Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tessa 4 Months (July 9th)

Ever since Tessa turned 3 months, she has been the EASIEST baby ever. I'm not sure it's fair that I got the 3 best babies and the cutest to ever exist.

Now she rarely ever cries and she sleeps all the time. I have to wake her up sometimes because she could just sleep for hours and hours. She never really gets super mad when she's hungry anymore. I sometimes feed her just because it's been so long since she last ate. Probably should start making her work for it- she's getting to be quite the tank.

She barrel rolls over now-like 4 or 5 times in a row. She doesn't necessarily love being on her stomach but she can't stop doing it. When you go and get her from her crib you will find her now where near the same position as you put her down.

She sucks her lower lip and her fingers. Sometimes her whole fist.

She is very adept at breaking out of her swaddle no matter how tightly you wrap her.

She can stand assisted.

She loves sitting in her bumbo and being in the bjorn. She never fusses in those things.

It's so easy to understand her communication. If she starts to fuss and she's been awake for a while, you just put her down for a nap. If she starts to fuss and she barely woke up, you should probably feed her. Come on people, babies are easy breezy.
Here's the formula to get Tessa to sleep:
Step 1- wrap her in her swaddle tightly
Step 2- turn on fan
Step 3- sit down in her rocking chair
Step 4- give her a binkie
Step 5- rock 2 times (forward and back, forward and back)
Step 6- look down and see a passed out Tess.

Her favorite things are her brothers. If you ever want a smile out of her- just put her face to face with one of her brothers. Whenever they walk by she LIGHTS up with the hugest of huge smiles and then when they walk away, she's all straight-faced.

I feel so blessed to have Tessa. She reminds me how joyous life is. She is all smiles all the time and it never gets old.

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Only Way to Celebrate the Fourth

I feel like this is becoming a tradition now... going to Oregon for the Fourth of July. Always the ward breakfast, neighborhood barbecue, and St.Paul Rodeo. Love love love the rodeo. The first time we went we had zero kids. The second time we went we had 2 kids. The third time we went we had 3 kids. And next time? I will boldly say it will still be 3 kids.

 Smoothie tradition. Record: 17 total.

The boys LOVED it. I was so nervous they would just fidget the whole time but every time a horse or bull came out of the shoot they would point and shout. They lasted a good hour and a half. 

Ward breakfast:
Neighborhood Party:

they loooooove trucks.

Neighborhood barbecue and fireworks:

Eric took Tess home to put her to sleep and he never returned. He left at 7pm. Eric slept through the entire Fourth of July fireworks/neighborhood party. 
Swimmin at gma and gpas: (aka bamma bammpa)

Grandpa P fell asleep on the couch so Roy brought him some toys while he was sleeping. I think he really wanted to play with his grandpa.

2 more randoms of Roy in Oregon: (Where was Bruce?)