Sunday, July 24, 2011

New Beginnings

I am thankful for opportunities that present themselves when I least expect it. Tomorrow is a new beginning for me. A new job. I have had a wonderful time with all those I have been blessed to know at my previous employer, but at this time in my life this change is something I need to pursue. I am thankful for the guidance of a loving Heavenly Father that has helped me to recognize new paths in my life. I'm a blessed little lady.

Oh, and I love Dave. And wouldn't you know it - he loves me too :)

Life without an iPhone

I have had an iPhone for work the past 10 months or so, and with it my life has been full of lovely information. I LOVE having information at my finger tips! There is an app for every possible thing I would possibly need or want. A few examples, I lost about 15 lbs. in the past few months with the help of an app. True story. Mapquest helped me to get to and from just about everywhere on each work trip, and just around town. Whirly Word kept me entertained in long lines, email - at my fingertips! Social media, check!
It has only been 2 and a half days, and I feel lost without my iPhone. No, I didn't lose it. A job change is the reason for the loss of my dear phone (job change was my choice :)). Anyhow, I now shudder every time I look at my pathetic mobile device. It is more up to date than most, but I can hardly abide to even write a text from it. It just simply isn't my dear iPhone.
I'm hoping my new job will have something comparable. I hope, I hope. Otherwise, I may actually have to buy one myself! Argh!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Sometimes we need to hear the absolute perfection that is Brian Stokes Mitchell's voice, and sometimes we need the inspiration to reach that unreachable star.