Friday, August 24, 2007

Day 1 in the books!!

So today was my first day at my new job. It went pretty good, had to wake up kinda early but all in all a pretty good day. Oh and did in mention that i get all the free golf I want!!!!!!!! So here for you viewing pleasure is a pic of the little machine i used today to work on the bunkers, it's name Super Star!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

on a scale from 8-10 how much did you miss me?

So this is just our trip in a nutshell, for a more detailed encounter of the trip please check out my hot lady's blog

We got some cheese steaks at the game and almost everywhere else we were too
Played down on the boardwalk (rip dale sr)
He rang that bell the whole time!!
And almost at anytime on this vacation if you need to find us we were at the beach, oh i'm waiting for a good beach pic to get email
I swam in the ocean one night, training for a Tri, and while i did that Kade and Add played baywatch. So you can now call Kade, Mitch and Add is whatever big breasted slow mo running blonde you want

NO happy endings, but it looks like it on the pic

And then on the last day the kids rode some horses, and Add loved it and laughed the whole time!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Say hello to my little broken arm!

So today for my off road mountain biking class we went to Sundance to ride (very very cool you take the lift chairs up and cruise down) on the last run of the day i took a good good tumble down a hill and hit a couple trees and did this:

So i drove myself to the hospital and they took some x-rays and i have a fracture in the ol'arm!

So while i sat there i knew i better take some pics as this would be a good blog!

i opted for not a full cast, as we are going on vacation at the end of the week and i would like to get in the ocean and you cant get a full cast wet.... but now i'm on a little drugs and doing fantastic!

a good new place

So me and nat heard that there was a good new gelatto place down in the riverwoods, so we gave it a try and it was delish! it is called Tomasso's give it try, i had pink grapefruit and nat got grape!