

Life has been busy around here. Not crazy...just busy. It seems like we are constantly going/doing things. But I don't really expect much different with two small kids. Since there are too many different adventures to talk about I will just do a basic update on everyone.


David has become such a good big brother. Ever since Abigayle was born he surprised me by how well he handled a new baby around. Most recently when Eric is wrestling around and playing with Abbey, David will look very seriously at Eric and say "Don't hurt my sister!" I have also started working on teaching David to read. He has always shown a huge interest in letters and that interest has only grown. He also LOVES playing on the computer. So...when Jill showed me this site, we had to give it a try. So far he can sound out most words and has a number of sight words memorized. It has amazed me how much he can remember and how much of a visual learner he is. Knowing this has helped SO much when I have tried to teach him new things. Everything from potty training to simple chores are SO much eeasier if I show him or have pictures to show the steps. David is VERY excited to turn three. He has several cousins that have had birthdays recently. Anytime he sees a birthday cake he will tell you that after Christmas it will be his birthday and he will be "three mine old." We aren't sure why he says 'mine old' but now matter how many times we tell him that it is 'years old' he looks at us like we are crazy. But I guess when you are almost '3 mine old' everything your parents say is crazy!


Abigayle has is getting SO big!! For her birthday she got a little baby doll and has not put it down since then. She carries it everywhere we go. She has recently really started trying to talk. She will say "please" anytime she wants something that she can't reach. This started at dinner time. When she would want more food she would say please as I was walking over to her high chair. This has expanded to anything she wants, not just food. This morning while I was on the computer she was reaching up for the mouse say "peesh, peesh." Even with all her jabbering she still hasn't decided that she wants to walk. She walks along the furniture and all the walls but is she needs to get something in the middle of the room she plops down and crawls. We are going to try moving the furniture around a little so that there isn't SO much open floor space and see if that helps. I guess we will just have to wait until she is ready. Unlike her brother Abbey is a great eater. David could go all day and never say he is hungry and once he is hungry he is really picky about what he will eat. Abbey on the other hand could eat all day and will pretty much eat anything you put in front of her. She is also starting to turn into a little girl. Not just a baby anymore, but a little girl. She will sit on the counter in the bathroom and let me fix her hair. When I get a bracelet to put on her she will stick her wrist out so I can put it on. We can't belive how quickly the last year has gone but have loved every second of it!!!


This year for Halloween David dressed up like a doctor and Abigayle was Tinkerbell. I don't have many pictures right now, but hopefully will have some more soon. Until then, here's what I do have!

David LOVED going trick-or-treating this year. Our church had a trunk-or-treat in the church parking lot and David got the hang of it pretty quick. As you can tell from the picture he was basically running from car to car. After we were done at the church we took the kids over to my mom's house to show them their costumes. Josh was over there and hadn't been trick-or-treating yet so I asked David if we should go over to Grammy's house and show Josh how to trick-or-treat. David said, "That be GREAT idea. Trick-r-treat be mine favorite!"

When trying to decide what the kids costumes should be I kept asking David what he wanted to dress up as. Any time I would ask or show him a costume he would say, "I not want be that." One day we were at the mall and walked into a costume store so I could get some more ideas. Well after walking down the kids costume isle David looked at the Doctor costume and said (very excitedly) that he wanted to be a Doctor. He wore his costume almost everyday for a week before Halloween.