Not content with your basic 2 dimensional hooking, I've now ventured into the third dimension.
Kiddie is suitably chuffed with this concept as she is now the proud owner of a small woolly chick, who sleeps in a small woolly nest and eats very small woolly worms.
(In this picture the worm has crawled away before being scoffed.)
When I visited The Knitting Corner I spotted some fabbo crocheted/knitted bunting hanging from the beams and had to have a little go myself. I found a video tutorial for making triangles but made a bit of a mess of the last few rows (hence the bulge and the 'bent' point) and the edging wasn't great, but I keep trying.
One piece that is working is my cotton rope scarf. I keep ploughing away at the rows of (UK) double crochet - very therapeutic - and hopefully one day soon will have a finished scarf.
So that's me for now. What with school holidays and working..... Ah knickers! You've heard it all before! lol
Will post when I can. Hopefully soon there will be Bongo adventures to share. 'Til then,