Where to start
Ok, so I guess the answer to where to start would be just somewhere, anywhere, but definitely not nowhere....
I've made a commitment to myself to be better about blogging the stories of our life in Africa. Some of which you and I both will think is totally mundane and just normal life,but God uses normal life, right?
Since landing landing a week ago (which by the way seems like 50) we've started school, our J-Life training year and been booted from our house, well not booted, but told we need to move out by Feb 14th. We knew we were moving just probably not this quick. But God has a house and a plan so we are praying for wisdom and revelation!
We have a little over 20 young adults/older teenagers training with us at JLife this year! Six of which are from other African countries. Which
Is so great! Nigeria, Gabon, Mozambique, Liberia and Rwanda!!! Praise the Lord!!! The guys (using this term generically) spent the first 3 days in Bush camp. It's JLife's version of Survivor. We do all kinds I'd team building, community living and some real third world African living. I say it that way because SA is the most western-ized country in Africa. Some of our SA guys have never been out of a city so we try to help them understand and relate to different types of living. The community living stuff is just so that the 20+ something of them dont kill each other before the end of training. They set up rules for how they want to handle themselves and others. For example: no cell phones at the dinner table or speak a common language when more than one language is represented in a group or what to do when your late, etc....
School has been hectic, as we say here in SA. We have six high school science/biology teachers which I do all the prep work for the labs. I LOVE it! They are fun teachers to work with. Also I have a home room class of 23 grade 9 boys. Boys are so funny. Especially at this age. They try to act all grown up but they really aren't. Still getting to know some of them, but some I get to have from my grade8 class last yr. My debutante girls are good. They are excited to hear about my trip home. Also, one of our girls lost her dad this last Friday. She obviously is not doing well. I'll go to the funeral this Sat.
Thanks as always for "holding the ropes" at home
Serving together
David, Liz, Matthew and Grace