Saturday, April 20, 2013

"Pregnant and I Know It". . .

So my pregnancy calendar stated "most women are still feeling sexy at this point in their pregnancy." Umm excuse me? My sexiness went out the window the minute I peed on the little stick and two pink lines appeared. Exactly who did they poll when doing their research? What is sexy about not being able to see your feet or tie your shoes? My belly has reached it's limit, looking down and watching her move is like a scene from the movie Alien. My skin is feeling slightly itchy but no sight of stretch marks (didn't get them with the boys either, thank ya mama for those genes!) And the potty breaks, oh my. Must be within a 5 minute radius of a bathroom at all times. I have literally left the bathroom to turn around one minute later and go again. Good thing Costco had TP in the coupon book because it is being used and abused in this household right now. And to the hunger, yes feed me please however I get to take about three bites before I am full because yet again, no room! And an hour later mama is hungry again with fire in my throat because of the raging heartburn. And then the girls, goodness so sorry sweet little lady I will apologize now before you get here. I know it must be overwhelming to know something bigger then your head will be giving you nutrition. But don't you worry, you soon will suck the life out of them and they will be back to my waist line in no time. The simple joys of motherhood.
So I am not here to just complain (well maybe briefly vent a tad) just simply disagree with the research poll that my pregnancy calendar stated. And to tell them they are down right wrong, wrong, wrong!
Aside from my sarcasm I am more then excited for the big day to come and we will get to meet our lady. The boys are sensing something is about to happen. Carter pats my belly and says "baby" and then makes a pretend crying sound. Nolan you ask if he wants a sister and he mean mugs ya with quite the expression and then shakes his head no. Poor middle child, I promise sweet boy you will adjust. I can't wait to see their little faces when they will walk in the hospital room to meet their sister for the first time. They will be amazing big brothers.
I am feeling pretty good just a little tired. Sitting isn't much of an option around here so we are constantly on the move. I am very anxious and feel like she is going to come sooner then planned. I totally have bags packed just in case. I have an ultrasound next week to see how big she is. My appointment this week, the doctor said she was head down and ready to go. If I don't go into labor before May 20th then I will be induced that day. 3 weeks and counting!
Enjoy this hilarious video! I promise you will have it stuck in your head, so sorry!

Monday, April 8, 2013

A shower for the little lady

 Best salted caramel pink cupcakes ever, thank you Erica Anne!

 Maria, Amber, Dee, Katie and I
 Mama, Erin, Auntie Molly, and Diane
Mandy J and Rissa 
 Erica, Mel, Tiff, Kayla, Jamie, and Krissi
 Megs, Dee and I
My East side of the mountains ladies, Shannon and Katie!  

This woman helped plan an amazing shower! Thanks Haley Adeline, I love ya!  
What a day, I am truly blessed with the most wonderful amazing women in my life. Thank you Haley, Katie, Tiff, Erica and Amber for helping put together this shower for our little lady. And thank you for all that came to celebrate this last pregnancy, it will truly be one to remember. Every gift and basket wrapped with pink bows and sparkles, inside were tiny pink, flowered, striped and polka dot outfits. Literally this baby girl is going to have to be changed 10 times a day to wear all of these new clothes.
It is bitter sweet to know she will be here soon but this is the last time I will have a baby in my belly. I am soaking up these last few weeks, although slightly uncomfortable, savoring every last kick and poke from this little bean. She will be here soon to complete our family!
Thank you again for the fabulous day! Love you all and missed the ones who couldn't be here.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Finishing touches on the little lady's room


After 100 trips to Joann's, Michael's, Target and my new found love Hobby Lobby I think I just might be done. Eric asked me if I was going to change it again and I am at least 98% sure I am done. I told him I have only been planning this room for 33 years, give me a break, because it has to be perfect! 
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Baby belly. . .

32 weeks

30 weeks

A little late but the little lady is growing fast. The days are flying by and May 20th will be here before we know it!
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Now that the boys are getting older, they are more excited when the holidays come. Nothing is cuter then watching them hunt for eggs and the treats in their basket. We spent Easter day with family and the sunshine.
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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy birthday Baby James!


We celebrated little man James turning one and I guess it is time for me to stop calling him baby James. Our group of little's continues to grow, more babies to come this year. We are going to have to start renting places out to hold our herd. So fun having such a great group of girlfriends that all of our children will be raised around. Love having so many aunts!
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring benefit 2013


We dressed the part of the "Roaring 20's" and attended a special event very near and dear to my heart, the Children's Therapy Auction. To see so many people come together to support such a wonderful cause and "Celebrate what is and commit to what can be", it is touching. The individuals that work at this establishment have changed our lives, they are our family and will remain that way forever. I am honored and blessed to have Carter attend such an amazing therapy center. Thank you for all that you do for our family and thousands more. The words thank you can't even begin to explain my gratitude.

Please watch and share this wonderful video here: "Celebrate what is and commit to what can be". Our little Carter bug is featured in the video this year again, along with many other beautiful smiling faces.

And if for some reason you missed last year's video, you can see that here "Carter's Story".

To learn more about the center Carter attends, Children's Therapy Center, please visit their web site and see what you can do to make a difference in a child's life.

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