Monday, June 25, 2012


For my dad's retirement, he wanted to take all the kids and grandkids to Disneyland. We decided it would be easier to take each family separately. So in May, it was our family's turn. We left on Monday. After we got to our hotel and settled, we went to Downtown Disney for dinner at Rainforest Cafe and then we walked around for a bit before heading back to our hotel. We started out on Tuesday at Disneyland, then went to California Adventure on Wednesday and did a little of both on Thursday. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, but some highlights include:
--my dad being called up to be part of the Golden Horseshoe show. What a ham!
--the girls loving to find the characters and get their autographs--even Ruby wasn't too scared of any of them
--I may or may not have fallen one morning as we walked to Disneyland. My knee still hurts if I kneel on it the wrong way.
--my parents rented scooters for themselves--the kids took turns (and sometimes more than one at once) riding on laps. It actually was pretty handy as I was holding Ezra as he slept or ate on the go.

The crowds weren't too terrible, but we have been there when it was less crowded--like in the beginning of November and December. The weather was PERFECT though. A couple of the days were overcast which was so nice not having the sun beating down on us.


Ezra is now six months old! Time flies. He is adorable and so sweet and fun. He gets a ton of attention from his sisters. At his six month appointment, he was 27.5" long and 15.1 lbs. He's packed on some pounds since he four month visit which is good since he was pretty scrawny. He is on formula now, so I think that helps. He's rolling all around and sits up pretty well. Our offical family photographer (Eliza) makes sure she documents our life through pictures...

(how'd that one get in there?!)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Youth Conference

A couple of weeks ago was our stake youth conference up at NAU. It was a TON of work leading up to it since it was the stake young men and young women's presidency who planned it and carried it out. There were many nights without much sleep getting everything ready, but I think it ended up being a success. One of the best parts was having Alex Boye come and do a concert one night and then a fireside the following morning. He was such a fun performer! Everyone loved him. He sang "Peponi", which was amazing! He also sang "The Churchball Anthem," which I was happy he did because it's so funny.

His accompanist came with him and come to find out, he served his mission in Phoenix. I remember him having come over for dinner and spending time at our house. We reminisced about that a bit and tried to catch him up on some people he remembered. The next morning Alex did a fireside with speaking and singing. He basically told his conversion story which was really incredible. He sang a neat song called "I'll Believe in Him," but perhaps the highlight was him singing "How Great Thou Art." It was the most powerful, touching performance of that song I've heard. We just had our wrap-up evaluation meeting for the conference early this morning before church, so I'm glad it went well, but also glad to have a break from all that work!

Easter Party

Each year we try to get together with my family to have an Easter party for the kids. The water slide was such a hit last year, so my parents rented that again. The kids had a blast on that and then each of us planned a game or an activity. Dan and Chris did running charades and Brian and Kamille colored Easter eggs with the kids. We did the limbo and a game that we probably won't repeat again because it got poor reviews from some of the kids--we won't mention Dallin and Luke's name too much. :) It was a relay where you hold on to your ankles and then run/walk/hobble to a certain destination and then turn around and go back. It sounded fun and was pretty fun to do/watch, but not everyone agreed with that! The kids also got to hunt for Easter eggs. We had pizza and wings for lunch and plenty of sides and sweets to go around!

Waaaaay Behind!

I think my number of recent posts is directly related to how busy I have been lately. I can't seem to hardly come up for air! It's overwhelming to think about catching up, so I'll just go a little at a time and maybe I'll be able to catch up. It's a lot though as I need to post about Disneyland, end of school year, youth conference, Ezra and the girls, and more I'm sure!