Saturday, May 24, 2008

When are they going to give me some eggs!!

So we've had the chickens now for over a month and i think we're getting close to getting some eggs. The girls look bigger and they are almost to the egg laying age.  SO lets make some money and play a fun little game!! So when we got the girls they were 9 weeks and according to :"Hens start to lay at 4-5 months of age " So 16-20 weeks, and our girls are 14.5-15  weeks old! 

So here is what were are going to do, you PAYPAL me $1 for your guess on what day you think they we'll have our first egg , take as many days as you want , just a dollar a day, and when the the first egg comes you take the pot!
Use the email address - BIGESTYLE@YAHOO.COM to paypal the $$
(if no paypal account feel free to mail or drop by the house)

Also in the comment section leave what day you choose, and people can share days. 
Winner will be chosen Price is Right style - closest w/o going over.
Once your day is over you are done until your next day.

Tell you friends and family that they too can play

**** people can have the same day, as not to discourage others from playing****
it's like powerball, multiple people can win, just split the pot

Saturday, May 10, 2008

my friend Cort

So the other day at work Cort had his camera out and me and him had a photo shoot. Other then being the best golfer i know he 's pretty sweet at taking pictures, you can check them out here. He could make like a billion dollars a year taking pictures but would rather make just a shade over minimum wage working at the course instead! Anyways here is a couple of the pics that he took.