Isabella challenges us to bead "Spring Around the Corner" as our April theme.
For some of us that corner might be days or weeks away for others, such as people like me who live in the Southern Hemisphere it might be many months away or if I lived near the Tropics it might never arrive. In some cultures seasons do not link to the European traditions of Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter at all. If you were in India you might be challenged to bead something inspired by the Festival of Colours (Holi) which is also known as the Festival of Spring. Look at the wonderful images for this Festival on Google images - its hard not to be inspired.
So, it seems that what corner Spring is around depends on which corner of the globe you are in and who you are. There is a really helpful discussion on how to define Spring and when Spring is in different parts of the world on Wikipedia (links below). I really encourage you to visit it for some surprising thoughts on Spring.
For some inspirations on Spring that challenge you to think about beading beyond the corner nearest to you try exploring the Festivals that spring brings in different parts of the world where Spring exists. In Vietnam where late Jan or early Feb means Spring is just around the corner so is the New Year and celebrations with firecrackers. In Australia, Spring brings horse racing fever for many as well as hay fever as the national flower – the golden wattle – often blooms but it also brings an amazing celebration of spring blooms in Canberra (our capital) called Floriade. In ancient Mesopotania Spring marked the sowing of the barley and great festivities. For over 17 pages about spring festivals in different cultures and times visit the Wiki link below. Amongst them are wonderful Springtime inspirations.
Current trends being discussed on the web for Spring jewelry include eco themes and flora and fauna themes and use of natural materials that capture the idea that we need to care for our planet if the wonderful natural things that spring bring in different parts of the world are to survive.
Greeting cards that celebrate spring from different parts of the world also offer points of inspiration – I have included two here. One from India (Happy Holi above) and one from Vietnam. Perhaps Spring from a corner far away from you could be your beading inspiration.

Sources and inspirations
- Wikipedia on Spring - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring
- Wikipedia on Spring Festivals - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Spring_festivals