
Happy Birthday

Not sure how this happened, but apparently my little girl has decided that she isn't so little anymore! 

For her birthday she decided that she wanted purple EVERYTHING!  So that's what we did.  We made purple cupcakes and purple cake balls.  She loved it! 


Dirty Dash

My family decided to form a team and run the Dirty Dash.  It is basically a 5k ran up at Soldier Hollow in Heber Utah.  Not only is it a 5k up and down the mountain/hills but it includes obstacles named things like the: hog wallow, slop-n-slide, pigsty, and hog bales, just to name a few.  Basically while running the 5k they make you climb walls surrounded by mud, run up a huge mud hill, crawl through tubes with snow machines blowing on them, a GIANT slip-n-slide, and to end the whole race a giant deep mud pit!  I must say that it was a TON of fun!!  It certainly wasn't easy, but it was fun and I would love to do it again next year!

 At the end of the 'pigsty'
Right after Eric's 1st ever 5k!


 This summer David is old enough to play t-ball.  He has L-O-V-E-D every second of every practice and game!  

 (The shirts the gave us were a 'little' big!!  Hopefully we will be able to fix that before the next game)


Golf Lessons

This past weekend we went up to West Jordan to the River Oaks Golf Club. Every year they Utah PGA host a free even where kids can come and get a free golf club and a quick lesson with a PGA golf pro. They both got a new driver (Abigayle's was even pink!) The kids were super excited to go and both loved it all!


Happy Easter

I realize that we are a little late....but we hope you had a Happy Easter non the less.
And here are the kids being their everyday goofy selves.


Jazz Game

We were able to go to the Jazz game the other night. As you can tell our seats were pretty high up but the kids didn't seem to care.