

Hi Copic lovers

For my  Copic  Europe  DT inspiration...

...I made an autumn inspired mini album using one of those super fabulous old Gorjuss stamps I own, using the "No Lines Colouring Technique" again.

This is the finished project, but if you want to see more, CLICK HERE to go to the original post. There are the colours I used and a picture tutorials.

Finally, I fussy cut and mounted the image on foam to emphasize her on my project.

Thanks for sticking with me to the end!


Liburu puntua

Kaixo ongi etorri nerera

Azken publikatutako proiektua Copicerako

Erabili ditudan koloreak ikusi nahi badituzue sakatu HEMEN

Mila esker bisitagatik


Susie the succulent

Kaixo denoi

0tik egindako oharretarako koadernoa egin dut.... egia esan BI koaderno egin ditut :)

Erabili dudan irudia gomazko zigilua:

Paperak Artemio (Ref.11002371eta Orita (Amelie) ; biak ere kaktusak eta sukulentekin

Koloreztatzeko erabili ditudad COPIC koloreak HEMEN

Fusearekin zintzilikario batzuk egten saiatu nintzen.

Eskarrik asko honera iristeagatik.

I would love to enter this challenge:
Hemen parte hartu nahiko nuke:

Stamping Bella challenge blog

I´ve combined both themes (this week´s Make your own background) (last week´s Sketch)