Sunday, January 31, 2010

Grateful Sunday

As I sat in church this morning, I was feeling sorry for myself a little bit. Ethan was kicking the seat, Ethan wanted a drink of water. Ashlyn wanted daddy who was conducting up on the stand, etc... and so forth. Hannah took Ashlyn out for a few minutes and I was able to sit for a few moments and listen to 3 babies being blessed in church today. It made me reflect on the days when my babies were blessed and how grateful I am for each of them, and also for my husband who honors his priesthood.

Other things that I am grateful for today:

*Time with good friends.

*Ashlyn starting to form sentences and being able to more easily understand her needs.

*A peanut butter sandwich made for me by my hubby.

*Beautiful bright sunshine today!

*Lunch dates

Monday, January 25, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Sorry I didn't get last weeks on here. I had it planned out, but I just never got it on here.


*Honey Mustard Chicken and Rice

*Quiche and homemade fried potatoes

*Homemade Lasagna (wish me luck on this one...haven't made it for years)

*Chicken Enchiladas

*Chicken casserole

*Ham and bean soup (if I can find a good recipe)

*Homemade pizza

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Grateful Sunday

I've recently been following some blogs that do a post on Sunday's, about what they are grateful for. Since Sunday happens to be a day that I don't love, I've decided to do the same.

*Hannah gave her first talk today and did a great job.

*Ashlyn stayed in sacrament meeting the whole time. This hasn't happened in probably her whole life.

*I saw a glimpse of blue skies today. It has been a very gray 2 weeks.

*I got to sit and visit with a good friend today.

*The missionaries came for dinner. Normally this would be stressful for me. Not with these young men. They bring a special spirit into our home.

*A lesson on love that I needed to hear.

* I got to talk to my mom today. I miss her.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

We ended up with some different meals last week. We were trying to use up food that was cooked and so we saved some of the meals that didn't need to be prepared right away. So, there are repeats this week. Sorry. I also don't plan the days out, these are in no particular order.

Meals for the week of 1/11- 1/17

*Scalloped potatoes and Ham (leftover Ham from Christmas...frozen)
*Spaghetti and Salad
*Chicken Noodle Soup and homemade bread
*Roast Beef and veggies
*Roast Beef sandwiches and Pita chips
*Out to eat
*Homemade Pizza and fresh vegetables

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Backwards posting

I have been adding some new posts for the last few months of 2009. Make sure and check them out!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Kitty

I decided I had better take Ashlyn out in the snow before the arctic air came in. It was still really cold but nothing like it is today. I bundled her all up and put on her kitty hat. She usually hates it but didn't mind today. She loved the snow! We walked to the mailbox and got the mail. We walked back and she was loving picking up the snow. She finally threw her mittend off and just picked up with her bare hands. She didn't mind that her hands were ice cold. I finally took her in and she was really mad at me. She wanted to go back outside. I let her go on the back deck for a few minutes more. She was still mad when I made her come in, but satisfied when I fed her some snow.

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Monday, January 4, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

This past month I have been really good at planning my meals. It's so cold out and the kids have been home. I wanted to make sure I had all my meals stuff on hand. So, with one of my goals being that we eat out less and to blog more regularly, I thought I would start doing Menu Plan Monday again.

Meals for the week of 1/4-1/10

*Chicken Parmesan and Green Beans
*Broccoli Cheese soup and salad
* Scalloped Potatoes and Ham (using Ham that we froze from Christmas)
*Nachos and fresh vegetables
*Waffles and fresh fruit and fruit smoothies
*Roast Beef and vegetables
*Roast Beef sandwiches and pita chips

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's goals

I have been a horrible blogger. I blame it partyly on a laptop that keeps crashing and partly on laziness. One of my goals this new year is to be more active on my blog. Sometimes that might mean posts with no pictures as I refuse to put any more of my pictures on my laptop. I also don't really like looking at blogs with no pictures, so I will do my best!!
A new year to me, means a time to refresh and renew. I have some goals that I want to accomplish this year. I figure if I put them on here, it will hold me to it.

*Update blog regularly
*No pop, sugary drinks and sweets that aren't homemade.(trying to get away from massive ingredients that aren't good for my body)
*eating healthy as a family
*being more active
*journal writing (for everyone in the family)
*regular scripture study, also studying the RS manual weekly
*regular family home evening, with kids planning lessons as well
*less TV and more time playing games, using our imaginations etc..
*more reading
*completing some sort of craft project a month
*less eating out and better meal planning
*living on what we have, rather that spending just to spend
*focusing on positive things rather than negative
*getting and staying organized (haha)

As you can see I have lots I want to accomplish this year. It's time...