denoi ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
afternoon everyone, hope you are well!♥♥♥♥♥♥
If you'd
like to continue reading but my languaje is not very familiar to you, or you can´t understand "my English" (really I try to get better); please use
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asko bisitan geratzeagatik. Sarrera arraro xamarra, duela hilabete
gabonak pasa direnean. Hilabete da nere azken posta jarri nuela; bizitzak
sekulako ezhustekoak ematen dizkigu askotan; batzuetan pozgarriak.....besteetan
ahalik eta lehen ahaztu nahiko genituzkeenak. Gaur publikatzen dudan lan hau gabon eguneko
post baterako zen baino ezin izan dut orain arte kaleratu.
This was my
last post to end with Christmas projects ...... one month ago....... and this was the
entrance scheduled for Christmas Day. Life is often filled with ups and downs
and surprises; sometimes surprises are nice ...... on other occasions are so
unpleasant surprises that we forget them as soon as possible, as in this case.
Hope you like this tag; my last job for last Christmas.
Image; Holy Fairy
COPICs utilizados:
Piel: E0000, 00, 21, 11 y R11
Pelo: E13, 15 y 17
G20, 21, 24, 28 y 29
Alas R00, R20, 22 E15, 17 G20, 21
Pantalones: R22, 24,
29 y 89
Hojas: G20, 24, 28 y 29
Rama: E13, 15, 17 y 18
Bayas: R32, 35, 37, 39 y 59 y blender
Sombras del dibujo W5, 7 y 100
About the Lace.....look at this:
Recordáis que hace poco hice un porta post-its para
una tía de mi marido?????....pues le encantó y de repente se acordó al ver las
puntillas, que ella tenía en el trastero unas puntillas de su madre y su abuela de lo menos hace 60
años (vintage de verdad se puede decir)........guardadas porque le daba pena
tirarlas!.......ME LAS REGALÓ. Gracias Arantxa,
de todo corazón.
Remember that recently I
made a post-it holder to an aunt of my husband?????? Well, she loved it ....
and suddenly she remembered seeing the laces that in her storeroom whas a laces
packet from her mum and grandma stored at least 60 years ago (really vintage we can say
centanly) ........ saved because was worth throwing! ....... SHE GAVE ME ALL
THE LACE SHOWN AT PICTURE. Thanks Arantxa from the heart.