We left Destin at about 6 am. We drove all the way to Kemah. We arrived early so we checked out the sights. The girls and Manuel had been to the Board Walk here so we came for the girls to have some more fun.

Lari and Manuel rode on this roller coaster. Arianna is just not ready for this!

They enjoyed all the rides as Manuel and I just sat around and enjoyed watching them.

Who would believe this, Arianna ran into one of her school class mate, Brooklyn. This little girl finished the last school year in San Antonio then moved to Kemah. It was a big surprised to both as they were waiting in line to ride this ride. They hugged and then got on the ride together. Thy are on the far left….

Manuel and Lari on the far right.

Arianna was not too sure about this ride but she did it anyway. Oh, no! Then the caterpillar!

I checked out the Boardwalk as they rode…..very nice!

Up they go for a view of the area!

It is time to look for a place to eat so time to decide. The girls chose Bubba Gump Shrimp Co!

We take more pics from our table as we wait for our food. Great view.

Our dinner was delicious! Okay now it is time to back for more rides!!

This is a very nice park. We had been to Kemah before with a Rally Group but had not been to the Board Walk. We had a great time here with the Kids. After tonight, our trip comes to an end tomorrow as we head home. It has been a great week and are so thankful for some wonderful kids. Feeling very thankful that we had a safe trip and that Manuel did well all week. He actually felt very good. I say he needed this road trip as much as I did. Very Thankful for everything.
Until next time.