Monday, August 31, 2015

Cub Scout Program and how it works with the Faith in God and the LDS Religious Emblem

I have now been a Webelos Den Leader for 3 years. I love the scouting program and I appreciate all that it offers the boys. One part of the Cub Scouting I have found that is confusing for most parents, leaders and primary presidencies is how the Cub Scouting Duty to God Adventures work with the Faith in God and the LDS Religious Emblem. I have spend a bit of time over the last few weeks trying to help our parents understand how these programs work together. I believe I've come up with some lists that help to explain this and so I am posting it to hopefully help others out there who are trying to get it all clear in their own heads. The Faith in God and the Religious Emblem or knot are two separate awards. Faith in God is awarded to the kids as they graduate from primary. The Religious Emblem can be awarded while the cub is 9 or 10 years old. The Religious Emblem fulfills the requirements for the Duty to God Adventure for the Bear, Webelos, or Arrow of Light. It can only be used to fulfill one of these. The Religious Emblem is a silver knot with a purple background and can be worn on any scout uniform into and throughout adulthood.

(completed before 12th birthday, awarded by primary president or Bishop, requirements can be the same as the ones used for the religious emblem)

8 years old
·         2 requirements for Learning & Living the Gospel
·         2 requirements for Serving Others
·         2 requirements for Developing Talents
9 years old
·         2 additional requirements for Learning & Living the Gospel
·         2 additional requirements for Serving Others
·         2 additional requirements for Developing Talents
10 years old
·         2 additional requirements for Learning & Living the Gospel
·         2 additional requirements for Serving Others
·         2 additional requirements for Developing Talents
11 years old
·         2 additional requirements for Learning & Living the Gospel
·         2 additional requirements for Serving Others
·         2 additional requirements for Developing Talents
·         5 Preparing for the Priesthood requirements
·         Write Testimony
     Memorize 12 Articles of Faith

(Completed before age 11 and fulfills Duty to God Adventure requirement for either Bear, Webelos, OR Arrow of Light—these come from the Faith in God Booklet and have a knot next to them---Awarded by Bishopric member in Pack Meeting--Purple & Silver knot)

  • Give a family home evening lesson on Joseph Smith’s First Vision (see Joseph Smith—History 1:1–20). Discuss how Heavenly Father answers our sincere prayers. 
  • Give an opening and a closing prayer in family home evening or at Primary. Share your feelings about how prayer protects us and helps us to stay close to Heavenly Father and the Savior.
  • Tell a story from the Book of Mormon that teaches about faith in Jesus Christ. Share your testimony of the Savior. 
  • Prepare a pedigree chart with your name and your parents’ and grandparents’ names. Prepare a family group record for your family and share a family story. Discuss how performing temple work blesses families.
  • Write a letter to a teacher, your parents, or your grandparents telling them what you appreciate and respect about them.
  • Read the twelfth article of faith. Discuss what it means to be a good citizen and how your actions can affect others.
  • Write a poem, story, or short play that teaches a principle of the gospel or is about Heavenly Father’s creations. 


WOLF (8 years old)—Belt Loops
To receive Wolf rank, the Cub Scout must complete 6 required adventures and 1 elective adventures.
Required Adventures: (all 6)
·         Call of the Wild
·         Council Fire
·         Duty to God Footsteps
·         Howling at the Moon
·         Paws on the Path
·         Running With the Pack
Elective Adventures: (any 1)
·         Adventures in Coins
·         Air of the Wolf
·         Code of the Wolf
·         Collections and Hobbies
·         Cubs Who Care
·         Digging in the Past
·         Finding Your Way
·         Germs Alive!
·         Grow Something
·         Hometown Heroes
·         Motor Away
·         Paws of Skill
·         Spirit of Water

BEAR (9years old)—Belt Loops
To receive Bear rank, the Cub Scout must complete 6 required adventures and 1 elective adventures.
Required Adventures: (all 6)
·         Bear Claws
·         Bear Necessities
·         Fellowship and Duty to God (or Religious Emblem)
·         Fur, Feathers, and Ferns
·         Grin and Bear It
·         Paws for Action
Elective Adventures: (any 1)
·         Baloo the Builder
·         A Bear Goes Fishing
·         Bear Picnic Basket
·         Beat of the Drum
·         Critter Care
·         Forensics
·         Make it Move
·         Roaring Laughter
·         Robotics
·         Salmon Run
·         Super Science
·         A World of Sound

WEBELOS (10 years old)—Pins
To receive Webelos rank, the cub scout must complete 5 required adventures and 2 elective adventures.
Required Adventures: (all 5)
·         Cast Iron Chef
·         Duty to God and You (or Religious Emblem)
·          First Responder
·         Stronger, Faster, Higher
·         Webelos Walkabout
Elective Adventures: (any 2)
·         Adventures in Science
·         Aquanaut
·         Art Explosion
·         Aware and Care
·         Build It
·         Build My Own Hero
·         Castaway
·         Earth Rocks!
·         Engineer
·         Fix It!
·         Game Design
·         Into the Wild
·         Into the Woods
·         Looking Back, Looking Forward
·         Maestro!
·         Moviemaking
·         Project Family
·         Sportsman

ARROW of LIGHT (10 years old)—Pins
To receive Arrow of Light Award, the cub scout must complete 4 required adventures and 3 elective adventures.
Required Adventures: (all 4)
·         Building a Better World
·         Camper
·         Duty to God in Action (or Religious Emblem)
·         Scouting Adventure
Elective Adventures: (any 3 different from Webelos--above)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Gourmet Club

I had so fun this week! I love cooking, so when I was invited to join a gourmet cooking club I jumped at the chance. Carolyn agreed to be my partner in this culinary adventure and the fun has begun. You can check out all the amazing recipes and women at  It has been so fun to benefit from their talents as well and increase my recipes to cook from. Love this out in my life! This last Thursday Carolyn and I hosted for our first time. We decided on the theme "Breakfast at Tiffany's" because breakfast is one of our favorite meals to cook. We've spent months deciding what food to prepare and how to set the table. The week before I decided to call a sweet and talented friend of mine, Sande Taylor, for some ideas to spruce up my mantel a bit. She called me the next day so excited and said she had been unable to sleep the night before because she had some great ideas and was so excited to transform my room. And abracadabra! She made the room beautiful. She is amazingly talented! Without her the mantel might have been decorated and that's it!  The dinner was a smashing success in my book and I was pleasantly surprised at how well the night went. We're already thinking about next year's event! Pictures courtesy of Annika Taylor

The Invitations

The Room

The details

The Dining

The Food
 Berry Baked Oatmeal Cups
Quiche Bites
Sausage Hash Brown Balls
Fruit Kabobs
"Carat" Juice

Strawberry Lemonade Biscuits
Cirtus Salad with Balsamic Honey & Pistachio

Sweet Potato Crisps
Grits and Eggs

Coconut Encrusted Stuffed French Toast
Broiled Asparagus with and Egg Blanket

Lemon Berry Cream Crepe
White Chocolate Ganache  Crepe with Blackberries
The Take-Home Bag

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Rich and I celebrated our 13th anniversary today.  I feel very blessed to be married to such a great man.  He is definitely my better half.  I thank my Heavenly Father that he helped us find each other.  Rich is a kind and loving man who completes me.  I love you babe! Happy Anniversary!

Dental visits

I took the kids to the dentist this week.  Only Kimball came away with a cavity.  Way to go kids! Best visit in a long time!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Happy graduation to my Hanna!  She's officially graduated from 3rd grade.  Her teacher had a cute little pRogram today and gave the kids certificates. Such a fun day.  Way to go Hanna,  I love you!

Never a dull moment

We had such an exciting afternoon. Kimball had a little bit of an accident During Home fRom school. He was riding across the sky bridge and coming down onto 12600 south. He was trying to stop his bike and instead of pedaling backwards he accidentally peddled forward and went faster and ran into a metal fence at the bottom of the ramp. Luckily it kept him from going out into the busy stree. Unfortunately, he connected with the fence. He cut his head and he got a lot of other scrapes and bruises to go with it. There happened to be a woman standing there who watched the whole thing and she was already on her phone with 911 reporting a rock thrown at her window when Kimball wrecked. She told 911 what happened to Kimball and that his head was squirting blood  so they dispatched everyone. Luckily Packers friend called me and told me to come so I got there just a couple minutes after it happened and before all the emergency vehicles arrive. By the time we got him figured out and ready to go get stitches we had two fire trucks, an ambulance and two police cars. The entire neighborhood came out to see what was going on. The policeman even offered to have Kimball lay down and he'd do a chalk outline on the ground of him so that he could tell everyone tomorrow that that was his blood on the ground. Kimball didn't think it was that funny and wouldn't let him. I think he'll regret it later :-) Tons of friends and neighbors have been calling and coming to visit and bringing treats.  He's feeling pretty special. All in all he had a good day. He's feeling better and ready to face the world again. He just won't be swimming for a few days.

Field day

Southland Super Field Day was yesterday and the kids had such a blast! They had bounce houses, tug a war, races, lots of games, cotton candy, nachos, snow cones, a human bubble machine, face pAinTing, hair coloring spray, Sabertooth paw tattoos, Ninja warrior race, and so much more.  Such a cool day for the kids!

Friday, May 23, 2014

New Toy

Rich got a new toy today. We can finally go 4- wheeling as a family! :)

Go Hanna!

Hanna had her gymnastics showcase this week.  She's got her aerial and back tuck down.  Way to go banana!

Packer's Assembly

The 5th grade had a fun American Heritage program this week.  So fun to get to see him perform!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Piano Recital 2014

Packer and Hanna had their piano recital this week.  Hanna had been talking for 1.5 years and played I am Like a Star and Fur Elise. Packer had been playing for 3 years and played We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet and The Spinning Song. They both did so good.  I am so proud of all their hard work.  All that practicing paid off! Love you both!

Preschool Graduation

Isaac graduated from preschool this week.  I can't believe how big he is getting.  I love this kid.  He always keeps me smiling. Love you buddy - good job!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Week 2014

Here are a few door ideas and activities that we did this year for Teacher Appreciation.