute friend::.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


CUTIE MUTIE ~FaatiNNasreeN~ at 9/21/2011 03:29:00 PM 2 .::cuTe responds from cute friend::.

ok, AnnasEaskay ade buat contest yg aqu rase beribu manusia idam2kan kot hadiah contest ni!!!!!!so contest ni kene cite (ceciter..ceciter) sket KENAPA SAYA SUKA ANNAS EASKEY???

why...why...LOVE ANNAS EASKEY???

1. firstly mestila sbb!! ANNAS EASKEY boleh jadikan gadis yg standard, plain dn rendah diri cm saye kepada GADIS yg sgt GORGEOUS, BERKEYAKINAN, FABULOUS(bab kate Kimora) cam international model tu...hihi..(eh..saye dh Puanla, xgadis lg..oppsss..)

2. secondly sbb!! ANNAS EASKEY punyer proucts sgt INTERNATIONAL LEVEL xkirela dr segi wedding shoot ker, aqiqah shoot ker, model photoshoot ker..angle, lighting, shadow casting, postures, editing sume HIGH CLASS tau!xcaye?? cer gi facebook fanpage ANNAS EASKAY than belek sume album beliau...

3. thirdly sbb!! ANNAS EASKEY is good at taking advantage of capturing the BEST angle of Human gestures.. jarangla klu kat majalah fesyen kt Malaysia nia ade that final product of model bila tahu pasal AnnasEaskay dah lame berangan nak jadi model die heks...

4. fourthly sbb!!  ANNAS EASKEY is a down-to-earth person..even though beliau dah sgt2 terkenal skrg sbb artispon setia dgn ANNAS EASKEY, beliau xlupe kawan2 sebelum beliau meningkat naik..especially suke sgt tgk his friendship dgn blogger terkenal Fatin Suhana n his friend yg bukak boutique online Eisya Syakira.

5. Fifthly sbb!! sume sbbla saye suka akan ANNAS EASKAY!! dahlah photography beliau menarik tertarik kau mmg deBOMMZ! pastu make up pun mengancam tertawan hati! pastu outfit yg GORGEOUS! pastu pose yg UNIK! lagi2 MODEL SHOOT, gambar dia dah macam ANTM tu final product (-_-") nangis tgk..



d'art of LOVE...


khabar gembira dari Sandra Azwan!!!

CUTIE MUTIE ~FaatiNNasreeN~ at 9/21/2011 01:41:00 PM 0 .::cuTe responds from cute friend::.
dah lame xupdate blog..bukak2 ajer dpt khabar gembira!!even xsure dpt hadiah yg diidaM2kn tu tp still shock sbb being top 30 dr beratus2 entry dr bloggers lain!!!sgt mengujakan since i'm not good at fashion but love it so kalau lg GOOD kot menggayakan fesyen..wahaha...mata duitan sungguh..well i juz want to congrat to aLL bloggers yg bertuah dpt Top30 jugak..wee!!

rindu blog............!

CUTIE MUTIE ~FaatiNNasreeN~ at 9/21/2011 12:29:00 PM 0 .::cuTe responds from cute friend::.
wah..bertori xbukak..rindunyer...sebok ngan hal2 kawen..nnti nak hapdet gambar!!

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