Friday, January 28, 2011

Remembering the Space Shuttle Challenger………

So today marks the 25th Anniversary of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster and for some reason I will never forget this day.  I think it was because I was at school when it happened and it was a huge event because of the school teacher who was living the dream of going into space, which after watching the movie Space Camp was one of my dreams too!  The images of that space shuttle blowing up are vivid in my head and I will never forget how blue the sky was that day as I watched on TV the shuttle becoming pieces of debris falling from the sky in white clouds of smoke.   I was 8 when I saw these images and 25 years later, I still can’t forget.  


I downloaded a program that should help me write on this blog a lot more……….figured I would just share what was on my mind today and we’ll see if I can keep updating this thing!!  Facebook seems to be the best place to post things, where I know people actually see them and read them but this blog would be a nice place to share too!  Wish me luck!!  Here’s to the New Year and happy blogging maybe………..

Friday, September 11, 2009


So I am finally going to try this blogging thing..........I am not the best at keeping in touch with each individual person in my life so this way they can catch up when they have time!!!  The main reason for this blog will be so everyone can watch Troy grow from this little 14 month old (today) to a boy and so on and so on!!  I'll try to add some things about Matt and I as well, but really Troy has the spotlight :) 
So here was little Troy exactly one year ago today:

and here he is TODAY!!!!!

It is so amazing to me how much they change in a matter of just one year!!!  He is walking, talking, and dancing!!  He is so much fun these days!  He is also getting a little bit of an attitude and doesn't like to listen when you say "No"!!   So I have to be creative and throw him off by saying something other than no!! 

We are also going to Hawaii in a month and I have been trying for months to get Troy to wear sunglasses and a hat!!!  I am finally making progress on the hat........he will wear it, but only if it's on his head backwards!!! 

I figured I would share this milestone with you!!  Next hopefully we will be wearing sunglasses and the hat!!!