Friday, June 4, 2021

Owen's 5th Birthday

Today Owen turned 5! So crazy he's 5! 

I blew up some balloons to put in his room, bu the pump kind of woke him up so I didn't get to put them in until 1 even then he was still kind of awake. Stinker.

In the morning after we had breakfast, we headed to the Dinosaur Park. We hadn't been in a while. I debated about going because it was supposed to be hot, but it actually wasn't too bad. I let Owen choose which directions we'd go at the park. He liked the ducks and he kept wanting to hug all of the dinosaurs. It was pretty cute. I did let him hug one though.

Since today was Free Doughnut Day, we went to Krispy Kreme and got free donuts. Conner and Emma were pretty excited about that. I thought Owen would be excited but he only took a bite or 2.

After doughnuts we got McDonald's for lunch and Conner and Emma got to go to the neighbor's for their water party. While they were gone Owen and I just hung out and watched a movie. I worked on his cake. It is a chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream frosting. I piped grass (pain in the butt) on top and used Tootsie Rolls as logs and frosting as a fire so it looked like a campfire. I had figurines from the show Bluey sitting on the "logs" around the fire. It actually turned out pretty good.

Eventually my parents came and Eric went and got pizzas for dinner. After we ate dinner we hung out for a bit and then sang Happy Birthday so Owen could open his presents.

He was so excited to open them. It was so cute/funny. He loved the lawn mower. He doesn't even know that it blows bubbles. He likes that it makes a lot of noise. He also really liked a recycling truck because it makes noises. We got him new bedding and we're finally switching him over to a twin bed. We're taking one of the bunks from Conner's bed and putting it in Owen's room. We'll see how he does. It was a fairly good day.

We got him new bedding and we're finally switching him over to a twin bed. We're taking one of the bunks from Conner's bed and putting it in Owen's room. We'll see how he does. It was a fairly good day.

Owen's Monthiversary

- When we were at the Dinosaur Park he said "I wanna hug him." He wanted to hug all of the dinosaurs.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Here are some pictures from this past month:
This day it was superhero day at school Emma dressed up as Alice from Alice and Wonderland and Conner was the Hulk. I don't know if they were necessarily supposed to dress up but they were happy, so it was good.

Owen looking out the window on the way to the bus stop

Our front little flower patch. I love it so much! It makes me happy

It's so funny watching him in the morning

Waiting for the bus

He'll lay down on the ground in random spots. It's so funny.

I went to Burly Burger with a friend

And then we went on a walk and saw these pretty flowers

Their Nintendo faces are so funny.

Holding one of his favorite things, buses

Owen again in the morning.

I decided we needed to update the kids' pictures, so I found a background, put it up on the TV and took Conner and Emma's pictures.
Early morning window knocking

Cute little nerd

Emma's fingerprints in salt and pepper

For Christmas, I got Emma a sewing kit and we finally utilized it today. She hand sewed a pillow by herself!
I went to check on Owen when he was supposed to be in bed. This is how I found him.

Emma made a stuffy
Owen being a goober.

Emma made a Perler bead bird.
Owen naturally has a messy face and a wad of cheese in his mouth
Sticking out of the top of the car

More window knocking

I crocheted a llama

I made a little fairy garden

I planted the flowers in the corner flower garden

My Jack bear came. He's so tiny and cute!
I made focaccia bread

I took a shower one day and when I came out, Owen said he had eaten a cupcake. We didn't have any cupcakes. I looked at the cookies I had bought and found some little fingerprints in there.

Emma loves our neighbor's kittens

More window time with Owen

Owen's water party for preschool

I was working in the garden and Owen decided to lay down in the garden/dirt.

My sister Emily painted this new updated picture of my family. I love it so much!

Flower from the garden

Owen trying to drink out of the hose
 Funny little sleeper