

Aupa geroz eta juxtuago nabil txartelekin lehiaketetarako azken egunetan, oraingoan MUGIKORRA KARGATZEKO SOPORTE honekin jarraian azalduko diren lehiaketetan parte hartu nahiko nuke.
Opari bat egiteko izango da. Gurekin duela ia 10 urte hasi zen Maialen badoa lanetik asteazkenenan eta detailetxo bat izan nahi nuen berarekin; gainera azken egunetan, Zer da Scrap? galdetzen zidan, eta oroitzapen bat izatea nahiko nuke; agian lantegietan jendea ez da asko zaintzen eta ez dira batzuk behar bezala saritzen, baino jakin dezan nik asko estimatzen dudala.
Lehiaketa hauetan sartuko dut (momentuz amets egitea dohakoa izaten jarraitzen du eta):

http://saturatedcanarychallenge.blogspot.com.es/search/label/current%20challenge   LOVE
http://totallygorjuss.blogspot.com.es/     HAPPY
http://wildorchidchallenge.blogspot.com.es/    DAISYes

Hi, here I´m with another work to enter in the challenges listed up (dream is for free at today):
I done this another one PHONE CHARGER HOLDER for a good friend in the work that she leaves the job after just 10 years with us.
Some days ago she asked me; What is Scrap?. This!.

Margotutako irudiaren detailea hementxe duzue, oraingoan Saturated Canary "Secrets" irudia erabili dut (egia esan, irudi erdia baino ez, dena jartzea ez zetorkidalako ondo), Copic SKETCH rotulagailuekin koloreztatua eta lan honetarako gustokoen dudan Canson Bristol (365gm.) paperean inprimatuta.

The close up of the image, Saturated Canary "Secrets" image (really is only half an image because is so long); coloured with Copic Sketch markers and printed in heavy Canson Bristol cardstock (365gm); my prefer for copics prints.

Hurrengo irudietan ehuskailuaren detaile batzuk. Lore guztiak WILD ORCHID CRAFTSekoak dira; larrosak eta margaritak erabili ditut.

Next images, Holders some datails, all flowers are from WILD ORCHID CRAFTS. Some roses and Daysies a lot ( Cosmos Daysies and Aster Daysies in purple and white tones).

Alde guztiak dekoratuak daude kate obalatu honekin eta perlatxoekin kolore berdinetan.
All sides are decorated too with an oval chain cut die and rinestones.

detaile guztien irudi gehiago.....
and some detailed photos also.....

Nik forratutako bi pintza gehitu ditut, kargatzen ari denean kablea ehusteko......Dena dago kartulina bikoitzaz egina eta patroia larunbatean bertan asmatu nuen pare bat saiakera ondoren.

I added some home covered WOODEN PINs, they will be so util to pin the corde when the phone is charging.....all the holder is double sided glued cardstock (to be more strong) and I made myself the pattern after other two attemps.

Gutxi gora beherako neurriak: Luzeeran 22 zabaleran 10 eta sakonera 3. Poltsikoa 10x10x3.
Begiratu irudian pintza zertarako gehitu dudan eta nola ehusten dion lokarriari kargatzen ari den bitartean.

The size aprox (in zm):  long 22 X 10 and gross 3zm. The "pocket" 10x10x3.
Look the home covered WOODEN PIN doing his work to hold the cord at charging.

Eskarrik asko zure bisitagatik (utzi bukaeran zure iritzia nahi baduzu edo harpidetu goiko botoian). Doan da!
Thanks your visit (you can leave a comment at the end of the page if you want or became a follower up the page). Is Free!

SUPPLIES LIST / Erabilitakoak:
Irudia/Image: Saturated Canary´s Secrets image.
Kartulinak/Cardstock : Canson Iris Vivaldi 02 Cream 185gm.
Paperak/Papers: My Minds Eye  "29 street" paper pad. Prima "Romance Novel".
Coloured with COPIC SKETCH MARKERS, and printed in HEAVY Canson BRISTOL (365gm).
Trokelak/dies: Sizzix Bigz "Weathered clock", quickutz circles, Cheery Lynn Designs Rose leaf strip.
Mome coloured and made pin.
Zinta/Ribbon: HUG SNUG - Seam binding ribbon cream cruise.
Distress Ink pad (All distressed with Walnut Stain pad).
Charms (key) and hand made little charm too,Love chipboard, rinestones, 2 home covered WOODEN PINs, Hot gun, hot glue, Big Shot, Trimcat, corde, 3d foam, scor-pal...



Aupa aurrekoan juxtu banenbilen oraingoan gehiago nabil txartel honekin jarraian azalduko diren lehiaketetan parte hartzeko; nere lehen txartela da azetatuz egina.
4 lehiaketa hauetan sartuko dut (amets egitea dohakoa izaten jarraitzen du):

http://simplymagnolia.blogspot.com.au/     Bingo Challenge   I choose  STARS-METAL CHARM-FLOWERS

Hi, here I´m with another card to enter in the challenges listed up (dream is for free):

Margotutako irudiaren detailea hementxe duzue: MAGNOLIA´s "Tilda goes shopping" zigilua erabili dut, Copic SKETCH rotulagailuekin koloreztatua eta lnola ez Canson Bristol (365gm.) paperean inprimatuta.

In the following image the detail of the stamp: MAGNOLIA´s "Tilda goes shopping" rubber stamp; coloured with Copic Sketch markers and printed in my favorite heavy Canson Bristol cardstock (365gm) for copics prints. I chose make a shaker card because i have never made one of those before.

Hurrengo irudian txartelaren detaile batzuen konposaketa. Azaleko loreak denak WOCekoak. Bi zintzilikario gehitu dizkiot; soinekoa eta zapatak, honekin Tilda erosketetara doala irudikatu nahi dut. Izarrez osaturiko banner bat gehitu diot.

Next image, card´s some datails, the flowers are from WOC. I added 2 charms (a dress and a shoe); it simbolizes tilda goes shopping. I added a banner with some stars too.

Txartel barrua sinplea oso; izar batzuk besterik ez.

In the inside of the card is so simply only some stars.

Hau dena gaurkoz. Eskarrik asko bisitagatik. 
Utzi mezu bat nahi baduzu eta harpidetu (goien ezkerrean duzu botoia) nere lana gustokoa baduzu.

That´s all folks. Thaks for stop here.
Leave your comment If you want and suscribe (up is the link) if you like my work.

SUPPLIES LIST / Erabilitakoak:
Irudia/Image: Magnolia´s TILDA GOESSHOPPING rubber stamp.
Kartulinak/Cardstock : Heavy craft cardstock, Bazzil MAUVE and mi-tintes CREAM LYS.
Coloured with COPIC SKETCH MARKERS, and printed in HEAVY Canson BRISTOL (365gm).
Paperak/Papers: My Minds Eye  "Lost and found" paper pad, Grafiche Tassotti design paper col. 474 and 123. A little clear crystal mauve paper???
Trokelak/dies: Sizzix Bigz "Daysi blast", Spellbinders "Stars five" Sizzix framelits "Ovals", Go Kreate XXL Square Frame frilly #5 and Frilly square #5, Magnolia doohickeys "fence", quickutz "Belt loop star" and "Star"
Zinta/Ribbon: ruban organza mauve for the banner.   Some Cheese cloth.
Festine "confettis flowers mauve".
Distress Ink pad (All distressed with Walnut Stain pad).
Charms (dress and shoe), Hot gun, hot glue, Big Shot, Trimcat, 3d foam, scor-pal...


TILDA WITH GIFT birthday blue card

Aupa juxtu juxtu nabil txartel honekin jarraian azalduko diren lehiaketetan parte hartzeko; aurrekoarekin batera, biak martxan neuzkan ezin bukaturik. Opari bat egiteko txartela izango da.
Lehiaketa hauetan sartuko dut (momentuz amets egitea dohakoa da):


Hi, here I´m with another card to enter in the challenges listed up (dream is for free):
I do this card for a birthday (here in The Basque Country for "Happy Birthday" we say "ZORIONAK").
I`ve been past weekend doing this card together with the last posted and already I was thinking that it would not end in time.

Margotutako irudiaren detailea hementxe duzue: MAGNOLIA´s "Tilda with gift" zigilua erabili dut, Copic SKETCH rotulagailuekin koloreztatua eta lnola ez Canson Bristol (365gm.) paperean inprimatuta.

In the following image the detail of the stamp: MAGNOLIA´s "Tilda with gift" rubber stamp; coloured with Copic Sketch markers and printed in my favorite heavy Canson Bristol cardstock (365gm) for copics prints.

Hurrengo irudian txartelaren detaile batzuen konposaketa. Azaleko loreak WOC, Prima eta aspaldi erositako larrosa (urdinez tintatuak) eta kala batzuk dira. Loreko perla urdina WOCekoa baita. 
Zigilua ZORIONAK, eskuz montatua, TAMALEZ EUSKAL HERRIAN ez dagoelako EUSKARAZ zigilu bat erosterik!. Aspaldi nuen paper urdin berezi honen gainean estanpatua dago; ez dakit zein den paperaren izena. Mozteko eskuz tiraka egiten zaio, tolestutako ertzak busti ondoren.

Next image, card´s some datails, the flowers are a mix from WOC, Prima and a little roses (sprayed with glimmer mist) and a calla from my stash.
Happy birthday "ZORIONAK" stamp is hand mounted with DOVECRAFT alphabet clear stamp; here where I live, is not any stamp or sentiment is BASQUE anywhere to buy!. Is stamped behind and old paper from my stash that I cant say how it calls; maybe clear crystal blue paper???.....For the look of the paper first you double the paper, then you wet it in the corners and finally it is cut pulling him.

Txartel barruan bi poltsiko dijoaz eta txartel ugari, norberak nahi dituen mezuak idatzi ditzan bertan.

In the inside of the card are 2 pockets and a lot of cutted tags to personalize the card with the message that you want.

Hau dena gaurkoz. Eskarrik asko bisitagatik. 
Utzi mezu bat nahi baduzu eta harpidetu (goien ezkerrean duzu botoia) nere lana gustokoa baduzu.

That´s all folks. Thaks for stop here.
Leave your comment If you want and suscribe (up is the link) if you like my work.

SUPPLIES LIST / Erabilitakoak:
Irudia/Image: Magnolia´s TILDA WITH GIFT rubber stamp.
Kartulinak/Cardstock : Canson Mi-teintes 490 BLEU CLAIR (160g/m) and heavy BLUE and ligth blue cardstock from my stash.
Coloured with COPIC SKETCH MARKERS, and printed in HEAVY Canson BRISTOL (365gm).
Paperak/Papers: My Minds Eye  "Lost and found" paper pad.
Trokelak/dies: Cheery Lynn Designs Rose leaf strip, Magnolia doohickeys "bloomy Tag" and Magnolia Butterfly Dreams Doohickeys dream Tag
Flowers: WILD ORCHID CRAFTS, Prima and some old roses from my stash.
Zinta/Ribbon: HUG SNUG - Seam binding "chalk white" inked with Broken china ans sprayed with Tattered Angels glimmer mist "riptide" and a little satin white ribbon (From my stash).
Happy birthday "ZORIONAK" STAMP: Dovecraft Alphabet clear stamp set, self mounted.
Distress Ink pad (All distressed with Walnut Stain pad) and Broken china.
Punches: Artemio Corner round, Daisy flower Picture Punch and old lace corner punch.
Blue large pearl brad from WOC.
Charm, rinestones, bell, pin (home made and coloured)...from my big stash, Hot gun, hot glue, Big Shot, Trimcat, cord, Paper distress tool, scor-pal...


GORJUSS-Sitting Pretty CARD

Aupa, eskarrik asko zure bisitagatik (utzi bukaeran zure iritzia nahi baduzu). Atzo atzaldean bukatu nuen txartelarekin nator; ezin nuen gehiago itxaron argazki batzuk egin, prozesatu eta posteatzeko.
Honako bi lehiaketa hauetan parte hartuko dut berarekin (amestea zoragarria da....):

Hi first thanks your visit (you can leave a comment at the end of the page if you want). Im sharing yesterday afternoon finished card. I can´t wait more to take a photos, process it and post.
I want to enter this card in the challenges listed up (dream is beautiful....):

Margotutako irudiaren detailea hementxe duzue, oraingoan Gorjuss "Sitting Pretty" zigilua erabili dut, Copic SKETCH rotulagailuekin koloreztatua eta lan honetarako gustokoen dudan Canson Bristol (365gm.) paperean inprimatuta.

The close up of the image, GORJUSS "Sitting Pretty" clear stamp; coloured with Copic Sketch markers and printed in heavy Canson Bristol cardstock (365gm); my prefer for copics prints.

Hurrengo irudian txartelaren detaile batzuen konposaketa. Azaleko lore guztiak WILD ORCHID CRAFTSekoak dira.

Next image, card´s some datails, all front flowers are from WILD ORCHID CRAFTS.

Txartel barrua oso sinplea da. Leku nahikoa txartela pertsonalizatzeko mezu bat idatziaz. Esan beharra dut ere, Go Kreate trokel hauek asko gustatzen zaizkidala, baina oso zailak iruditzen zaizkidala lan egiteko. Ez nuen ezer asmatu txartel barrua gehiago apaintzeko, beraz azkenean prima lore batekin eta egurrezko botoi krakelatu batekin konformatu behar izan nuen. Azalean dena josteko makinarekin inguratu nuen baino onartu beharra dago, trokel hauel formak oso zailak direla josteko eta barrukaldean ez nituen josi nahi izan.

The inside of the card is so simple. I want to say that I love those Go Kreate dies, but is so difficult for me to work with. So I added a prima flower with a crakeled wooden heart shaped button to finish the inside of the card. In the front of the card I sew die cuts but was so difficult sew those shapes and I don´t did the same in the inside.

Hau dena gaurkoz. Eskarrik asko bisitagatik.
That´s all folks. Thaks for stop here.

SUPPLIES LIST / Erabilitakoak:
Irudia/Image: GORJUSS-Sitting Pretty clear stamp set.
Kartulinak/Cardstock : Canson Mi-teintes CREAM LYS and ROSE FONCÉ (160g/m) and heavy craft cardstoc for the carte postale.
Coloured with COPIC SKETCH MARKERS, and printed in HEAVY Canson BRISTOL (365gm)
Paperak/Papers: PRIMA´s Romance novel, MME Lost and found, TOGA Bloc Deco "Love" and old music partiture book.
Trokelak/dies: Go Kreate XXL Square Frame frilly #6 and Frilly square #6, Marianne Creatables LR0154 Lace tags, Cheery Lynn Designs Fanciful flourish and Sizzix BIGZ XL House Album (to cut chipboard heart).
Flowers in font: All from WILD ORCHID CRAFTS
Cheese cloth (gasa ohiala).
Zinta/Ribbon: HUG SNUG - Seam binding "Cruise" and Ruban organza satin Rose fonceé (From my stash).
STAMPS: Artemio Carte Postale clear stam set and LOTV stamp "summer my best friend" LOVE & HUGS X.
Distress Ink pad (All distressed with Walnut Stain pad).
Distress Crackle paint "Tattered Rose".
Charms, Hot gun, hot glue, Big Shot, Trimcat, cord, Hole punch 1/16, Paper distress tool, scor-pal, sewing machine ...



Aupa hemen egin dudan azken txartela; zozketa batean parte hartzeko egin dudana hain zuzen ere eta hemen parte hartzeko link-a:
Koloreen proposamena ikusi nuen momentu berean, nere PRIMA RONDELLE paperak etorri zitzaizkidan burura inolako dudarik gabe.

Hi, here my latest card. I´m going to enter in this challenge:
Just I see the colors of the challenge, I remember at time my Prima Rondelle paper pad; it´s just the same colors.

Margotuta irudiaren detailea hementxe duzue, nere Copic SKETCH rotulagailuekin koloreztatua eta lan honetarako gustokoen dudan paperean inprimatuta; Canson Bristol 365gm.

The close up of the image, coloured with Copic Sketch markers and printed in heavy Canson Bristol cardstock (365gm)

Hurrengo irudian txartelaren detaile batzuen konposaketa. Larrosa txikienak bilduma bereko Prima Rondellekoak dira, Arrosa kolorekoa Stamperia etxekoa. Lore handia eskuz eginikoa. Tximeletak troketatuak eta krakelatuak.

Next image, card´s some datails, smallest two roses same Prima Rondelle colection, rose color flower from Stamperia and a big flower is home made. The butterflyes cut with a die and crackled with paint.

Txartel barrua / The inside of the card

Eskarrik asko bisitagatik; utzi zure iritzia.
Thanks for the visit; leave your comment.

SUPPLIES LIST / Erabilitakoak:
Irudia/Image: Saturated Canary Jules digi stamp.
Kartulinak/Cardstock : HEAVY CRAFT CARDSTOCK, Canson Mi-teintes GRIS ANDOISE, ROSE FONCÉ + THÉ VERT (160g/m).
Coloured with COPIC SKETCH MARKERS, and printed in HEAVY Canson BRISTOL (365gm)
Paperak/Papers: PRIMA´s Rondelle A4 paper pad.
Trokelak/dies: Mariane Creatables LR0242 squares, Marianne Creatables Butterflies LR0158, Cheery Lynn Designs Rose leaf strip, Stacker flower #1, Tropical flourish B127Lore handia/big flower: Papertry Ink. Bloom builders #2, Mariane Creatables LR0242 die and rose nacreé pearl from my stash.
Zinta/Ribbon: Satin old gold ribbon and ruban organza rose satin inside the card (From my stash). Lace from my stash too (is big).
Distress Ink pad (All distressed with Walnut Stain pad).
Distress Crackle paint "Tattered Rose".
Perlak/Rinestones: Toga perles "vieux rose & prune"
Doily: Easycut craft 6 in 1 magnetic punch "Water Lily".Charm, Hot gun, hot glue, Big Shot, Trimcat, cord, Hole punch, acua colour eyelets, Paper distress tool, scor-pal ...



Kaixo oraingoan bukatu berri dudan txartela erakusten dizuet.
Esker mila SATURATED CANARY-ko KRISTA SMITH marrazkilari zoragarri honeri, aurreko astean nik erabili dudan irudia 24 orduz doan jarri zuelako bere web orrian. Eskarrik asko zure bisitagatik.

Irudia erosi nahi baduzue: http://saturated-canary.myshopify.com/products/hugs-and-kisses

Hi, today I´m sharing my latest card using SATURATED CANARY KRISTA´s  "Hugs and Kisses" digi stamp. THANKS KRISTA for this image , past week, KRISTA EXCELLS her self and It was offer 24 hours Free digi. Now for buy (only 2$), up is the link. Thanks for visit my blog.

SUPPLIES LIST / Erabilitakoak:
Kartulinak/Cardstock : HEAVY BLACK IRIDESCENT CARDSTOCK, Canson Mi-teintes Framboise + black (160g/m).
Coloured with COPIC SKETCH MARKERS, and printed in HEAVY Canson BRISTOL (365gm)
Paperak/Papers: PRIMA´s ROMANCE NOVEL paper pad.
Trokelak/dies: Bigz Decorative accent w/flower, Spellbinders Nestabilities classic herarts and scalloped hearts. Loreak/flowers: Mariane Creatables roses LR0162 die. Die namics Rolled Daisy.
7 gypsies AVIGNON clear stamp set and versafine onix black.
Zinta/Ribbon: Ruban organza satin(From my stash).
Home colouring Pin, and home covered WOODEN PIN.
Distress Ink pad (All distressed with Walnut Stain pad).
Cupido charm + rinestone, Martha Stewart Doily Lace edge punch, Fiskars Brackets punch, Hot gun, hot glue, Big Shot, Trimcat, cord, Hole punch, scor-pal ...


TILDA with bunch of roses stamp - Distress INK.

Aupa hemen Distress Pad ink lehen aldiz erabilita margotu dudan Tilda zigilua (aurretik margotu izan ditudan zigilu denak Sketch-ekin izan dira); lehen aldia izanik, ilunegi geratu zait aurpegia nere gustorako.

Hi, here my first Tilda colouring with distress pad inks (every other stamp I coloured before with SKETCHs). Like every first time is not the better work and I think that Tilda´s face is a little dark.

Kartulinak/Cardstock : HEAVY CRAFT CARDSTOCK, Canson Mi-teintes 117 Prune + 352 rose foncé (160g/m)
Paperak/Papers: Grafiche Tassotti, G45 Bird´s Song (Cherry blossom), FABSCRAPS Victoria´s shoes.
Trokelak/dies: Magnolia doohickey´s Bloomy tag, Spellbinders Nestabilities Labels 18 and scalloped ovals from Nellie Snellen to do the envelope bag.
Zinta/Ribbon: HUG SNUG - Seam binding "Chalk white" inked with Victorian Velvet Distress Pad.
Loreak/flowers: Prima paper flowers. Home made Rose Velvet self covered button in one of the flowers.
Home made and colouring Pin.
Distress Ink pads (All distressed with Walnut Stain pad)
Key charm + rinestones, Martha Stewart Heart punch, Hot gun, hot glue, paintbrushes (0+00),Big Shot, Trimcat and Sewing machine...