Last night we finished the movie and both ended up really enjoying it.
This morning we got up and ready for church. It was a missionary farewell, which was really nice. It was fairly relaxing in young women's. Every 5th Sunday the bishopric usually does the lesson. So today they were combined with the young men and we had a discussion about standards and For the Strength of Youth book. We also talked about communication and how text messaging has its place but shouldn't replace face to face communication. It was great.
This afternoon we went to my parent's house for dinner. We had pulled pork sandwiches, chips, potato salad, etc. We had a fun time visiting and the kids had fun playing!
Tonight Libby was so funny. Brian and I were in our room and Libby came in to go to the bathroom. She shut and locked the door and we could hear her singing. First she sang, "You Are the Music in Me"--the Sharpay version from HSM 2. Then she was singing a commentary of what she was doing. It went a little something like this:
"My panties aren't covering my bum anymore. I need to flush. Then unlock the door and open the door and close it." We were totally laughing! It was very cute.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Showers and more showers!
Friday was a busy day as I prepared for Aleeda's shower. Aleeda is Brian's BOA (Branch Office Administrator = Secretary). We had a couple's shower, which turned out to be pretty fun. We had about 13 people there--I guess only 3 were male. But we had a good time. If you ever have to give a shower, let me make it easy for you! Here is what we had:
--mini quesadillas (Costco)
--tortilla roll-ups
--peanut butter rice krispie treats
--"sinful" bars
--cream puffs
When people arrived (late--everyone got lost or couldn't find it! But I did give them good directions!), we ate, then we had a game. It turned out pretty fun. It was a slight version of the newlywed game. Basically it was who knows Aleeda better, us or David (her fiance)? Each person took a slip of paper that had a questions on it (What is Aleeda's favorite dessert, what is her most endearing quality according to David, etc). Each guest read his or her question, then answered what they thought the answer was. Then David got to answer it. Then we compared it to the answers Aleeda had written down earlier. It was fun to get to know her better and we got some laughs from how David answered--although he did win! Then they got to open their gifts. I am glad it went well. I was nervous!

That last picture is blurry and off center because it was done with the timer on a TV. And David didn't make it in time. But it's the group at the shower.
After the shower, Brian headed up to Forest Lakes to join some of the young men in the ward on a campout. They were short leaders, so he said he would go up even if it was really late. He had a fun time even though he wasn't there long. This morning while Brian was gone, my girls and I went and picked up a changing table I found on Craig's List. We have a changing table for Ellie, but we wanted to have one for Hattie's room to use with her. So we didn't want to buy a new one or spend a lot. I found a white one for $30, so we got it. We came home and ate lunch and they played outside. Brian got home around 1:30, then I headed off wtih Eliza and Libby to my sisters-in-law's shower. Jenny and Laura are both having girls. I made them both several of my "signature" burp cloths. Those are so fun! ...and so addicting because of the fabric!
From the shower I went to the Relief Society broadcast at church. As always--it was excellent! I loved the speakers and I always leave with a desire to be better in several areas. After, they had fondue for everyone. It was so fun and so good. I must get some of the recipes!
Tonight Brian and I decided to have an "in-house" date. I grabbed a movie and grabbed some Chili's. So now we are watching Freedom Writers. It's very good but very intense!
--mini quesadillas (Costco)
--tortilla roll-ups
--peanut butter rice krispie treats
--"sinful" bars
--cream puffs
When people arrived (late--everyone got lost or couldn't find it! But I did give them good directions!), we ate, then we had a game. It turned out pretty fun. It was a slight version of the newlywed game. Basically it was who knows Aleeda better, us or David (her fiance)? Each person took a slip of paper that had a questions on it (What is Aleeda's favorite dessert, what is her most endearing quality according to David, etc). Each guest read his or her question, then answered what they thought the answer was. Then David got to answer it. Then we compared it to the answers Aleeda had written down earlier. It was fun to get to know her better and we got some laughs from how David answered--although he did win! Then they got to open their gifts. I am glad it went well. I was nervous!

That last picture is blurry and off center because it was done with the timer on a TV. And David didn't make it in time. But it's the group at the shower.
After the shower, Brian headed up to Forest Lakes to join some of the young men in the ward on a campout. They were short leaders, so he said he would go up even if it was really late. He had a fun time even though he wasn't there long. This morning while Brian was gone, my girls and I went and picked up a changing table I found on Craig's List. We have a changing table for Ellie, but we wanted to have one for Hattie's room to use with her. So we didn't want to buy a new one or spend a lot. I found a white one for $30, so we got it. We came home and ate lunch and they played outside. Brian got home around 1:30, then I headed off wtih Eliza and Libby to my sisters-in-law's shower. Jenny and Laura are both having girls. I made them both several of my "signature" burp cloths. Those are so fun! ...and so addicting because of the fabric!
From the shower I went to the Relief Society broadcast at church. As always--it was excellent! I loved the speakers and I always leave with a desire to be better in several areas. After, they had fondue for everyone. It was so fun and so good. I must get some of the recipes!
Tonight Brian and I decided to have an "in-house" date. I grabbed a movie and grabbed some Chili's. So now we are watching Freedom Writers. It's very good but very intense!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Productive Day
This morning I had to get ready quickly so I could take Eliza to school. Brian had a filling pop out last week, so he had to get that taken care of. And while he was there...he got to get a cleaning and some more fillings. Let's just say I am glad we don't pay for dental care! OK--back on track. I took Eliza to school and Libby went with Terri to preschool. Ellie, Hattie and I came back home and Hattie took a nap. Ellie played both outside and inside and I finished getting all my baby gifts ready. I also went visiting teaching and stopped at Office Max. Then it was time to get Libby and Carson. Carson came home with us and played while Terri took Makenzie to treatment. They had a lot of fun together, playing outside most of the time. I had to laugh--every time Carson called my name, he would call me, "Erin Trimble." "Erin Trimble, what is that?" "Erin Trimble...etc." Funny.
A little later both Ellie and Hattie were down for a nap and Jen Collins picked up Eliza from school. After Eliza got home, I started making the invitations for our young women retreat next month. I am using Amy Butler paper--so yum! Eliza and Libby helped me get the paper ready and they did some crafting while I created.
Tonight was biscuits and gravy for dinner, then I had mutual. We practiced one of our songs. Then the laurels all went to an information meeting about going to BYU, so the other leader and I hung out with Kari. From mutual I went to Wal-Mart to get some things for the shower we are having on Friday night. While I was there, I priced matched the Ragu. I think the stock-boy thought I was nuts for loading up that many jars of spaghetti sauce. Oh well!
A little later both Ellie and Hattie were down for a nap and Jen Collins picked up Eliza from school. After Eliza got home, I started making the invitations for our young women retreat next month. I am using Amy Butler paper--so yum! Eliza and Libby helped me get the paper ready and they did some crafting while I created.
Tonight was biscuits and gravy for dinner, then I had mutual. We practiced one of our songs. Then the laurels all went to an information meeting about going to BYU, so the other leader and I hung out with Kari. From mutual I went to Wal-Mart to get some things for the shower we are having on Friday night. While I was there, I priced matched the Ragu. I think the stock-boy thought I was nuts for loading up that many jars of spaghetti sauce. Oh well!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Catching Up with a List
***Scroll down for details about getting your Christmas pictures taken!!
--Friday night we helped my brother and family move into their new home. Eliza and Libby (and Ellie) all helped; it was fun for us to all help them together. My niece Abby spent the night so we could take her to the primary program practice in the morning.
--Saturday morning: my girls had a practice for the primary program, Brian was gone until a little after noon helping with two different moves. I stopped at Target and hung out at home until it was time to pick up Eliza and Libby and Abby. In the afternoon I did a bunch of errands with Libby and Eliza.
--Saturday night Heather babysat and Brian and I went to the ward adult party. It was so much fun! The theme was a "Night in Paris" and the cultural hall was all fancy--white lights, a "skyline" around the perimeter, white tablecloths with black toppers--complete with top hat and rose petal centerpieces. The older youth from both wards were our servers and they did a great job. We had rolls, roast, potatoes, salad and green beans. It was delicious. After dinner, some of the crowd moved outside to the ramada for dancing. They had a DJ. I got one slow dance with Brian but I had to do all the fast dancing by myself. Brian said, "Everyone has their own talents." (And he doesn't think dancing is one of his). So I enjoyed doing the Electric Slide and the Cha Cha Slide and a little bit more dancing. I would have loved to stay and dance more, but I had the worst headache! So we left, took my brother's bike to him that has been in our garage, then we came home. I walked in, took Hattie from the sitter, then I immediately gave her to Brian and briskly walked to the bathroom where I proceeded to lose my dinner. Nice. I didn't have a migraine so I thought it was weird. But after that and a nice soak in the tub I felt much better.
--Sunday morning I had ward council meeting before church, so Brian got all the girls ready and came in time for church. It was the Primary program, and everyone did a great job. Eliza and Libby sat down in front in the pews, so no one could hardly see them. We sat on the side and were able to, so that was good. Eliza and Libby both sang out and did really well. Eliza knows every word to every song and loves to sing. Libby knows most of the words and is really cute with her very accentuated pronunciation. She really enunciates the words. Eliza did well with her line, too. Libby didn't even go up. We expected that. She said, "I'll do it when I am 6."
--That night we had Brian's family over for dinner. We had Navajo tacos and the fixings and brownies for dessert. My sisters-in-law and I chatted about food storage. (exciting, huh)?!? But I am really working to get our 3 month, then year's supply. I was going to do the 1Stop Food Storage--which is a really good idea. After much thought, I have decided to pick 7 meals, then accumulate enough stuff to make it 52 times. (I am not sure I will do this for the full year or for the three months, then do more "life sustaining foods" for the year). But this week at Fry's Barilla spaghetti noodles were on sale, so I bought 52 boxes. Ragu was also on sale for $1 so I will get 52 of those. (They were sold out, so I got a raincheck.). With the money I save from doing that, we hope to get a generator. We'll see how that system works.
--This morning we got up and ready. Brian took Eliza to school and took Libby so she could carpool with Terri. I loaded up Ellie and Hattie and took them to Brian's parents'. His mom watched them while I had a couple hours to myself...AT THE DENTIST. Not exactly the time away I wanted! Brian's dad needed a picture of him and his office staff, so I agreed to that it, but while I was there, they would do a cleaning. I told him it was a trap to get me to come in! I made sure Jen--the hygienist--loaded me up with a topical numbing cream (not sure the technical name). My least favorite part of the cleaning is the high powered water pick thing. Ugh! I really dread that!!!! She said I didn't have much build up, so she didn't use it much on me. So that, coupled with my topical, made it bearable! Then it was on to my favorite part--the polish! I love that gritty minty-flavored stuff. Then it was X-rays. I have to breath deeply or I gag with those. The good news is that I didn't have any cavities. Yes! I am still on track for never having a cavity ever! Eliza thought I would for sure because I haven't been flossing lately. I got lucky!
--I rushed back to pick up Ellie and Hattie, then picked Libby up from school. When it was time we picked up Eliza from school, came home, they did chores and I worked on baby shower gifts. I can't post pictures because I know some of the recipients read my blog! Eliza and Libby played outside, and Ellie and Hattie both napped. After Brian came home we ate dinner, folded some laundry, had family home evening, followed soon after by bed.
--This has gotten long! I must go do some writing for Heidi's class.
--Friday night we helped my brother and family move into their new home. Eliza and Libby (and Ellie) all helped; it was fun for us to all help them together. My niece Abby spent the night so we could take her to the primary program practice in the morning.
--Saturday morning: my girls had a practice for the primary program, Brian was gone until a little after noon helping with two different moves. I stopped at Target and hung out at home until it was time to pick up Eliza and Libby and Abby. In the afternoon I did a bunch of errands with Libby and Eliza.
--Saturday night Heather babysat and Brian and I went to the ward adult party. It was so much fun! The theme was a "Night in Paris" and the cultural hall was all fancy--white lights, a "skyline" around the perimeter, white tablecloths with black toppers--complete with top hat and rose petal centerpieces. The older youth from both wards were our servers and they did a great job. We had rolls, roast, potatoes, salad and green beans. It was delicious. After dinner, some of the crowd moved outside to the ramada for dancing. They had a DJ. I got one slow dance with Brian but I had to do all the fast dancing by myself. Brian said, "Everyone has their own talents." (And he doesn't think dancing is one of his). So I enjoyed doing the Electric Slide and the Cha Cha Slide and a little bit more dancing. I would have loved to stay and dance more, but I had the worst headache! So we left, took my brother's bike to him that has been in our garage, then we came home. I walked in, took Hattie from the sitter, then I immediately gave her to Brian and briskly walked to the bathroom where I proceeded to lose my dinner. Nice. I didn't have a migraine so I thought it was weird. But after that and a nice soak in the tub I felt much better.
--Sunday morning I had ward council meeting before church, so Brian got all the girls ready and came in time for church. It was the Primary program, and everyone did a great job. Eliza and Libby sat down in front in the pews, so no one could hardly see them. We sat on the side and were able to, so that was good. Eliza and Libby both sang out and did really well. Eliza knows every word to every song and loves to sing. Libby knows most of the words and is really cute with her very accentuated pronunciation. She really enunciates the words. Eliza did well with her line, too. Libby didn't even go up. We expected that. She said, "I'll do it when I am 6."
--That night we had Brian's family over for dinner. We had Navajo tacos and the fixings and brownies for dessert. My sisters-in-law and I chatted about food storage. (exciting, huh)?!? But I am really working to get our 3 month, then year's supply. I was going to do the 1Stop Food Storage--which is a really good idea. After much thought, I have decided to pick 7 meals, then accumulate enough stuff to make it 52 times. (I am not sure I will do this for the full year or for the three months, then do more "life sustaining foods" for the year). But this week at Fry's Barilla spaghetti noodles were on sale, so I bought 52 boxes. Ragu was also on sale for $1 so I will get 52 of those. (They were sold out, so I got a raincheck.). With the money I save from doing that, we hope to get a generator. We'll see how that system works.
--This morning we got up and ready. Brian took Eliza to school and took Libby so she could carpool with Terri. I loaded up Ellie and Hattie and took them to Brian's parents'. His mom watched them while I had a couple hours to myself...AT THE DENTIST. Not exactly the time away I wanted! Brian's dad needed a picture of him and his office staff, so I agreed to that it, but while I was there, they would do a cleaning. I told him it was a trap to get me to come in! I made sure Jen--the hygienist--loaded me up with a topical numbing cream (not sure the technical name). My least favorite part of the cleaning is the high powered water pick thing. Ugh! I really dread that!!!! She said I didn't have much build up, so she didn't use it much on me. So that, coupled with my topical, made it bearable! Then it was on to my favorite part--the polish! I love that gritty minty-flavored stuff. Then it was X-rays. I have to breath deeply or I gag with those. The good news is that I didn't have any cavities. Yes! I am still on track for never having a cavity ever! Eliza thought I would for sure because I haven't been flossing lately. I got lucky!
--I rushed back to pick up Ellie and Hattie, then picked Libby up from school. When it was time we picked up Eliza from school, came home, they did chores and I worked on baby shower gifts. I can't post pictures because I know some of the recipients read my blog! Eliza and Libby played outside, and Ellie and Hattie both napped. After Brian came home we ate dinner, folded some laundry, had family home evening, followed soon after by bed.
--This has gotten long! I must go do some writing for Heidi's class.
Friday, September 21, 2007
It's That Time!!!

It's finally cooling off a little, so it's the perfect time to get your photos taken for your Christmas cards! Click on the picture to make it larger.
I am offering a special mini-session for the holidays. It's a thirty minute session and you'll receive 20 individually processed images on a CD. If you are wanting more images on a CD and a longer session, those are available as well. E-mail me for details.
I am also excited to offer custom digital cards made with your photos! I will design your holiday card and either have them custom printed or send you the file for you to print at your favorite developer. Here are the details on the cards:
--Card designed $35
--Card designed + a mini holiday photo shoot $100
--e-mail me for custom printed prices
Here are a few samples.

Happy Holidays and contact me today (!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Pull Up a Chair
Lots of random things to post:
First...our day:
--got Eliza off to school
--Libby and Ellie played "pillows" (i.e. jumping on the couch pillows)
--they also played outside for a little bit (glad it's FINALLY cooling off a little)
--gave Hattie a bath
--had lunch
--Ellie had a nap
--Libby and I made brownies
--Libby and I played Uno (AGAIN) and Life (AGAIN!). She said a funny during the game. At the beginning you can pick three "career" cards, then pick the one you want. She picked three and read them off to me, "Teacher, Doctor, or 'Playgirl'". Her third card was "athlete" so she thinks it's a girl who plays sports. Thank goodness. I had a good laugh to myself.
--picked Eliza up from school
--came home and supervised chores
--packed up, stopped at Sonic and went to watch a swim meet. Two of my young women are on their high school swim team. I tried to get a sitter, but didn't have any luck, so we all ventured there together. It was a little crazy at times. Eliza pushed Ellie in her stroller and I pushed Hattie in hers. It was good for the first little while, then Hattie started getting hungry and Ellie didn't want to sit in her stroller any more. I got Hattie a bottle (thank goodness she can hold it herself) and I got Ellie out and had to watch her like a hawk so she didn't jump in the pool. Can you imagine if she did that?!?! But it was fun to watch and I managed to get some photos. We left around 5.

--came home and ate dinner and played outside again.
--Brian and Libby put the new crib together. I think we'll transition Ellie in there tomorrow night. I hope she does okay!
I really want something from here. Sometime maybe. I love this and this and this.
Another funny:
OK--I confess that I enjoy old school "rap" music. I find that I can only listen to a handful of the ones I liked in high school (i.e. Now that I listen more closely to the words, only a few are appropriate!). One that I have on my iPod is "Tootsie Roll." Ellie likes that song, too. There is a part that says, "Slide, slide, slide, slide." When that comes on, she totally sings along. It's quite funny.
I am getting ready to post info about holiday photo sessions if anyone is interested. I'll probably post it tomorrow.
Happy Thursday!
First...our day:
--got Eliza off to school
--Libby and Ellie played "pillows" (i.e. jumping on the couch pillows)
--they also played outside for a little bit (glad it's FINALLY cooling off a little)
--gave Hattie a bath
--had lunch
--Ellie had a nap
--Libby and I made brownies
--Libby and I played Uno (AGAIN) and Life (AGAIN!). She said a funny during the game. At the beginning you can pick three "career" cards, then pick the one you want. She picked three and read them off to me, "Teacher, Doctor, or 'Playgirl'". Her third card was "athlete" so she thinks it's a girl who plays sports. Thank goodness. I had a good laugh to myself.
--picked Eliza up from school
--came home and supervised chores
--packed up, stopped at Sonic and went to watch a swim meet. Two of my young women are on their high school swim team. I tried to get a sitter, but didn't have any luck, so we all ventured there together. It was a little crazy at times. Eliza pushed Ellie in her stroller and I pushed Hattie in hers. It was good for the first little while, then Hattie started getting hungry and Ellie didn't want to sit in her stroller any more. I got Hattie a bottle (thank goodness she can hold it herself) and I got Ellie out and had to watch her like a hawk so she didn't jump in the pool. Can you imagine if she did that?!?! But it was fun to watch and I managed to get some photos. We left around 5.

--came home and ate dinner and played outside again.
--Brian and Libby put the new crib together. I think we'll transition Ellie in there tomorrow night. I hope she does okay!
I really want something from here. Sometime maybe. I love this and this and this.
Another funny:
OK--I confess that I enjoy old school "rap" music. I find that I can only listen to a handful of the ones I liked in high school (i.e. Now that I listen more closely to the words, only a few are appropriate!). One that I have on my iPod is "Tootsie Roll." Ellie likes that song, too. There is a part that says, "Slide, slide, slide, slide." When that comes on, she totally sings along. It's quite funny.
I am getting ready to post info about holiday photo sessions if anyone is interested. I'll probably post it tomorrow.
Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Our Day
This morning Brian took Libby with him when he took Eliza. We are going to carpool with Terri, so she'll get Libby at the school when Brian takes Eliza. It works out great. Then I'll bring Libby and Carson home.
While Libby was gone, Hattie took a nap and Ellie played. She loves to go from one thing to the next. She enjoys playing "baby," putting her baby to bed or in the exersaucer to play. I managed to start making some gifts for baby showers I have coming up.
We picked up Libby, then came home and I put Ellie down for a nap. Hattie went down for another nap, too, so it was just Libby and me. We played Uno (surprise) and Life (another surprise).

After getting Eliza, we stopped at Costco, then we went to my parents' house. My dad watch my girls for a few minutes while I went with my mom to help her pick out some new glasses. It's kind of a funny concept, but when she tries on glasses, she can't see well enough to know if they look good. So every two years, we go pick out new glasses. We picked out a really cute brown pair of Coach glasses. Glasses have gotten expensive! These were $180! And that was about average. I remember when $80 was expensive for glasses!
Tonight was mutual and we started practicing one of the songs for the sacrament meeting program we are doing. We also had a "camp class reunion." We watched a slide show of pictures and the girls signed papers with a picture on it (kind of like a yearbook idea).
We finally got a crib so we can put Ellie in her new room and Hattie in the nursery. I've been looking on Craig's List for a while for one, but I think to myself...I don't want to get that one because what if one comes up tomorrow that is better and cheaper!?!? It's a silly cycle! But this morning I told myself, "We are going to get a crib today so we can get them in their rooms!!" I looked online and the perfect one came up! It is white with a little flower design--kind of like the twin beds we already have. It was out in Surprise, too, so Brian went and looked at it and bought it. So as soon as he can put it together, we'll have everyone in their correct room!
While Libby was gone, Hattie took a nap and Ellie played. She loves to go from one thing to the next. She enjoys playing "baby," putting her baby to bed or in the exersaucer to play. I managed to start making some gifts for baby showers I have coming up.
We picked up Libby, then came home and I put Ellie down for a nap. Hattie went down for another nap, too, so it was just Libby and me. We played Uno (surprise) and Life (another surprise).

After getting Eliza, we stopped at Costco, then we went to my parents' house. My dad watch my girls for a few minutes while I went with my mom to help her pick out some new glasses. It's kind of a funny concept, but when she tries on glasses, she can't see well enough to know if they look good. So every two years, we go pick out new glasses. We picked out a really cute brown pair of Coach glasses. Glasses have gotten expensive! These were $180! And that was about average. I remember when $80 was expensive for glasses!
Tonight was mutual and we started practicing one of the songs for the sacrament meeting program we are doing. We also had a "camp class reunion." We watched a slide show of pictures and the girls signed papers with a picture on it (kind of like a yearbook idea).
We finally got a crib so we can put Ellie in her new room and Hattie in the nursery. I've been looking on Craig's List for a while for one, but I think to myself...I don't want to get that one because what if one comes up tomorrow that is better and cheaper!?!? It's a silly cycle! But this morning I told myself, "We are going to get a crib today so we can get them in their rooms!!" I looked online and the perfect one came up! It is white with a little flower design--kind of like the twin beds we already have. It was out in Surprise, too, so Brian went and looked at it and bought it. So as soon as he can put it together, we'll have everyone in their correct room!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
It's been a rough couple of days! Hattie thought it would be fun to cry whenever I wasn't holding her. Little turkey! So that has been hard. It's also a busy month with young women stuff, so getting everything planned and organized while trying to make everyone happy is proving to not work very well. But it'll all work out I am sure!
Today Libby had gymnastics. She is so excited because she has her cartwheel down. She has been practicing and she has finally gotten the hang of it! She is so pleased with herself--and rightly so! She loved gym today.
Eliza had piano and had another good lesson. She does well and gets her lessons down during her practicing, but usually not with out some murmuring! In other news, she has been really working on learning how to put a ponytail in and I think she has finally gotten that down. My hair can attest to all of her practicing! Ouch!
Tonight Brian and I (and Hattie) went to the Sunrise Mtn. volleyball game. We got to watch Sarah and my cousin Katelin. They beat Ironwood in 5 games! It was intense, but they pulled it off! I was glad we got to watch. Hattie was a gem. Brian thinks he just needed her! I was afraid to leave her with the sitter for how clingy she has been. But she played most of the game in her car seat playing with a rattle.
Today Libby had gymnastics. She is so excited because she has her cartwheel down. She has been practicing and she has finally gotten the hang of it! She is so pleased with herself--and rightly so! She loved gym today.
Eliza had piano and had another good lesson. She does well and gets her lessons down during her practicing, but usually not with out some murmuring! In other news, she has been really working on learning how to put a ponytail in and I think she has finally gotten that down. My hair can attest to all of her practicing! Ouch!
Tonight Brian and I (and Hattie) went to the Sunrise Mtn. volleyball game. We got to watch Sarah and my cousin Katelin. They beat Ironwood in 5 games! It was intense, but they pulled it off! I was glad we got to watch. Hattie was a gem. Brian thinks he just needed her! I was afraid to leave her with the sitter for how clingy she has been. But she played most of the game in her car seat playing with a rattle.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Alone Weekend
This weekend has been quite busy but fun. On Friday, Brian took Eliza to school, then dropped Libby off at preschool. I dropped Ellie and Hattie off at my friend Leslie's house, then I went to Eliza's classroom to volunteer a bit. I helped tear out pages from the kids' workbooks, so her teacher could pass them out instead of trying to get the kids to turn to a certain page (which I guess for some is nearly impossible!) So that took all the time I was there. It was fun to see Eliza in her classroom setting. She sits by a chatterbox who got pretty annoying even during the time I was there, so when Eliza complains about her, I can sympathize. She wanted me to eat lunch again with her, so I did. I don't ever expect to eat too much while I am there as the cafeteria setting with 100 plus kindergartners makes me lose my appetite. Kids sharing spoons, food all over their faces, smashed grapes on the floor. Eek!
From the school, I picked the younger two girls up and my mom had picked Libby up from school and brought her home. Brian ended up picking Eliza up from school so they could do their weekend plans. I had scheduled to go to Becky's class on Saturday at the CK Scrapbook Convention. So, since I was going to be gone some of the day, Brian decided to take all four girls up to Mund's Park to his parents' cabin. He is so brave and so good! They drove up there, played, slept and on Saturday, he took the oldest three on a 3 mile hike! (Brian's mom had gone up there and she watched Hattie.) Ellie even walked most of the way. They had a fun time.
Since they left, that left me with a strange Friday night. Right after they left, I went to Target to get a couple groceries. Then I stopped at Kirkland Home. Evil, evil. It's not good that there is one so close! I bought a clock for the playroom and a basket that I have plans to use for when I take newborn pictures. I stopped at Joann's, then grabbed some dinner before coming home. I took advantage of being alone and tried to get caught up on Heidi's class. I went to bed at about 11:30, which is pretty early for me! On Saturday morning, you'd think I'd sleep in, but nooooo, I decided to go sweat in the heat at a cross country meet. Two of my young women were running. I got there a little after 8 because that is when they said it started. When I got there I saw them and asked when they ran. ...not until 9:30!! The Varsity teams were going first this time, then the JV boys, so they were last. So I left and went nearby to a Wal-Mart and Old Navy, then went back. I watched the race (actually just the beginning and end--that's all you can really see) and sweated out there! I can't imagine running in that heat!

From there I picked up my mom and we did a couple of errands before going to the scrapbook convention. We looked around at the vendor fair, then went to Becky's class. We met up with Leslie and Monique from my ward where we all got a chiding because some ladies thought we were cutting in line to get into Becky's class. Um...hello! It's a class, ladies, settle down! Everyone will get a seat. Becky did a great job with her class/presentation, so that was fun.
After that I came home and literally seconds later, Brian and our girls got home. So that night we played, did baths and bed. I was so, so, so tired! I fell asleep putting Eliza to bed. And it was one of those sleeps that it hurt to get up! But I woke up a little later and Brian had gotten Bajio for dinner, so we ate that, then watched The Ultimate Gift. What a fabulous movie!!!!!!! I stayed awake and loved it. I would highly recommend that! It is so inspiring and makes you see what is really important.
Today has been crazy. We went to church and that was great. I taught in Laurels and the lesson was about service. It went well and I really enjoyed all the discussion and sharing we did. Right after church, Brian went home with the girls and I stayed for BYC (a planning with the Bishop and the youth), then I had my meeting with a counselor in the bishopric to discuss how the young women are doing.
I came home and got to rest for about 20 minutes, then my parents came over followed by Brian and Kamille and family. Sunday dinner was here. Yum! Our contribution was dessert and we made pretzel hugs. I couldn't find Hugs at the store, so we used kisses instead and they still turned out really good. Eliza had fun helping me make them. This evening we had a fireside. Before the fireside, me and my two laurel advisers and two young women in our class took a birthday gift and wishes to one of our girls who just turned 16 and who'll be in our class. I think she was surprised to see us. The fireside was good, too. Alan McRae spoke about growing up in Scotland. What a day!
A few days ago, Ellie thought it would be fun to sit in the trash can. Libby followed suit! It was cute.

From the school, I picked the younger two girls up and my mom had picked Libby up from school and brought her home. Brian ended up picking Eliza up from school so they could do their weekend plans. I had scheduled to go to Becky's class on Saturday at the CK Scrapbook Convention. So, since I was going to be gone some of the day, Brian decided to take all four girls up to Mund's Park to his parents' cabin. He is so brave and so good! They drove up there, played, slept and on Saturday, he took the oldest three on a 3 mile hike! (Brian's mom had gone up there and she watched Hattie.) Ellie even walked most of the way. They had a fun time.
Since they left, that left me with a strange Friday night. Right after they left, I went to Target to get a couple groceries. Then I stopped at Kirkland Home. Evil, evil. It's not good that there is one so close! I bought a clock for the playroom and a basket that I have plans to use for when I take newborn pictures. I stopped at Joann's, then grabbed some dinner before coming home. I took advantage of being alone and tried to get caught up on Heidi's class. I went to bed at about 11:30, which is pretty early for me! On Saturday morning, you'd think I'd sleep in, but nooooo, I decided to go sweat in the heat at a cross country meet. Two of my young women were running. I got there a little after 8 because that is when they said it started. When I got there I saw them and asked when they ran. ...not until 9:30!! The Varsity teams were going first this time, then the JV boys, so they were last. So I left and went nearby to a Wal-Mart and Old Navy, then went back. I watched the race (actually just the beginning and end--that's all you can really see) and sweated out there! I can't imagine running in that heat!

From there I picked up my mom and we did a couple of errands before going to the scrapbook convention. We looked around at the vendor fair, then went to Becky's class. We met up with Leslie and Monique from my ward where we all got a chiding because some ladies thought we were cutting in line to get into Becky's class. Um...hello! It's a class, ladies, settle down! Everyone will get a seat. Becky did a great job with her class/presentation, so that was fun.
After that I came home and literally seconds later, Brian and our girls got home. So that night we played, did baths and bed. I was so, so, so tired! I fell asleep putting Eliza to bed. And it was one of those sleeps that it hurt to get up! But I woke up a little later and Brian had gotten Bajio for dinner, so we ate that, then watched The Ultimate Gift. What a fabulous movie!!!!!!! I stayed awake and loved it. I would highly recommend that! It is so inspiring and makes you see what is really important.
Today has been crazy. We went to church and that was great. I taught in Laurels and the lesson was about service. It went well and I really enjoyed all the discussion and sharing we did. Right after church, Brian went home with the girls and I stayed for BYC (a planning with the Bishop and the youth), then I had my meeting with a counselor in the bishopric to discuss how the young women are doing.
I came home and got to rest for about 20 minutes, then my parents came over followed by Brian and Kamille and family. Sunday dinner was here. Yum! Our contribution was dessert and we made pretzel hugs. I couldn't find Hugs at the store, so we used kisses instead and they still turned out really good. Eliza had fun helping me make them. This evening we had a fireside. Before the fireside, me and my two laurel advisers and two young women in our class took a birthday gift and wishes to one of our girls who just turned 16 and who'll be in our class. I think she was surprised to see us. The fireside was good, too. Alan McRae spoke about growing up in Scotland. What a day!
A few days ago, Ellie thought it would be fun to sit in the trash can. Libby followed suit! It was cute.

Thursday, September 13, 2007
I got this off Jessi's blog.
1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car), Murdock Oddessy
2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie), Prailine Chocolate Chip
3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name), E-Tri
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal), Brown Puppy
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born), Michelle Phoenix
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first), Tri-Er
7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink), The Pink Root Beer
8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers), Bert Donald
9.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names ), Joseph
10. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter), Brown Buffalo
11. SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower). Fall Christmas Tulip
12. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”) Apple Shirtie
13. HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree), Frosted Flakes Ash
14. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”), The Photography Cloudy Tour
1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car), Murdock Oddessy
2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie), Prailine Chocolate Chip
3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name), E-Tri
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal), Brown Puppy
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born), Michelle Phoenix
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first), Tri-Er
7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink), The Pink Root Beer
8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers), Bert Donald
9.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names ), Joseph
10. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter), Brown Buffalo
11. SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower). Fall Christmas Tulip
12. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”) Apple Shirtie
13. HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree), Frosted Flakes Ash
14. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”), The Photography Cloudy Tour
One of Those Days!!!
Really--it's been one of those days. Eliza got off to school fine, then Libby was having a very ornery day! Just not listening, being stubborn, making messes right and left and not wanting to clean them up, etc. Ellie was rambunctious, too, taking after Libby. During one of her little stubborn episodes when she wasn't getting her way, Libby pulled the bathroom drawer out a little too far and it came out, spilling the contents to the floor.
My visiting teachers came over and it was great to visit with them. During their visit though, Libby kept calling my name and wouldn't stop until I acknowledged her! Ellie spilled her Chex mix on me and the floor (the crumbs, too!). I was a bit rattled by the time they left. I am glad they are good friends and don't mind (hopefully!). Soon after they left, it was time to pick up Eliza. She had early release today. When she got in the car, Libby and her were not getting along and trying to push each other's buttons. It drove me batty! We went to my parents' house and ate lunch. Then we went to Sweets Unlimited and I ordered the refreshments for Young Women in Excellence. Then to add to my day, something had melted in my diaper bag (I still have no idea what it was) but it leaked this bright green liquid out the bottom. What a mess!!! It got on my mom's shirt. Sorry mom! From there, I went home with Ellie and Hattie and my mom took Libby and Eliza (and herself) to the dentist (Grandpa Trimble's) for their cleanings. Eliza had two cavities--I am afraid she has inherited Brian's teeth. Libby would only consent to having her teeth brushed, but it's a start. She did watch right over my mom's shoulder when she was having her teeth cleaned. Libby was very into watching that.
Before long they were all back home and we waited for Brian to get home. Libby and I played five games of Uno. She has so much fun doing that. Tonight we grabbed a sandwich from Heidi's Deli. Being a little under the weather has squashed my appetite and hasn't made me feel like cooking. We went to Brian's parents' to eat and let the girls play.
That was our day!!
My visiting teachers came over and it was great to visit with them. During their visit though, Libby kept calling my name and wouldn't stop until I acknowledged her! Ellie spilled her Chex mix on me and the floor (the crumbs, too!). I was a bit rattled by the time they left. I am glad they are good friends and don't mind (hopefully!). Soon after they left, it was time to pick up Eliza. She had early release today. When she got in the car, Libby and her were not getting along and trying to push each other's buttons. It drove me batty! We went to my parents' house and ate lunch. Then we went to Sweets Unlimited and I ordered the refreshments for Young Women in Excellence. Then to add to my day, something had melted in my diaper bag (I still have no idea what it was) but it leaked this bright green liquid out the bottom. What a mess!!! It got on my mom's shirt. Sorry mom! From there, I went home with Ellie and Hattie and my mom took Libby and Eliza (and herself) to the dentist (Grandpa Trimble's) for their cleanings. Eliza had two cavities--I am afraid she has inherited Brian's teeth. Libby would only consent to having her teeth brushed, but it's a start. She did watch right over my mom's shoulder when she was having her teeth cleaned. Libby was very into watching that.
Before long they were all back home and we waited for Brian to get home. Libby and I played five games of Uno. She has so much fun doing that. Tonight we grabbed a sandwich from Heidi's Deli. Being a little under the weather has squashed my appetite and hasn't made me feel like cooking. We went to Brian's parents' to eat and let the girls play.
That was our day!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Sore Throat!
Sore throats are the worst! Every swallow and you know it's there! I've had a sore throat since last night and it's been miserable. I've taken Sudafed and gargled salt water, but it's still there. I hope it goes away soon!
Today after Eliza went off to school, I took Libby to preschool. It was our day for treats, so I put them in her bag to take. She wanted to make sure I told Miss Laura where they were and that she didn't want to pass them out. (I guess the kids get to pass them out, but Libby wanted her teacher too.) She had a really great day though and has a lot of fun! While she was at preschool, I tried to give Hattie a nap, she she didn't go to sleep, so we did some errands. I had to pick up a couple of candles from a friend, then I had to pick the picture up from Target.
After school, we came home and ate lunch while H finally napped. We made cookies, too. Libby likes the dough! I wonder where she got that from! When it was time we picked Eliza up, then came home and played and did chores.
Tonight I had mutual and it was such a fun night. It was helping the girls prepare for temple marriage, so we had a lady from our ward speak about how they could prepare and how it has blessed and affected her life. It was excellent! I loved this quote she read by Spencer W. Kimball:
“Soul mates” are fiction and an illusion; and while every young man and young woman will seek with all diligence and prayerfulness to find a mate with whom life can be most compatible and beautiful, yet it is certain that almost any good man and any good woman can have happiness and a successful marriage if both are willing to pay the price. …
So much to think about. For the second part of our night, I had gotten a bunch of bridal magazines, then gave each girl a notebook with page protectors. They went through the magazines looking for ideas and started their own wedding file. Rachel made a beautiful cake we had for our display. She made it with fondant icing, but she "frosted" Styrofoam. She says fondant tastes terrible, so she didn't want to waste a perfectly good cake! So she made another delicious cake that we ate. It was lots of fun looking at our pictures and talking with the girls. I hope they enjoyed it and keep it as their goal.

This morning I got my copy of Becky's new Sketch book. Thanks Becky! She used our pictures for a couple of layouts. It was also fun to see Nanci's pictures I had taken last year. Becky also used some of our Scotland pictures to promote the kit of the month Lisa Bearnson does on her website. Click on "see kit details" then click on Becky's name. It is going to be such an easy way to finish scrapbooking our trip!
Oh at school Eliza got to buy "hot lunch." She was very excited about it and enjoyed it. We'll have to make it a special occasion or treat for her! She asked us Tuesday morning if she could buy her lunch, but we didn't have the cash or change on hand to give her. But we told her she could the next day. So she said she told her teacher, "My dad is trying to earn money so I can buy my lunch." Out of the mouth of babes!
Today after Eliza went off to school, I took Libby to preschool. It was our day for treats, so I put them in her bag to take. She wanted to make sure I told Miss Laura where they were and that she didn't want to pass them out. (I guess the kids get to pass them out, but Libby wanted her teacher too.) She had a really great day though and has a lot of fun! While she was at preschool, I tried to give Hattie a nap, she she didn't go to sleep, so we did some errands. I had to pick up a couple of candles from a friend, then I had to pick the picture up from Target.
After school, we came home and ate lunch while H finally napped. We made cookies, too. Libby likes the dough! I wonder where she got that from! When it was time we picked Eliza up, then came home and played and did chores.
Tonight I had mutual and it was such a fun night. It was helping the girls prepare for temple marriage, so we had a lady from our ward speak about how they could prepare and how it has blessed and affected her life. It was excellent! I loved this quote she read by Spencer W. Kimball:
“Soul mates” are fiction and an illusion; and while every young man and young woman will seek with all diligence and prayerfulness to find a mate with whom life can be most compatible and beautiful, yet it is certain that almost any good man and any good woman can have happiness and a successful marriage if both are willing to pay the price. …
So much to think about. For the second part of our night, I had gotten a bunch of bridal magazines, then gave each girl a notebook with page protectors. They went through the magazines looking for ideas and started their own wedding file. Rachel made a beautiful cake we had for our display. She made it with fondant icing, but she "frosted" Styrofoam. She says fondant tastes terrible, so she didn't want to waste a perfectly good cake! So she made another delicious cake that we ate. It was lots of fun looking at our pictures and talking with the girls. I hope they enjoyed it and keep it as their goal.

This morning I got my copy of Becky's new Sketch book. Thanks Becky! She used our pictures for a couple of layouts. It was also fun to see Nanci's pictures I had taken last year. Becky also used some of our Scotland pictures to promote the kit of the month Lisa Bearnson does on her website. Click on "see kit details" then click on Becky's name. It is going to be such an easy way to finish scrapbooking our trip!
Oh at school Eliza got to buy "hot lunch." She was very excited about it and enjoyed it. We'll have to make it a special occasion or treat for her! She asked us Tuesday morning if she could buy her lunch, but we didn't have the cash or change on hand to give her. But we told her she could the next day. So she said she told her teacher, "My dad is trying to earn money so I can buy my lunch." Out of the mouth of babes!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Go, Go, Go
That is what I did today!!!! I took Eliza to school and didn't stop until all the girls were in bed! Here's a quick recap.
--took Eliza to school
--went to Wal-Mart
--zoomed Libby to gymnastics, which she loves! She has a blast during class. Her teacher asked me today, "Is she always that quiet?" Um, yes, with people she doesn't know.
--went to Costco
--came home and ate lunch; Hattie took a little nap
--delivered some invitations for our mutual activity tomorrow night. I decided at the last minute to do invitations for the laurels for our marriage activity.
--took some flowers to a friend
--took a thinking of you bag of candy to one of my laurels
--dropped off a negative at Target to have developed. Libby asked, "What's that?" She couldn't figure how that was a picture.
--picked Eliza up at school
--took her to piano. She had another great lesson.
--while she was there, I delivered the rest of the invitations, picked up a songbook from my friend who is helping out with the sacrament program the young women are doing.
--picked up Eliza and came home, helped the girls with their chores, made dinner (a way easy chicken pot pie), cleaned up, had the ward missionaries over for a visit, and put the girls to bed. I am tired!
--took Eliza to school
--went to Wal-Mart
--zoomed Libby to gymnastics, which she loves! She has a blast during class. Her teacher asked me today, "Is she always that quiet?" Um, yes, with people she doesn't know.
--went to Costco
--came home and ate lunch; Hattie took a little nap
--delivered some invitations for our mutual activity tomorrow night. I decided at the last minute to do invitations for the laurels for our marriage activity.
--took some flowers to a friend
--took a thinking of you bag of candy to one of my laurels
--dropped off a negative at Target to have developed. Libby asked, "What's that?" She couldn't figure how that was a picture.
--picked Eliza up at school
--took her to piano. She had another great lesson.
--while she was there, I delivered the rest of the invitations, picked up a songbook from my friend who is helping out with the sacrament program the young women are doing.
--picked up Eliza and came home, helped the girls with their chores, made dinner (a way easy chicken pot pie), cleaned up, had the ward missionaries over for a visit, and put the girls to bed. I am tired!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Mud Fight

This morning Brian got up early to go with a friend and his two boys to drive gas-powered remote control cars. He really wants one of those. Then he went out to surprise to hand out something for a Kiwanis fundraiser they are doing. Soon after he got home, I left for the mud "soccer" activity with the youth. They played soccer for maybe 2 minutes but really it was a big mud fight! We got out to the place in Surprise and the kids got right in and got dirty. The five young women leaders who were there busied themselves getting the food set out on the table and making several peanut butter and honey sandwiches. It was our protection from getting in the mud! After a while we were pretty much done getting the food ready and two of the young women grabbed my arms and were taking me into the mud pit. Once I was in, a large group of both the boys and girls decided it would be funny to gather mud and throw it on me, rub it in my hair and on me. Your first reaction is to scream, but then it would get in your mouth!! Soon after I went in, they got Rachel, too, so we were both filthy! It was fun though and we played around in there for a while. The other three leaders somehow left unscathed. When we got out, we got into a little irrigation ditch and washed off (it was clean water) as best we could. Driving home, I could feel dried mud on my scalp and I felt gritty! After I got home, I took a nice shower and I think I got it all off!
While I was gone Brian took our girls to his parents to swim. Luckily Hattie took at least a 3 1/2 hour nap! Tonight we had spaghetti for dinner, then we played with the girls--I played acrobat where they get on my legs and "fly" in the air. Then they went outside with Brian and had a water fight. They were soaked but had a fun time. Then it was baths and bed!
I am glad the mud activity is over, but it was more fun and not as bad as I was expecting!! Someone else got some pictures of me, so as soon as I get those from her, I'll be sure to post them!!
Friday, September 07, 2007
I forgot to mention--yesterday my friend Rachel watched my three other girls so I could eat lunch with Eliza at school. I didn't tell her before, and when she saw me, she said, "What are you doing here?" It was cute. I brought a peanut butter and honey sandwich and an applesauce and ate right with her. The little girls at her table made comments like, "You're Eliza's mom?" "You're pretty" (leave it to five year old to make you feel good!!), "I wish my mom would come." etc. It was fun. Then I went to the playground with her for a little bit, then headed back to Rachel's, where we all--and our other friend Leslie swam. Good times.
Today I took Eliza to school, then dropped Libby off at preschool. When we came home, I put Hattie down and she slept for quite a while. I did some cleaning and Ellie played and watched her favorite--Baby Einsteins. My mom picked up Libby and brought her home. Libby said she had a good day--they did the parachute to get the ball in the air, she started learning the zoophonics letters, they had pretzels for snacks and she told me the song they sang. She was getting a kick out of it. We hung out at home until time to get Eliza. We stopped by Target first to get a water bottle for Libby to take to school. After we picked her up, we came home and they did their chores. We picked up my cousin to babysit, then Brian and I headed on our date. We met some friends who just moved out of our ward (boo hoo) at an Indian restaurant. We got four different things and shared everything. It was yummy. The end of dinner was crummy when I was dumping the last bit of food into the takeout box and dropped it on me!!!!!!!! Of course it was the orangy-red sauce. We came home and I changed and threw the shirt into a sink of water and Biz. I hope it comes out! It was brand new, of course!
After I changed we went back out to a surprise 18th birthday party for one of my young women. She was surprised! We hung around for a little bit--Brian threw quite a bit at the dunk tank and did pretty well. And I stuffed my pockets with the goods from the pinata. From there we went back to Target (keep the comments to yourself) to get a water bottle for Eliza. Hers broke last week. Then we came home!!!!!!!
Tomorrow is mud soccer with the youth. Let's just say I am NOT looking forward to it at all!
Today I took Eliza to school, then dropped Libby off at preschool. When we came home, I put Hattie down and she slept for quite a while. I did some cleaning and Ellie played and watched her favorite--Baby Einsteins. My mom picked up Libby and brought her home. Libby said she had a good day--they did the parachute to get the ball in the air, she started learning the zoophonics letters, they had pretzels for snacks and she told me the song they sang. She was getting a kick out of it. We hung out at home until time to get Eliza. We stopped by Target first to get a water bottle for Libby to take to school. After we picked her up, we came home and they did their chores. We picked up my cousin to babysit, then Brian and I headed on our date. We met some friends who just moved out of our ward (boo hoo) at an Indian restaurant. We got four different things and shared everything. It was yummy. The end of dinner was crummy when I was dumping the last bit of food into the takeout box and dropped it on me!!!!!!!! Of course it was the orangy-red sauce. We came home and I changed and threw the shirt into a sink of water and Biz. I hope it comes out! It was brand new, of course!
After I changed we went back out to a surprise 18th birthday party for one of my young women. She was surprised! We hung around for a little bit--Brian threw quite a bit at the dunk tank and did pretty well. And I stuffed my pockets with the goods from the pinata. From there we went back to Target (keep the comments to yourself) to get a water bottle for Eliza. Hers broke last week. Then we came home!!!!!!!
Tomorrow is mud soccer with the youth. Let's just say I am NOT looking forward to it at all!
Thursday, September 06, 2007

Recently I told Brian I am done cooking because it seems like whatever I make turns out blah! The old standbys turn out okay, but anything new is just not what I expect. It's so frustrating! So if you have any good recipes, let me know! I love/need simple. I can't do a lot of cutting up and prep. Some, yes, but not a lot. I LOVE crockpot stuff or casseroles, but I would love to expand my repertoire. I did make some chicken the other day that was very good and I would make it again. And it was easy. Here is the recipe:
Glazed Apricot Chicken
1/2 cup miracle whip
1/2 cup apricot jam
1/2 pkg. onion soup mix
4 chicken breasts
Mix together first three ingredients. Spread over chicken in baking dish. Bake covered at 350 for 30 minutes.
I served it with rice and liked it.
I also got my Kraft Food and Family magazine and found lots of recipes I want to try (I guess I can't quit after all!). If you don't subscribe, you should! It's a free publication/magazine with tons of recipes each time!
Today we got a nice summer rain. It was great! The girls enjoyed it, too. Note: No children were harmed in their rainy day activities. I knew they were outside playing, but when I checked on them one time, I found them under the umbrella up on the BBQ area. Nice. So I was getting after them to get down as I was snapping pictures. I am sure they were confused.

Late tonight I went to Lindsay's and got my hair done. It had been way too long! I think Hattie was 3 weeks old last time I went. I went way blonde with some longer bangs. I think it'll be fun.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Today was Libby's first day of preschool. Like I expected, she was dressed and ready by about 7 and came in our room with her backpack and said, "I want to go right now." I had to tell her it didn't start until 9! Until then, we got Eliza ready and off to school. Libby didn't want me to take any pictures of her, as you can tell by the ones I took--she wouldn't pose for me! A little before 9, I took Libby to school and walked her in. She was excited in her own little bashful way. We went up stairs and Libby put her bag down and got playing. She had a good time at school and said they ate crackers for a snack and played outside for "recess." She told me a few of the kids' names who were there, but she didn't remember them all. Her favorite part was reading the big books, she said. And they read There's a Dragon in My Wagon. I can't believe she started preschool! I think I didn't cry because preschool is still a pretty controlled atmosphere. Just wait till next year!
While she was at school, we just played here and I worked on some baby shower invitations I am making. We picked Libby up, got the rundown from her, then came home until it was time to get Eliza. My mom came over for a little bit on her way back from an errand. Libby helped me make some brownies while she was there and they also had fun being crazy while she was here.

After school, Eliza played at a friends' house and I played Life with Libby. She gets sad when Eliza goes to play and she has to stay with me! So I convinced her we'd have fun playing Life. We did. I had put Ellie and Hattie down for a nap, so it was just us.
Guess what was in our front yard this evening? Would you guess a javelina? We must live in the desert! We couldn't believe our eyes! He was roaming the neighborhood I guess and stopped for some water out of the gutter. Scary!!! I've been leery
going out front ever since!

Tonight we didn't have mutual because we have an activity on Saturday, but I went with Becky to my mom's ward mutual where she did a personal history activity. It was the cutest thing...The idea is to journal on the pages about the topic listed. Put on some patterned paper strips and you have a keepsake about yourself. My mom is the personal progress specialist in her ward and totally planned the entire activity. It was well done and so cute. She had kitted everything for the girls, so it was easier for them to assemble. The refreshment table was darling, too. And Becky did a great job as always being inspiring about journaling and keeping a personal or family history.

What a day!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
This morning I woke up thinking it was Sunday. It was weird. Must have been because Monday was a holiday. But Eliza got off to school, then the rest of us went to Libby's gymnastics class. She did well and had lots of fun. I really enjoy watching her. After gym, we came home and I had one of my young women come over to babysit while I had a conference call for BPS. We talked about some new changes to Heidi's class for the duration of the class and some fun things planned for 2008.
We hung out at home until time to get Eliza, then take her to and from piano. Tonight after dinner Eliza and I went with Rachel and her daughter Aubrie to see one of our upcoming laurels play volleyball at her high school. They lost, but it was fun to watch her play.
Tomorrow is the big day for Libby! I think she has had her outfit in mind for a long time. She got a few new school clothes and she's been so good about not wearing them yet. I wouldn't have minded if she wore them, but she wanted to save them for school. I've asked her several times what she is going to wear and she tells me, "I'll show you when I put it on." I can't wait to see what it is!
We hung out at home until time to get Eliza, then take her to and from piano. Tonight after dinner Eliza and I went with Rachel and her daughter Aubrie to see one of our upcoming laurels play volleyball at her high school. They lost, but it was fun to watch her play.
Tomorrow is the big day for Libby! I think she has had her outfit in mind for a long time. She got a few new school clothes and she's been so good about not wearing them yet. I wouldn't have minded if she wore them, but she wanted to save them for school. I've asked her several times what she is going to wear and she tells me, "I'll show you when I put it on." I can't wait to see what it is!
Monday, September 03, 2007
Family Dinner
Yesterday was church and everyone did well during Sacrament. We didn't have to take Ellie out, so that is always nice!
Last night it was our turn to host the family dinner, so everyone came over and we had gotten all the stuff for hamburgers and brauts. My dad BBQ'd for us and it was great! Everyone brought something to add to the spread, making it a yummy dinner. The kids had fun playing with each other and everyone enjoyed chatting and catching up. Here are some pictures of the kids...can you tell it was a little warm outside?!

Today was a nice "holiday." Brian's handyman friend came over and finished up on the house repairs...fixing the sprinkler valve and bolting the pieces to the entertainment center together. This morning Eliza and I went with Sarah (our usual babysitter) to get a pedicure to celebrate her 18th birthday! It was a fun time. Eliza just got her toes painted and they look so cute.

Now it's a 4 day week. Libby has gymnastics tomorrow and she starts preschool on Wednesday!!!!
Last night it was our turn to host the family dinner, so everyone came over and we had gotten all the stuff for hamburgers and brauts. My dad BBQ'd for us and it was great! Everyone brought something to add to the spread, making it a yummy dinner. The kids had fun playing with each other and everyone enjoyed chatting and catching up. Here are some pictures of the kids...can you tell it was a little warm outside?!

Today was a nice "holiday." Brian's handyman friend came over and finished up on the house repairs...fixing the sprinkler valve and bolting the pieces to the entertainment center together. This morning Eliza and I went with Sarah (our usual babysitter) to get a pedicure to celebrate her 18th birthday! It was a fun time. Eliza just got her toes painted and they look so cute.

Now it's a 4 day week. Libby has gymnastics tomorrow and she starts preschool on Wednesday!!!!
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Last night was a bit tiresome. Eliza came in our room at about 12--we had just turned the light off and were trying to get to sleep. So Brian took her back into her room, where Libby was a little restless. When I went in there to see what was holding Brian up, he said she felt hot and she did. Her breathing was a little labored, too. She'd take a breath and hold it for a few seconds, then let it out. It was a little scary, and I figured it was a reaction to the shots. I got her up to see how she acted, and she responded pretty well, but was tired. Her temperature was 101.1, so I took her in the playroom and sat with her for a while. Her heart was racing pretty fast, too. After a little bit, we decided to call the doctor. And at about 1:45, the nurse called us and said those "symptoms" were pretty characteristic of a fever and the body trying to get rid of it. We hadn't had that happen before, so that is why we were a little nervous and because she just got her shots. We gave her some Motrin and she eventually went back to sleep at about 3:30. This morning, she was totally fine, thank goodness! Tonight though, one of her arms had a pretty good sized red rectangle around the shot area. Again, with any of our other girls, we'd never seen such a big area so red. Thank goodness for our pediatrician neighbor. Brian took her over there and he checked it out and said it is pretty common after shots and it should go away in about 48 hours.
Today we packed everyone up and drove up the 89A to Prescott. I don't know what is with me, but when the roads are really windy, I get totally queasy. Nothing happened but queasiness, but it's a bummer I couldn't fully enjoy the drive. It was pretty. When we got there we had lunch (and ice cream) at Kendall's Famous Burgers, then we walked a little bit around the park. It was a fun little day trip.
Today we packed everyone up and drove up the 89A to Prescott. I don't know what is with me, but when the roads are really windy, I get totally queasy. Nothing happened but queasiness, but it's a bummer I couldn't fully enjoy the drive. It was pretty. When we got there we had lunch (and ice cream) at Kendall's Famous Burgers, then we walked a little bit around the park. It was a fun little day trip.
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