Monday, November 15, 2010

Kayaking, furniture man, MOLDY SPAGETTI!

So First off as most of you know me and Ryan did a two hour kayaking tour of the seven caves of La JOlla it was so beautiful and amazing to experience the ocean and all its power. As we all know the last thing you wanna think of out in a tiny boat in the middle of the ocean is sharks but of course we get the funniest tour guide who was cracking jokes left and right..... heres the best one

   You heard about the guy that got eaten up in escondido right?     Yes
  I heard he had really bad dandruff because they found his head and shoulders on shore hahhahahahha
I was laughing soooo hard!!

Well there wasn't any big sharks but we did get to see a bunch of leopard sharks which was cool except everytime a wave came you had to hurry and turn your boat so it didn't flip.... I can only imagine the fear that would have gone on if me and ryan flipped into the shark water.... I'm sure it would have been hillarious for other watching us screaming like little girls trying to get back in the kayak but ya.... thankful that didn't happen.

Next me and Ryan decided that we were gonna get a new matress after not being able to commit too 3,000 dollars for a tempurpedic we decided to go to Mor Furniture ( like an RC Willey) for a new couch sectional. When we walk in no sooner than 3 seconds later we are greeted by a man name Dave, well this is our story. We walk around looking and couches and such and Dave follows, now he kept telling us i'll leave you too browse but if anyone comes to you tell them dave is helping you. Ok so we keep browsing well appparentely Dave's idea of leaving us alone is for no more than  3 minutes. So we started taking it as a game, we would hide and see how long it took him to find us. We ended up going upstairs and into the children's section which dave was not allowed... THANK GOD!  but he sat right outside the door waiting for us! Talk about Stalker...... What was funny was hearing how mad Ryan was getting, I seriously thought he was gonna slug him in the face! In the end we did by a couch so I guess Dave won... Way to Go Dave!

It Is super big and comfy!!! I love it!

Last story is one that was actually quite sad to me.... but funny now well I decided to make a delicious spagetti, which sounded soo good, it was already pretty late so I was glad we already had everything for it. I cooked the noodles to the perfect chewyness and had them all drained everything looked perfect, me being stupid just dumped in all the sauce and noticed a weird smell, upon looking at the lid of the jar it was covered in mold, considering still eating it for five seconds did happen, I know shameful but I was starving.... In the end we were saved by the bell from MAc Donalds..... thank you ronald for your contribution! and So much for my diet that night! Which Is actually going really well I've lost seven pounds in two weeks!! Yay!

Well that is it for now.... Love you all Bye!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Life

As most of you know we recently got stationed in the BEAUTIFUL San Diego California, MCAS Miramar to be exact, and so far so good. We were here for about two weeks living off an air mattress and dishes from a friend until Ryan was able to fly back to Utah and Uhual are things out here, after a few days of driving and Unpacking we set up are little home and its coming together nicely. All I can say is it was a huge adjustment not only getting used to being just us all the time, but living somewhere entirely different from Utah. Here are the main differences:

* Every time I enter a walmart I am the only white blonde in the entire place!
* Everyone here drives atleast 20 mph over the speed limit and if you don't watch out, you will get ALOT of fingers.
* It was 101 degrees on November 5, enough said.
* There are 10 Major freeways, thats right 10!
* Of course the ocean is 10 minutes away
* and so is Mexico hahahaha
* If you smile at somebody, they think either A: Your on drugs B: Your gonna ask for money or C: your gonna rob them, so keeping the smiles to yourself is a good thing to do.

Well there was my first ever post, Expect a lot more in the next few days to catch up on Birthdays, holidays, ect....
Love you all